Calafia Baronial Council Meeting

In Service to the Dream…

Calafia Baronial Council Meeting minutes

July 18, 2007


Commentary from the Baron and Baroness of Calafia

Commentary from the Seneschal of Calafia

Announcements from Peers and Kingdom Officers

Baronial Officer Reports

  • Archery Captain (Lady SuzanneDelaplaine)
  • Arts & Sciences (Master Thorvald)
  • Baronial Assets (Baron Cei Myghchaell Wellington)
  • Baronial Keep(Mistress Toline)
  • Chatelaine (Lady Celinda de Cordoba)
  • Children’s Officer (Office Is Seeking Candidates)
  • Chirurgeon (Ian Blackwell)
  • Chronicler (Lady Kendryth)
  • Constable (Lord David)
  • Demos (Christel-Leake)
  • Exchequer (Master Eadric Shadowguard of Mansfield)
  • Herald (THLady Eridanna Ambra Dragotta)
  • Lists (Lady Elizabeth de Grace)
  • Marshal (Lord Methius)
  • Rapier Marshal (THLord Avenel)
  • Registrar (Lady Madeleine Ashbury)
  • Secretary (Lady Kendryth)
  • Web Chronicler (THLord Kol)

Baronial Group Reports

  • Baronial Household (LadyRuna)
  • Rec.Center Rep (Lady Kimiya)

Baronial Subgroup Reports

  • Pol na Gainmhe (Lady Lasairiona ingun Geibheannach)
  • St. Artemas (Sean Cole)
  • St. Isadore (Lady Guiliana)
  • Summergate (Master Quinn)
  • Tanwayour (Lady Eblenn Veiaire)


  • Leodamus of Thebes (Lord Edborough Kellie, Lady Talitha Baird and Lady Siobhan O'Cuolahan) – 8/11/2007
  • Festival of the Rose (Lady Celinda) – 08/18/2007
  • September War (THLady Muirrenn and THLord Kean) – August 31 – September 03, 2007
  • Leif Erickson (Lady Kendryth filia Gerald and the Calafia Ransomers Guild) – 10/13/2007

Guild Reports

  • Brewers Guild (Lord Leonardo)
  • Company of St. Catherine / Fiber Arts (Baroness Thea)
  • Cordwainers Guild (Master Thorvald)
  • Costumers (LadyBridgit)
  • Indoor Cooking Guild (Tarktenhiem)
  • Iron Brigade(SirPadraic)
  • Metal Workers (THLord Bjorn)
  • Middle Eastern (Alastar de Coursayre)
  • Music Guild (Master Samuel Piper)
  • Outdoor CookingGuild (Lady Agnessa)
  • Ransomers’ Guild (Lady Kendryth)
  • Rapier (THLord Avenel Kellough)
  • Scholars (Duke Guillaume)
  • Scriptorium (Baron Thomas)
  • Unarmored Combat (THLord Kol)

New Business

  • Offices Openingfor the Barony
  • Radios for Potrero War

Commentary from the Baron and Baroness of Calafia

The Baron and Baroness greeted the Council, and thanked those who signed up for land for September War. She announced that Baron David is the volunteer autocrat for Great Western. There is no land allocation for Great Western, however, there will be a Baronial encampment, the size of which will be determined by the number of people who pre-register (yet another reason to pre-register for the War!). She and David will be visiting the site next week, and was told there is a lake at the site.

They will be attending Lyondemere Anniversary this weekend; if you are interested in joining them, there will be room under the Baronial Pavilion.

Baron David encouraged the Council to go to Lyondemere, as well. He also announced that Leodamus of Thebes is coming up, too, and encouraged everyone to attend.

Baron David announced that Timothy the Procrastinator has seen the site for Great Western, and said that it is very pretty. He encouraged everyone to attend.

Commentary from the Seneschal of Calafia

She thanked everyone for attending an announced that they will be doing nominations for Baronial Officers at this meeting.

Announcements from Peers and Kingdom Officers

Mistress Eilidh – Announced that Lady Molly has been offered the Laurel. She will be doing her vigil at Pennsic, and may be elevated at the War, as well.

THLady Illora announced that she spoke with Mistress Gwenith, and she and Lord Etienne are doing well, and have been attending events. They are having a little bit of culture shock, though, as the largest event they have attended has been only 70 people.

Baronial Officer reports

Archery Captain (Lady Suzanne Delaplaine)

(As emailed) – 11 practices, average of 8 archers per.

Archery is doing fine. They are having Antoinette and Aelfwyn from the Barony of the Angels to do a demo for the archers.

Arts & Sciences (Master Thorvald)

(As emailed) – Lady Abigail is running a seige costume competition at September war. Similarto the Siege cook off, teams will be given the materials to work with. cost is$25 per team, see me or Lady Abigail for details.

Everything is fine. He encourages everyone to do the Seige Sewing contest at September War. Please contact either Abigail or himself about details. Cost to enter the contest is $25.

Baronial Assets (Baron Cei Myghchaell Wellington)

Not present.

Baronial Keep (Mistress Toline)

Nothing to report.

Chatelaine (Lady Celinda de Cordoba)

(As emailed) –Attended Newcomers, 2 fighter practices. 3 packets handed out.

Children’s Officer (Office Is Seeking Candidates)

They are preparing for September War. If you would like to teach a class, but have no idea for a subject, they have a list of options. They are also taking ideas for classes. If you would also like to teach a class and have an idea of a subject, please contact them, as well.

THLady Illora encouraged the Council to step up as Children’s Officer, as the office is already well-established and it would be an easy transition. Please contact THLady Illora if you are interested.

Chirurgeon (Ian Blackwell)

The War report and receipts were submitted to the Council.

Chronicler (Lady Kendryth)

72 issues mailed out, 10 complimentary.

We won the Quills!

Constable (Lord David)

Nothing to report.

Demos (Christel-Leake)

Nothing to report.

Exchequer (Master Eadric Shadowguard of Mansfield)

Gave a report of the Barony’s finances.

He has sent emails out regarding the allocations of the May War funding.

The Finance Committee have decided to cap the volunteer dollars per hour at $3, and used the May War income to cover financial losses incurred from events the previous year. Remaining money will be going towards programs.

Herald (THLady Eridanna Ambra Dragotta)

(As emailed) - Master Thomas, Lord Edborough and I will begin holding a monthly Heraldicconsultation on the second Monday by appointment only on Sept 10. All arewelcome, but must contact me by the Sunday before the meeting.

We are available for road trips to Cantons, Colleges or Households. Contact meat

The Heraldic Symposium was a great event.

Consulting Heraldry will be on the 2nd Monday at Master Thomas’ house starting on September 10th. Please let her know if you are interested. They are also doing heraldic house calls.

Court Heraldry –

Consulting Heraldry –

Field Heraldry –

Lysts (Lady Elizabeth de Grace)

Nothing to report.

Marshal (Lord Methius)

Announced that the Hospitallers are going to a Burn Clinic Camp on August 7th in Descanso. If you are interested in helping out, please let him know. This is going to be a garbed event.

Rapier Marshal (THLord Avenel)

Nothing to report.

Registrar (Lady Madeleine Ashbury)

Nothing to report.

Secretary (Lady Kendryth)

If you would like a transcript of tonight’s meeting, please email me at with “Request Paper Copy of Meeting Minutes” in the subject line. Or send a Self-Addressed, Stamped envelope addressed to “Request Paper Copy of Meeting Minutes” to the address on the back of your ST.

Web Chronicler (Lord Kol)

(As emailed) - Updating event announcements. Activating Land Allocation, Pre-reg and Volunteer for Fall War. Design a proper site map for the site and try to make progress on a redesign. Continue updating the site, especially adding events.

We still have a website. is up and running. Volunteers, Land Allocation, and Pre-Reg are all working.

THLady Eridanna asked about an announcement for Festival of the Rose. Kol said he is going to check to see if it’s up. Kendryth said that she did not receive an announcement until she requested one from the autocrat.

Baronial Group reports

Baronial Household (Lady Runa)

(As emailed) - WE had our last monthly meeting on July 11th and it was great!!! Master ThomasBrownwell was ill, but sent Lady Rochl bas Gershom Sternkiker was very kind andfilled in to teach period dancing and did a wonderful job!! We had 32newcomers attend, several for the first time.

The next Baronial Newcomers class will be on Wednesday, August 1st, 2007. I aminviting the heads of all baronial guilds/groups to talk about their group, what they do and when they meet. Metal work and cooking guild has already hasalready let me know that they plan to be there. If you are the head of anon-fighting guild/group and would like to talk to the newcomers about yourgroup. please contact me at .

The dancing was such a success that there is talk of starting a dance guild.... Lady Rochl to announce if she is at council.

The last class was on period dancing taught by Lady Rojo. There were 32 attendees, most of which were brand new. The class was so popular, that they would like to have a monthly dance class out on the grass at Allied Gardens. Lady Rojo will speak with THLady Illora about having the class on the 3rd Monday of the month. THLady Illora will talk to Carlos about the room assignment, as well.

The next meeting will be on August 1st on the Guilds.

Rec. Center Rep (Lady Kimiya)

Not present.

Baronial Subgroup reports

Pol na Gainmhe (Lady Lasairiona ingun Geibheannach)

(As emailed) - An Arts & Sciences event at the Oilithreach abode was held with 12 members inattendance. The first meeting of a local offshoot of St.Catherine's Guild washeld. They have begun making award cord to donate for Kingdom and Baronial awards.

A variety of period foods were prepared, compared and shared for the enjoymentof all.

Our June council meeting had 7 members in attendance. The anniversary for 2008was discussed.

St. Artemas (Sean Cole)

(As emailed) - We held a meeting to discuss placing an ad in the school paper to advertiseduring welcome week, when the school year begins and the most aggressiverecruiting for student organizations occur. We'll be advertising a fall ball,unarmored combat, and Lief Erikson, as well as an information meeting in earlyOctober. The creation of the ad has been opened up as a contest for collegemembers, and a small prize is being offered for the best.

The site for Leif Erickson has been officially confirmed, and I made a specialrequest for the entirety of the Stonehenge lawn, to accommodate a potentiallylarger event.

St. Isadore (Lady Giuliana)

Nothing to report.

Summergate (Master Quinn)

(As emailed) - New Comers Meeting was held on June 21st. Eight people attended. Eight peopleshowed for rapier and 12 people for heavies fighter practice on June 26th. Twopeople showed for rapier and 4 for heavies on July 10th. Six to seven peoplehave been attending archery held every Wednesday. Scribal arts was held on June28th. Four people attended.

Twenty people attended the council meeting that was held on July 20th.

The Great Sword Long Sword Tourney will be held November 17th. Site to beannounced. Daniel von Ravensfeuld is the autocrate for this event.

Lady Danyel de Licatia will be stepping down as Seneschal of Summergate. Lady Danyel de Licatia recieved a vote of confidence from Summergate council tobe the Arts and Sience officer for Summergate. Master Quinn Phelan recieved avote of confidence from Summergate council to be Seneschal for Summergate.

Tanwayour (Lady EBLENN VEIAIRE)

Tanwayour has been working on preserves and pickled items for largesse.

Event Reports

Leodamus of Thebes (Lord Edborough Kellie, Lady Talitha Baird and Lady Siobhan O'Cuolahan) – 8/11/2007

(As emailed) - Planning is 95% complete. All groups have been contacted for their assistance. Event notices have been placed in the CP and the ST. The Ransomer's Guild willbe providing site tokens.

In the morning, heavies, rapier, unarmored, and archery will be having blankettournaments. In the afternoon, combat croquet and a war lord tournament will beheld. In addition, prizes will be awarded for ugliest khiton.

Festival of the Rose (Lady Celinda) – 08/18/2007

Lady Celinda announced the schedule of the event, and suggested everyone sign up for the lunch. They are having a Youth Category for the Arts, and a contest for the ladies to give roses to the most chivalrous men.

There will be crafts for the children. They are looking for dancers and other entertainers. Please contact Baroness Brianna if you are interested in performing.

September War (THLady Muirrenn and THLord Kean) – August 31 – September 03, 2007

(As emailed) – No funding requests as yet – We have received the budget from Baron Eadric, and will be working off of that.

Planning is going well; we have most of our sub-autocrat positions filled. We are still looking for an arts auction auctioneer, a special events coordinator, a fire marshal, and we’re working out the logistics of the haybale crew. We have not yet decided on a theme for the event. We are looking for people for our set up crew. We have a few first-time subautocrats, which we are very excited about, and are looking for people who would like to be deputies for subautocrat positions for next May war.

We are planning the usual gamut of war activities: A&S classes, youth classes; armored, rapier, and unarmored combat (The Iron Brigade is planning on providing snow again for the armored combat); arts auction; and new this year, Lady Abigail is planning a Siege Sewing contest which promises to be super cool! We are also brainstorming some activities to help people keep cool throughout the day.

The theme will be the Hundred Years’ War. We are looking for set-up crew volunteers.

Leif Erickson (Lady Kendryth filia Gerald and the Calafia Ransomers Guild) – 10/13/2007

Planning is still going well, and we are still not planning on asking the Barony for any money. Once again, this will be a fundraising event for Collegium Caidis, so please attend!

Guild reports

Brewers Guild (Lord Leonardo Geminiano)

Not present.

Company of St. Catherine / Fiber Arts (Baroness Thea)

(As emailed) - Next meeting is Sunday, July 28.

Cordwainers Guild (Master Thorvald)

(As emailed) - Our meeting date has been changes to the 2nd Wednesday, howevr I will be inPensic for the next meeting so please contact Lord Henrik to see if he's have ameeting or not.

Costumers (Lady Bridgit)

(As emailed) - Class on blackwork embroidery taught by THL Guenivere Marian Coe. Eleven peopleattended.

August – THLady Eridana class on natural dying.

September – Making Silk Banners for the Iron Brigade

Indoor Cooking Guild (Tarktenhiem)

(As emailed) - A meeting was held on the third Thursday of June. Three people attended, we discussed getting more people invovled.

Iron Brigade (Sir Padraic)

(As emailed) - Brigade practice was on July 1st. I was unable to attend, so Arin of Duntearcovered for me.

At the upcoming Comic-con the Iron Bridage will be hosting a demo during theconvention. We will also have a display table and volunteers for interestedpeople to talk to.

The next Iron Brigade will be on the 5th of August as will the next meeting. Will be discussing the art work for the Iron Brigade banner and t-shirts we areplanning to sell for fund raising.

I am asking for $113.13 for printing for iron brigade flyers at Comic-Con comingup next week.

Baron David announced that Iron Brigade is working on having banners made with the Iron Brigade device, as well as the Warbands and Households.

Metal Workers (THLord Bjorn)

Not present.

Middle Eastern (Chrystel-Leake)

Not present.

Music Guild (Master Samuel Piper)

(As reported by Lady Rojo) – They held a practice in anticipation of performing at Festival of the Rose.

Outdoor Cooking Guild (Lord Connall)

Lord Connall is stepping down as the head of the Guild.

Ransomers’ Guild (Lady Kendryth)

T-Shirt sale

Rapier (Lord Oliver Dogberry)

(As emailed) - We had a meeting (~8 members) of the Rapier Guild to discuss purchasing newequipment for the Guild. We are in need of gorgets and daggers. The Guild votedto authorize me to purchase as needed, up to $400, which should cover 5-6gorgetsand 1-2 daggers.

We will be waiting until the funds are in from war to determine how much moneythe Guild has, before proceeding.

Scholars (Duke Guillaume)

(As reported by Baroness Adelicia) – The last meeting was on the science of making ice cream. The next class is on the influence the Arabic World had on the modern world. Please email Duke Guillaume if you are interested in attending.

Scriptorium (Baron Thomas)

Unarmored Combat (THLord Kol)

(As emailed) - 4 fighters attended Gyldenholt Anniversary. 2 fighters attended Caid Rapier Open and introduced the form to severalinterested parties there.

We are practicing Wed at Allied Gardens now. Weekly attendance is typically 4-6.

I will be attending Lyondemere Anniversary.

We will be at Leodomus of Thebes on Aug 11. Kol will be in charge.

We are looking into getting new gorgets because ours are bad and notcomfortable. We are also trying to schedule another sword making workshop.