Minutes Page 2
Board of Trustees April 30, 2007
2323 North Broadway, Room #107
Santa Ana, California 92706
Monday, April 30, 2007
The meeting was called to order at 4:32 p.m. by Mr. John Hanna. Other members present were Dr. David Chapel, Mr. Brian Conley, Mr. Larry Labrado, Mr. Erik Santacruz, Ms. Lisa Woolery, and Mr. Phillip Yarbrough.
Administrators present during the regular meeting were Mr. John Didion, Mr. Peter Hardash, Dr. Eddie Hernandez, Jr., Dr. Erlinda Martinez, and Mr. Juan Vázquez.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ms. Christina Romero, Director, College Advancement & Foundation, Santa Ana College.
Mr. Hanna asked for a moment of silence for prayer or meditation in memory of the untimely deaths of two elected officials who were friends of community colleges, Congresswoman Juanita Millender-McDonald and former Assembly member Lou Papan.
There were no public presentations.
It was moved Mr. Yarbrough, seconded by Mr. Conley, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of April 16, 2007.
Mr. Hanna asked Ms. Marti Reiter and Ms. Yolanda Ryan to the podium to represent the classified employees.
Mr. Hanna then read the resolution, which stated that classified professionals provide valuable services to the colleges and students, contribute to the establishment and promotion of a positive instructional environment, and serve a vital role in providing for the welfare and safety of RSCCD students. Also, classified professionals strive for excellence in all areas relative to the educational community.
On behalf of classified employees, Ms. Reiter thanked the board for the resolution and expressed appreciation for the classified professionals serving our district.
Mr. Hanna stated he considers classified employees a part of the same family as students, faculty and administrators. He thanked Ms. Reiter for her work with CSEA and individual classified employees thereby creating a better campus for students.
Mr. Conley expressed appreciation for the hard work classified employees perform and stated that classified employees are vital to the existence of the college.
Mr. Yarbrough expressed appreciation for the classified employees who are so vital to serving the students’ needs. He thanked Ms. Reiter and Ms. Ryan for their excellent management and representation of the classified staff.
Mr. Labrado thanked Ms. Reiter and Ms. Ryan for the great work they’ve done representing the classified staff.
Mr. Hanna asked if the resolution would be distributed to the classified employees in the district.
Dr. Hernandez said the resolution was the first step in a series of activities that will be taking place to honor the classified employees. He is very proud of the working relationship the district has with the classified staff. Dr. Hernandez began his educational career as a classified staff member. He thanked Ms. Reiter and Ms. Ryan for the work they have done on behalf of the classified staff.
It was moved by Mr. Yarbrough, seconded by Mr. Labrado, and carried unanimously to approve the recommended action on the following items as listed on the Consent Calendar:
Affiliation Agreement Renewal: Coastal Communities Hospital - OTA
The board approved the agreement renewal with Coastal Communities Hospital - OTA.
Affiliation Agreement: Rehabclinicis, Inc., d/b/a Novacare Rehabilitation - OTA
The board approved this agreement with Rehabclinicis, Inc., d/b/a Novacare
Rehabilitation - OTA.
Affiliation Agreement: Hallmark Rehabilitation GP, LLC/Windsor Healthcare - OTA
The board approved this agreement with Hallmark Rehabilitation GP, LLC/Windsor
Healthcare - OTA.
Affiliation Agreement Renewal: Catholic Healthcare West d/b/a St. John’s Regional
Medical Center and St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital - OTA
The board approved this agreement with Catholic Healthcare West d/b/a St. John’s
Regional Medical Center and St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital - OTA
Affiliation Agreement: Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center - OTA
The board approved this agreement with Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center - OTA.
Fall 2006 Graduates (SCC)
The board approved ratification of the recipients of the associate degrees and certificates
for Fall 2006 as presented.
Payment of Bills
The board approved the payment of bills as submitted.
Purchase Orders
The board approved the purchase order listing for the period March 11, 2007 through
April 14, 2007.
Quarterly Financial Status Report (CCFS-311Q) for the Period Ending March 31, 2007
The board approved and authorized for submittal to the System Office the Quarterly Financial Status Report (CCFS-311Q) for the period ending March 31, 2007, as presented.
Award of Bid: Bid #1040/Track Resurfacing at Santa Ana College
The board approved awarding Bid #1040 for Track Resurfacing at Santa Ana College
to Atlas Track & Tennis in the amount of $198,100.
Cooperative Agreement with City of Santa Ana
The board approved the Cooperative Agreement with the City of Santa Ana as presented,
and authorized the Vice Chancellor of Business Operations and Fiscal Services to sign the
agreement and immediately disburse funds.
Architect Contract: Final Project Proposal for Fine & Performing Arts Center at Santiago
Canyon College
The board approved the standard County of Orange, Schools Legal Services Agreement
with tBP Architecture to provide design and engineering services for the Performing Arts
ROC/Rhapsody Software Printer Licenses
The board approved and authorized for submittal to the System Office for the purchase
of 100 Rhapsody licenses from ROC Software.
Final Renewal of Contract for Bid #961/Floor Covering
The board approved renewal of the floor covering contract (Bid #961) with Progressive
Floor Covering, Inc. for the period January 1 through December 31, 2007.
Resource Development Items for Approval
The board approved the budgets, and authorized the chancellor, or his designee, to enter
into the related contractual agreements on behalf of the district:
- Enrollment Growth for Nursing Associate Degree Nursing $40,795
Programs – Year 1 - Augmentation (SAC)
- Regional Health Occupations Resource Center (RHORC), $ 800
NCLEX RN Prep Curriculum Revision Grant (SAC)
- Kinder Connect (OEC) $20,000
Dr. Eddie Hernandez (Chancellor)
Dr. Hernandez reported the district is continuing to pursue safety as a priority in light of the recent tragic events in the country. He and staff are reviewing a draft of emergency preparedness plans and will be presenting it to the board and college community at a future date. Dr. Hernandez stated that communication is vital in an emergency situation and staff are researching the most effective means of communication.
Dr. Hernandez stated that public television will be broadcasting across the United States a documentary on community colleges entitled “Discounted Dreams, High Hopes, and Harsh Realities of America’s Community Colleges.” This documentary will include enrollment patterns throughout the United States and a variety of other topics. Dr. Hernandez commented that the public may have questions after viewing the broadcast; therefore, district staff is planning on viewing the documentary and preparing answers to questions that may arise as a result of it. Dr. Hernandez is not sure of the time or station on which the documentary will be broadcast.
Dr. Hernandez indicated he is to be interviewed tomorrow for national public radio on the district’s role in English instruction and community colleges issues.
Dr. Hernandez reported that he and staff attended local meetings with State Chancellor Mark Drummond this week. He stated the discussions included budgetary and negotiation items, including prison funding, health issues, income being received in the state budget, and reducing areas of the budget relating to growth money and other areas. As more information is made available it will be forwarded to the board.
Dr. Hernandez stated there have been discussions regarding possible changes in Title 5 regulations which may negatively impact the district if implemented. He will continue to work with the state chancellor and CEOs statewide on these changes and keep the board informed.
Dr. Hernandez announced that the district foundation has recently taken action to affiliate with the National Hispanic Business Women Association (NHBWA) at the association’s request. As part of this affiliation, a NHBWA board member will represent the association as a board member on the district foundation board. Dr. Hernandez welcomes having business members on the district’s foundation board.
Mr. Juan Vázquez (President – Santiago Canyon College)
Mr. Vázquez thanked board members and staff for attending SCC’s annual golf tournament. He stated preliminary estimates indicated SCC raised $25,000 at the golf tournament, proving to be the most attended and most beneficial tournament to date. Mr. Vázquez thanked SCC staff, including Patti Cole, who returned on an interim basis to help organize the event. The money raised will be used towards scholarships for SCC athletes.
Mr. Vázquez distributed an invitation from State Chancellor Mark Drummond and Barbara Halsey, Executive Director of the California Workforce Investment Board, to a meeting on apprenticeship programs that SCC is hosting on May 21. There are four forums the state chancellor’s office is conducting, and this is the only forum being conducted in Southern California. The event is intended to encourage and assist local employers with start-up apprenticeship programs and fill planned retirements in the areas of construction, water utility, public works and related jobs. It will also help local workforce investment boards refer clients to existing apprenticeship programs to help them fill openings. Mr. Vázquez indicated SCC has the largest apprenticeship program in California.
Mr. Vázquez distributed tickets to board members to attend the City of Orange Chamber of Commerce Business Expo that will be held on Thursday, May 10, in Orange.
Mr. Vázquez indicated the second edition of the Orange magazine has at least 6 references to the college and a district advertisement for classes.
Mr. Vázquez discussed various upcoming events at SCC.
Dr. Erlinda Martinez (President – Santa Ana College)
Dr. Martinez reported that SAC had a great season in baseball with an overall record of 28-12 and a conference record of 15-5. She indicated the freshman shortstop is one game away from tying the consecutive game-hitting streak in the history of the college. The record is 30; he is at 29. The women’s softball team ended the season with a record of 25-19 and a conference record of 11-10. The team is waiting to hear if it is invited to compete in the playoffs.
Dr. Martinez reported that Centennial Education Center staff and SAC’s Outreach Office hosted a Citizenship Day on April 28 that was very successful. They served over 2,000 people by answering questions and assisting with completing various forms. Dr. Martinez stated that representatives from Univision and a local radio personality were in attendance.
Dr. Martinez discussed various upcoming events at SAC.
Dr. Martinez stated that as a result of the Associated Student Government completing its elections, next year Maximina Guzman will serve as president. She indicated the colleges are currently in the process of selecting a new student trustee.
Dr. Martinez reported that SAC’s Vice President Norm Fujimoto attended the recent AACC event in Florida where actor Robert David Hall, SAC alumni, received a national alumni award. Mr. Hall shared that after a less than stellar year at UCLA, he enrolled at SAC, worked on the school paper and had his first of many life-changing experiences. He thanked the teacher who gave him an F on an exam because he was late to class; he said he’s never been late to a job or audition since.
Dr. Martinez shared that Ms. Arline Radillo Greene, an alumni who set up a scholarship in honor of her father, recently added $100,000 to her father’s scholarship program. Ms. Greene has been a consistent donor and strong supporter of the college and students. Dr. Martinez showed the board a copy of the check and thanked Ms. Greene for her generous contribution.
On behalf of the board Mr. Hanna expressed thankfulness for such a generous contribution.
Ms. Meg Rothi (Student President – Santiago Canyon College)
Ms. Rothi reported that student elections will be held May 7-10 for new positions for next year, proposed constitutional amendments and the student representation fee. In order for students to become informed on those events, the student government officers will host a town forum on May 2.
Ms. Rothi announced that Springfest and Asian Pacific Heritage Month events will be combined and celebrated on May 14-17.
Ms. Rothi stated that some of the bi-monthly video announcements students have been working on have had to be redone; it is hopeful they will be ready for release next week.
Ms. Rothi reported that the Senate passed a resolution to support a non-smoking quad recently.
Ms. Rothi indicated the programming board is researching structural changes, possibly discontinuing individual titles and becoming one programming board.
Ms. Rothi invited the board to the ASB banquet on June 7 and indicated invitations will be forthcoming.
Ms. Rothi had hoped the student lounge would be open by the end of the year but problems have occurred. It is hopeful the lounge will be open in the summer or the beginning of the fall semester.
Ms. Rothi indicated the ASB is in the process of creating the summer budget committee.
Ms. Rothi commented that the ASB is anticipating ways to prepare new student officials for next year’s activities.
Ms. Rothi reported that she, two other students and her advisors attended the State Students for California Community Colleges General Assembly this past weekend. She indicated it was a successful meeting and the following resolutions were passed: Student and Legislative Health Service Fees, Pell grant Tuition Sensitivity, Student Aid, Financial Aid, Mandatory Assessment, Course Withdrawal policies, Course Curriculum Addressing Financial Planning and Practical Life Skills, Talloires Declaration and State and Local Sustainability. It was very interesting to see the California community colleges discuss issues of concern affecting their respective students.
Mr. Hanna thanked Ms. Rothi for her report and asked her for a copy of the resolutions she spoke of. Ms. Rothi indicated she would forward them via email. Mr. Hanna asked if she had the language on the student fee. Ms. Rothi said she did not have the exact language in front of her but it’s a $1 mandatory fee that goes towards dealing with legislative issues; furthermore, the fee is well-defined and limited in the education code.