It’s Time to Buy Senior Ads!!
Dear “Senior” Parents,
I know you can hardly believe that this time has come, but your baby is a Senior!!! Congratulations!! You made it. While you are undoubtedly very proud, I am sure that this is also a very emotional time for you. Every year here at Stanhope-Elmore High School, we (the Coronal staff) offer parents of seniors the opportunity to purchase “Senior Page Dedications” in the advertising section of our yearbook. This is your opportunity to bring in photos of your child and to write a special dedication to them that will appear in the yearbook. Most parents want this to be a surprise to the student. We understand and will keep the information confidential.
This year we are asking that all photos be scanned to a disk or flashdrive. If you do not know how to do this, or if a store will NOT do it for you, just send in your pictures in a secure manilla envelope and we will scan them ourselves and send the photos back within the week. Scanning all photos to a disk will serve several purposes: (1) We will not lose your valuable baby/childhood photos! (2) No photos will be damaged due to cropping, tagging, being in the mail, bookbags, etc., because they will be on disk. (3) You’re photos will be MUCH better quality in the Senior Ad in the yearbook because we can import the photos straight from your disk. (4) You will not have to pick up pictures later. All in all we think that this will be the best way to send in your photos this year and it is by far the PREFERRED method
After you have chosen your photos, please neatly write, or type the message you wish to appear with the photos. Place the disk and the written message in a sealed manila envelope and write Yearbook Staff/ your child’s name/ your name/and your phone numbers/ and the Size of the Ad on the outside of the envelope. Your child may turn it in to us personally, or you may leave it in the office, and they will see to it that I receive it. ALSO, if you have the pictures already scanned, and/or if you want to design your own layout at home you may email the entire document to us at and we will print it exactly as you design it.
Thanks for your cooperation in the way we have asked you to place the Senior Ads this year. Again, our congratulations to you!!
Vicki Stewart
SEHS Yearbook Sponsor
The ad prices, and maximum amount of photos for each type ad are listed below:
Full Page Ad – max of 10 pictures $150.00
½ Page Ad – max of 6 pictures$95.00
¼ Page Ad – max of 3 pictures$65.00
1/8 Page Ad – max of 1 picture $35.00
These are the KEYS to a successful Senior Ad
Scan all photos onto a disk or flash drive. (Bring in for us to scan as last option)
Neatly write or type the message you wish to appear in the senior ad (or design entire ad yourself and email or save to disk and send in)
Write a check for the amount of the ad you are purchasing. (if you email everything else this can just be sent or mailed in)
SEAL all of these items in a manila envelope with the following neatly written on the outside of the envelope:
- SEHS Yearbook Staff – Senior AD
- Senior’s Name
- Parent (or contact) Name
- Contact phone numbers (in case we have questions)
- Size of Ad you are purchasing