Gayhead Elementary School

Sixth Grade Orchestra

Mr. Bradley Closson
Orchestra Director
Gayhead Elementary School

ext. 50632

Greetings! Welcome back to another year in orchestra! This year we will focus on learning new skills as well as improving on ones already learned last year. We will be working on new, challenging music for our concerts that I'm sure the students will enjoy! In this packet you will find important information regarding your student’s time in 6th grade orchestra this year. Please take the time to read through this as some things will be different than their time in 5th grade orchestra. If you have any questions, please let me know via email as this is the easiest way to get in touch with me.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to working with you this year!

Lessons and Grading Policy

Every orchestra student is required to attend a 40 minute lesson one time during the six day cycle (Day 1 or Day 5). This lesson will be at a different period each week so that students are not missing the same class due to a lesson. Students will be provided with a lesson schedule each marking period. I will also have a copy posted on my door and on my website. It is IMPERATIVE that students bring their instrument and materials in on the day of their lesson as it will be part of their lesson grade. Again, if your student is unsure of when their lesson is and has misplaced their schedule, they can check on my office door or my teacher webpage.

Lesson Attendance:
Students must attend each lesson. If there is a conflict (they need to take a test during their lesson time), students must tell me ahead of time! There may be another time that day that they can come in for their lesson. If a student misses a lesson for any other reason than an excused absence (see student handbook) they will receive a 0 for that lesson.

Make-up Lessons: Make-up lessons may be offered at the end of the marking period at the teacher's discretion. If make-up lessons are offered, it is the student's responsibility to schedule it with the teacher and attend.

Grading Policy:
Students will be graded on the following:
1.) Prepared for Lesson: Students must have the following with them each lesson to receive full credit: Instrument and Bow, Music/Essential Elements Book, Pencil, and a “Snark” Tuner. Students will learn how to tune themselves with these tuners so it is very important that they purchase one! (“Snark” is the brand name of the tuner and can be purchased at Alto Music or online at Please get one that can be clipped onto the instrument!)

If a student does not bring their instrument to school, they STILL need to come to their lesson! Although the student will receive a “0” for their prepared grade, they will still need to know the skills learned in the lesson to complete the assignment for next time.
2.) Left Hand: Students will be graded on how well they are performing using their left hand which includes note accuracy and shifting.
3.) Right Hand: Students will be graded on how well they are using their bowing hand. This includes articulations, phrasing, rhythm, and more.
4.) Effort: Students are graded on how much effort they put into each lesson.
The student's grade in all four of these categories will be averaged together to give the student a grade for that lesson. At the end of the marking period, all lesson grades will be averaged together for their final lesson grade. The student's lesson grade will then be averaged in with their orchestra class grade for the student’s final grade

Orchestra Class

Every 6th Grade Orchestra student will have orchestra class for 40 minutes every Day 2 and 5 at 2:15 PM. This class starts first thing in the morning so please make sure they are on time! This class is worked into their schedule so they will not be “pulled out” like they are for lessons. Students MUST bring all materials to orchestra class! Students will be graded the same as they are in lessons. Again, if a student does not have their instrument, they still need to come to orchestra!

Web site

Please visit my web site for weekly assignments, schedules, concert dates, and information regarding orchestra class! To access my webpage, please follow these steps:

1. Go to Wappingers Central School District Homepage
2. Click on “Schools” from the top row of choices
3. Select “Gayhead Elementary School”
4. Select “Teachers” from the top row
5. Click on my name

Please check my webpage periodically for assignments, handouts, etc.

Each year students will have three opportunities to perform: The Winter Concert, The Pyramid Concert, and our Spring Concert. Please mark your calendars with these dates when possible as it is vital that your child attends. If your child cannot attend the concert on one of these dates, please let me know ASAP!

Winter Concert: TBD (Snow date TBD) Information will be posted ASAP
Pyramid Concert: Tuesday, March 20th at 7:00PM at John Jay HS
Spring Concert: TBD (Information will be posted ASAP)

Students are required to perform in all concerts. If a student should decide at any point they no longer want to perform in orchestra, they must wait until AFTER a concert to do so. A written note with a reason for absence and parent signature must be submitted to me in order for the student to be removed from orchestra class.

I understand that illness and emergency situations occur. Please let me know of any scheduling conflicts as far in advance as possible. Students that miss a concert due to an emergency must hand in a signed, written note from a parent or guardian with the reason as the why they missed this concert.
I ask that you please mark your calendars with these dates as it is vital that your children attend. Each performance is an opportunity for you to see what your children are learning in orchestra. Each child plays an important role in the performances. Please show your support for your children by attending these performances!

Concert Dress:

Black and White
Girls: Dress OR skirt OR dressy pants with dressy shirt. Please no sneakers or flip flops.

Boys: Shirt, tie, pants, shoes. Please no jeans, sneakers, or white socks

All 6th Grade Orchestra students will need to bring the following materials to lessons and orchestra:
1.) Essential Elements 2000: Book 1 AND Book 2

2.) A Black, 1 Inch, 3-Ring Binder used ONLY FOR ORCHESTRA

3.) A pencil
4.) Practice Log (Should be kept in music folder and will be checked during lessons)
5.) Snark Tuner
6.) Rosin
7.) Instrument and Bow
8.) Violins and Violas will need a Kun shoulder rest OR a pad with rubber bands.
Cello and Bass will need a “rock stop” or an endpin anchor
These materials may be purchased from the vendor or store you rented your instrument from, or from the following places:
- South West Strings ( **highly recommended**
- Alto Music
1676 U.S. 9, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
(845) 297-0011
Home Practice and Support
Every good musician must practice his or her instrument regularly. This means practicing a little bit every day! Each week, your child will receive a practice log where their assignment (homework) for the week will be recorded. Students will log the minutes they practice under the appropriate box for each day. Parents are asked to sign or initial this log to ensure that students are practicing for the appropriate amount of time. Also on the log will be reminders for the next orchestra rehearsal and the next lesson.
At the next lesson, I will collect the completed practice sheet, make comments and assessments, and hand the sheet back to your child. Please take a look at your student’s practice habits. Do they have a regular routine? They should be coming to you asking for your initials as verification of the total time they practiced each week. Some students naturally make time for practicing. Others may need to have a parent help schedule their time!
Practicing tips:
- Divide up what you need to practice for the week. Don’t try to do it all at once.
- Is there one part of an exercise/song that is giving you trouble? Just practice that one part instead of the parts you know how to play!
- Really having trouble? Just pick one measure and practice until you can play it well. Then start adding other measures!

- “Essential Elements 2000” comes with a CD to practice along with. Try practicing along with the CD when you can play it by yourself or if you're having trouble remembering how the song sounds.

Please complete and return at your next lesson:







(Please Print Legibly)

I have read the course syllabus and agree to support my child in instrumental music and encourage him or her to complete the full year in orchestra.


Parent Signature