Resident in Via Alfieri 34 –La Loggia 10040 (TO)

Born in Turin, 19/11/1964


Self-taught photographer since 1989

1993/'95 Introductory course to cinema (Aiace)

1994 Cinema projection operator licence

1995 Course in cinema direction (Zenit Arti Audiovisive) conducted by S. Soldini,

P. Rosa,C. Meloni, G. Gebbia, G. Fumagalli

1998 Seminar in photographic direction by Robby Muller

1999 Workshop in photographic direction by Giuseppe Lanci

2005 Workshop in photographic direction by Filippo Corticelli

2005 Kodak Workshop “Stop by. Shoot film”


1999/00 - Writes and directs the video-movie "Giacomo. Eroe quotidiano" selected

by the Turin International Film Festival " for the regional competition.

2001 - "Giacomo. Eroe quotidiano" is selected by the Sonar Film Festival (Pistoia)

and by Tonicorti (Padova). The video is also presented as an open-air pro-

jection with live soundtrack within the Jazz a palazzo festival (Turin).

2002 - Collaborates with Giulio De Leo for "Geografie di maggio": photography,

shooting and digital editing.The movie is selected by the European Young

Artist Biennal-Athens 2003.

2002/03/04 -Video documentation of the Festival delle province.

2003 - Writes and directs the short film "Fiumana" that’s selected by the festival

Cinemambiente (Turin) and is awarded the Visioni Ambientali prize by

Visioni Italiane (Bologna).

Editing of the video works by the artists Laura Viale and F. Lauretta.

2004 - Writes and directs the short film 'Una vita', selected by the Turin International

Film Festival " for the regional competition.

'Fiumana' awarded the special prize by NovaraFilmFest, at the ValsusaFilmFest and at

the Videofestival di Canzo (Co).

Selected by MomFilmFest –Seven days for a movie-, Vignale(TO) where he writes and

directs the short film 'Classico'.

2005  - Photographer for the short film "Due passi sulla neve" by G. De Leo, is awarded the

2° prize at the Competition "Autori da scoprire" Bolzano

Fiumana is invited at the Villa Soranzo Cinema(NO), selected by OrvietoCortoFest and

is awarded the 2° prize by Bresciello Progetto Cinema (RE). Fiumana is also

included in a Environmental DVD producted by the Regione Piemonte.

Writes and directs the short film 'Interno sera', 2° prize by MonFilmFest 2005.

In September he was at Cernobyl to shoot movie for the theatrical project 'RBMK'

by Claudio Conti

2006  -Editing for LEGAMBIENTE, with A. Bocca and F. Colazzo, the institutional movie

-Cernobyl 20 anni dopo-

Video documentation of the workshop by A.Garutti,S.Arienti,M.Airò at the

Fondazione Spinola-Banna Per L’arte Poirino (TO).

Shooting and editing the video "The Velocity of Thought" by the american artist Paul Etienne Lincoln

2007 Writes and directs with Giulio De Leo per Segnavia Wegmarken Onlus the

documentary Vita da Ines and is awarded the Documentary 1° Prize at the Arcipelago Festival 2007-Roma, 2° prize at the MonFilmFest 2007, Special Mention at the EtnoFilmFest-Monselice 07 , 1° prize at the ValsusaFilmFest 2007 and 3°prize at the Brescello Progetto Cinema

'una vita' awarded the prize Fiato Corto by NovaraFilmFest.

Video documentation of the workshop by D.Perrone, E.Marisaldi, at the

Fondazione Spinola-Banna Per L’arte Poirino (TO).

Shooting and editing in N.Y. the video "Undine's curse" by the american artist Paul Etienne Lincoln

2008 Video documentation of the workshop by J.Peris, T.Rehbegerger, A.Paci at the

Fondazione Spinola-Banna Per L’arte Poirino (TO).

2009 “Vita da Ines” awarded the prize Best Story at the Sila Festival

Presentazione del doc “ Bundì Bundì- canto per l'Alta Langa ”.