s.l.i.c. co-op request for pricing for school year 2015-2016
2015 – 2016 SCHOOL YEAR
665 Walnut Avenue
Vallejo, California 94592
For the S.L.I.C. Co-op
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Education of the Vallejo City Unified School District (lead agency) will receive sealed Request for Pricing (RFP)on behalf of the S.L.I.C.Cooperative (Co-op) for the purchase of goods in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the district:
Processing of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)Foods and Purchased Food Products
RFP’s will be opened at 12:00 PM on Wednesday, February 25, 2015. All RFP’s must be sealed and returned to Vallejo City Unified School District, 665 Walnut Avenue, Vallejo, CA, 94592 by Wednesday, February 25, 2015 by 12:00 PM. Facsimile (FAX) copies of the RFP will not be accepted.
It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure their RFP response is received at the specified location prior to the opening time. In accordance with California Government Code, Section 53068, any bids received by such local agency after the time specified in the notice shall be returned unopened.
Copies of the contract documents may be obtained from the Bid Coordinator.
The District reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals or RFP’s or any combination thereof, and to waive any informality in the bidding.
Dated: February 2, 2015
This Legal Notice is to be published on the following dates:
Publication Name:Sacramento Bee
First Publication: February 4, 2015
Second Publication:February 11, 2015
Vallejo City Unified School District
S.L.I.C. Cooperative
Suzanne Grass, Bid Coordinator
Grass Valley School District
665 Walnut Avenue
Vallejo, California 94592
For the S.L.I.C. Co-op
In accordance with the contract documents, the undersigned proposed to supply all of the material and perform all work specified in the contract documents in accordance with the attached proposal.
If the Manufacturer is a corporation, state the capacity/title of the corporate officer signing and affix the corporate seal; if a partnership all partners should sign under the partnership name.
Unsigned RFP’s will not be accepted.
The undersigned declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California that the representations made in the RFP are true and correct.
Can you guarantee the Co-op that this is the Best Pricing available in the State of California? Yes / No
- Manufacturer must enter on RFP forms attached, items manufactured, company name, code #, product description, pack size, USDA Foodsused (i.e.; small chilled chickens, fine ground pork etc), end product data list price by case, and delivered discount pricing to Gold Star Foods.
- Manufacturer must include updated, approved summary end product data schedules (SEPDS.) for each item entered on bid forms. Approval must be by both the USDA and the State of California. California only processors do not require a signature from the USDA.
- Manufacturer must include a Child Nutrition (CN) Label or Product Formulation Statement, ingredient list, andnutrient analysis listing calories, total fat, saturated fat, Transfat, protein, carbohydrate, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, sodium, fiber, cholesterol, and calcium by serving and/or 100g portions. Note any products that contain allergens(including, but no limited to (nuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, food coloring, or MSG).
- Manufacturer must notify the co-op in writing of any formula changes before shipping of product.
- Term of Contract: RFP’s to remain valid for the period of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Pursuant to California Education Code, Sections 17596 and 81644, the RFP may be extended for two (2) one-year renewals by mutual consent of the Processor and the S.L.I.C. Cooperative Executive Committee.
- Pricing to include delivery to Gold Star Foods, Inc 5100 Fulton Drive, Fairfield, CA 94534.
- If you have any questions please call Suzanne Grass, Bid Coordinator, Grass Valley School District at (530)-272-2236.
- Send one sealed copy of the RFP to Vallejo City Unified School District, 665 Walnut Avenue, Vallejo, CA. Must provide one signed hard copy of the RFP spreadsheet along with contract documents.Signatures must be in ink to be considered acceptable. Must also provide one copy of the spreadsheet in digital format such as a flash drive, unlocked in excel format.
- RFP Amendments: To support manufactures that are adding, reformulating, or discontinuing items during the term of the contract, there will be two opportunities to amend the original RFP. The opportunities will be available in September and January.
- Electronic Reporting:
i)Direct Delivery Sales - Processors are required to report daily activity updates through K12 and ProcessorLink. Direct deliveries should reported to the administrator within 24 hours of delivery to the recipient agency. Files should be in the format located in Appendix A (S.L.I.C. Coop Direct Sales Transactions) herein.
ii)USDA Foods Delivered to Processor – Processors are required to report activity updates through K12, ProcessorLink, or electronic file format to the administrator. Processor receipts of USDA Foods should be reported within 48 hours of receipt. Files should be in the format located in Appendix B (S.L.I.C. Coop Commodity Balance Adjustments) herein.
- RFP Pricing:
- Include pricing for all further processed items and commercial equivalent. Districts will be planning their USDA Foods requests for 2015-2016 based on this info.
- Include any new items.
- Do not include Sales Taxes in the bid. Sales Taxes will be added at the time of order and paid for by the respective district.
- All pricing quoted shall remain firm for the duration of the contract.
- FORM: No RFP’s will be considered unless submitted in a sealed envelope upon the forms provided by the S.L.I.C. CO-OP. All Manufacturers shall be responsible for familiarizing themselves with the conditions and requirements of the RFP before submitting.
- NAME OF COMPANY: Manufacturer shall specify the name of legal entity of their company and/or any fictitious name under which business is conducted. Bids must be submitted under the correct name of the company and signed by an authorized representative of the firm.
- ASSIGNMENT OF PURCHASE ORDER: Suppliers, may not assign or transfer by operation of the law or otherwise, any or all of their rights, burdens, duties, or obligations to the districts without the prior written consent of the S.L.I.C. COOP.
- PRICES: All RFP prices shall be submitted and shall include separate quotations for each item or unit specified. Prices must be typewritten or in ink, and no taxes shall be included in the prices quoted. Prior to bid submission, corrections may be inserted. Changes must be initialed, in ink, by the person signing the bid or by his authorized representative
- TAXES: No taxes are to be included in bid prices. However, the COOP will pay the California Uses Tax and/or other applicable taxes, and, in the event that a supplier is authorized to collect the Use Tax, it will be paid directly to him. Suppliers will be furnished with tax exemption certificates as required.
- SAMPLES: Unless specifically requested in the invitation to bid, samples will not be required for RFP on standard items. If requested by a COOP member, in every instance, samples must be provided without cost to the COOP and must be the exact item which the manufacturer proposes to furnish. In the event that it becomes necessary to obtain a laboratory test of an item and the test reveals that the sample does not meet established specifications, the cost of the test shall be borne by the bidder. Samples of successful bidders will be retained for future reference, however, upon request, the samples of unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them at their expense. If the bidders do not request the return of their samples within ten days after the RFP opening, the samples will become the property of the COOP or COOP member.
- QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF MATERIALS OF SERVICES: All goods or services furnished must meet the specifications prescribed by the COOP. Materials that do not meet specifications or equal the quality of the sample provided shall be rejected.
- AMERICAN MADE MATERIALS: In compliance with Sections 4300 to 4305 of the California Government Code, only materials produced or manufactured in the United States will be procured by the School District, except for those that fall within the Purview of Sections 4301, 4302, and 4305.5. In compliance with Code Sections 4330 to 4334 inclusive California products shall receive preference over materials made elsewhere. If a manufacturer is proposing an article of foreign make, the fact must be stated in his RFP.
- ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF RFP: The S.L.I.C. COOP reserves the right to reject any or all RFP’s for any or all items or to waive any irregularities in the RFP or bidding. The determination of the COOP as to what constitutes an irregularity shall be final and conclusive, and no advertised contract shall be awarded except with the approval of the COOP. unless otherwise stipulated, RFP shall remain valid and subject to acceptance for sixty days after the RFP opening date.
- DELIVERY: Unless otherwise specified, suppliers shall be responsible for delivery and shall pay all costs of delivery (including packing, drayage, freight, and unloading) to Gold Star Foods. Each item must be securely and properly packed and clearly marked as to contents. All shipments shall be accompanied by a packing slip. If any items are not delivered within a reasonable period or any contractor delivers items that do not conform to specifications, the COOP may annul and set aside the contract, either in whole or in part, and enter into a new contract or contracts for the items in question. Any additional costs or expenses incurred because of the failure of the contractor shall be borne by him.
- DEFAULT BY SUPPLIER: The COOP shall hold the supplier liable and responsible for all damages which may be sustained because of his failure to comply with any conditions herein. If the supplier fails to furnish or deliver any materials, supplies, or services at the prices named of at the times and places stated or otherwise fails to comply with the terms of the purchase order, the COOP district may, upon written notice, cancel the order in its entirety or cancel or rescind any or all items affected by such default. In such cases, the COOP district may, regardless of whether or not the order has been canceled, purchase the materials, supplies, or services elsewhere, without notice to the supplier. The COOP district may collect any extra costs incurred buy such defaults from the supplier.
- FORCE MAJEURE CLAUSE: The parties to the order shall be excused from performance during the time and to the extent that they are prevented from obtaining, delivering or performing by act of God, fire, strike, loss, shortage, of transportation facilities, walkout, or commandeering of materials, products, plants, or facilities by the government provided that the non-performance is not due to the fault or neglect of the supplier. In such cases, however, satisfactory evidence thereof must be presented.
- HOLD COOP HARMLESS CLAUSE: The supplier shall hold harmless and indemnity the coop and officers, and employees from every claim or demand which may be made by reason of:
A. Any injury to person or properties sustained by the supplier or by a person, firm or corporation employed directly or indirectly by him, in connection with his performance under the order.
B. Any injury to person or property sustained by any person, firm or corporation caused byany act neglect, default, or omission of the supplier or of any person, firm or corporation employed directly or indirectly employed by him in connection with his performance under the purchase order.
C. Any liability that may arise from the furnishing of the use of any copyrighted or uncopyrighted composition, secret process, or patented, or unpatented invention in connection with his performance under the order.
The supplier, at his own risk and expense, shall defend any legal proceedings or claim that may be brought against the S.L.I.C. COOP its officers, and employees. The supplier will also satisfy any judgment that may be rendered against the COOP, its officers or employees from injuries or damages sustained in connection with his performance under the order.
- INSURANCE: The supplier shall maintain adequate insurance to protect him from claims under Workmen's Compensation Acts and from claims for damages or personal injury, including death and damage to property that may arise from operations under the order. The supplier will be required to file certificates of insurance naming each member of the cooperative as additionally insured. Certificates should be included in your response.
- INVOICES AND PAYMENTS: Unless otherwise specified, suppliers shall render invoices in duplicate for materials delivered or services performed. Invoices shall be submitted under the same firm name as shown in the order. Any taxes payable by the district shall be listed separately and the supplier shall certify on his invoices that federal excise taxes are not included in the prices listed thereon. All invoices shall be billed to the S.L.I.C. Co-op, care of Gold Star Foods, with payment terms to be a minimum of net 30 days.
- DISCOUNT PAYMENT TERMS: All cash discounts shall be taken and computed from the date of delivery or the date of the receipt of the invoices, whichever is the later.
Payment terms:_____%/_____ days or Net _____ days (minimum of 30 days)
- LICENSES AND PERMITS: The supplier and all of his employees or agents shall secure and maintain in force such licenses and permits as are required by law in connection with the furnishing of materials, articles, or services listed herein. All operations and materials shall be in accordance with the requirements of the law.
- AWARD OF CONTRACT: Awards will be made to multiple processors to accommodate the exclusive requirements of the member districts. The COOPERATIVE reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to waive any irregularities or informalities in any RFP or in the bidding. It is the intent of the Cooperative to award the contract as determined to be in the best interest of the participating districts.
- NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT: Each bidder submitting a proposal shall execute and deliver a non-collusion affidavit in the form attached hereto. Failure to submit such non-collusion affidavit shall be grounds to reject a proposal as non-responsive.
RFP’s must be completed on Excel Spreadsheet provided.
Sheet 1 is for manufacturers that may receive one or more truckloads of direct diverted USDA Foods. (All pricing must be delivered to Gold Star Foods - NC Division case price and not pounds)
Sheet 2 is for discount pricing on like items when USDA Foodsis not available using bracket pricing for number of cases delivered to Gold Star Foods – NC Division. May also include non-further processed items.
Please note on the RFP sheets if you are a produce and ship processor or if the coop can order finished product as needed. Please note any minimums, weight or number of cases.
If you have any questions please call Diane Jones – Gold Star Foods 707-864-8616 or Suzanne Grass, Bid Coordinator, Grass Valley S.D. at (530)-272-2236.
Following is an explanation of submittal requirements of the Suspension and Debarment Certification Statement and the Certification Regarding Lobbying by School Food Authorities (SFA) and Food Service Management/Consulting Companies.
Beginning with the 1998/99 school year, instructions to comply with procurement requirements by completion of these certifications will be included in the annual renewal of School Nutrition Programs.
The applicability of this information begins with the 1998/99 school year and is for SFAs that meet one of the following criteria:
The SFA’s estimated annual federal child nutrition reimbursement will exceed $100,000.
The SFA’s annual contract with a vendor exceeds $100,000.
The SFA utilizes a Food Service Management or Consulting Company and the annual contract exceeds $100,000.
Suspension and Debarment Certification
This certification is required to be completed by the contractor each time an SFA renews or extends an existing contract that exceeds $100,000. The certification is also required when an SFA puts out bids for goods and services that will exceed $100,000. In these instances, the SFA must obtain a completed Suspension and Debarment Certification from either the potential vendor or existing contractor before any transactions can occur between the sponsor and the vendor or contractor (7 CFR 3017.110). This certification is required as part of the original bid, contract renewal, or contract extension to assure the SFA that the vendor or any of its key employees have not been proposed for debarment, debarred, or suspended by a Federal agency. While this certification is required for all contracts in excess of $100,000, it is recommended that they be routinely requested under all procurements. The completed certification is to be attached to the signed contract and maintained on file by the SFA. Do not submit the certification to the California Department of Education.
Certification Regarding Lobbying
SFAs that receive in excess of $100,000 in annual federal meal reimbursement must annually complete and submit this certification statement to the California Department of Education (CDE), Child Nutrition and Food Distribution Division (CNFFD). The statement is part of the annual renewal of the SFA’s agreement with the California Department of Education, Child Nutrition and Food Distribution Division.
In addition, when SFAs put out bids for goods and services or renew/extend existing contracts that exceed the $100,000 threshold, they are required to obtain a completed Certification Regarding Lobbying from either the potential vendors and/or existing contractors before any transactions can occur between the SFA and the vendor or contractor (7 CFR 3018.110). This certification is required as part of the original bid, contract renewal, or contract extension and is not submitted the CDE.