SNMMI Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Ritz Carlton, Tysons Corner, VA
Members in Attendance:
Sally W. Schwarz, MS, RPh, BCNP, FAPhA; Bennett S. Greenspan, MD, FACNM, FACR; Satoshi Minoshima, MD, PhD; Hossein Jadvar, MD, PhD, MPH, MBA,FACNM; Katherine Zukotynski, BASc, MD, FRCPC; Michael L. Middleton, MD, CPE, FACNM; Sara G. Johnson, MBA,CNMT,NCT,FSNMMITS; Kathleen M. Krisak, BS,CNMT, FSNMMI-TS; Tina M. Buehner, MS, CNMT, NMTCB(CT), RT(N)(CT), FSNMMI-TS; Munir Ghesani, MD, FACNM; Suzanne Lapi, PhD; Todd E. Peterson, PhD; Neil A. Petry, MS, RPh, BCNP; Robert W. Atcher, PhD, MBA; Jon A. Baldwin, DO; Vasken Dilsizian, MD; Frederick D. Grant, MD.
Members not in attendance:
Cindi Luckett-Gilbert, MHA, CNMT, PET, FSNMMI-TS; Alan Packard, PhD
Staff in attendance:
Virginia Pappas, CAE; Nikki Wenzel-Lamb, MBA, CAE; Sukhjeet Ahuja, Ann Latham, Joanna Spahr, Judy Brazel, Larry Dilworth, Rebecca Maxey, Vincent Pistilli, CPA, Sue Bunning, Ana Hilton, Ali Haidar, Jayzel Lizares.
1. Welcome and Call to Order
Sally Schwarz, MS, RPh, BCNP, FAPhA, SNMMI President, called the meeting to order at 8:15 am.
2. Establishment of a Quorum
Katherine Zukotynski, BASc, MD, FRCPC reported that we have a quorum.
3. Approval of September 18, 2016 Agenda
A motion was made to approve the September 18, 2016 agenda.
It was moved, seconded, and voted to approve the September 18, 2016 agenda.
4. Approval of Standing Rules
A motion was made to approve the Standing Rules.
It was moved, seconded, and voted to approve the Standing Rules.
5. Approval of the SNMMI BOD June 10, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Dr. Zukotynski reviewed the SNMMI BOD Minutes from the June 10, 2016 meeting.
Board members requested the following change: under the SNMMI President’s report, correct the spelling of: fluciclovine
A motion was made to approve the SNMMI BOD June 10, 2016 meeting minutes, as amended.
It was moved, seconded, and voted to approve the SNMMI BOD June 10, 2016 meeting minutes, as amended.
6. Future Board Meeting Dates
a. Spring 2017
It was voted that the Board of Director’s Spring Meeting be on April 29-30, 2017.
b. Fall 2017
It was voted that the Board of Director’s Fall Meeting be on September 9-10, 2017.
7. Publications Committee
Todd Peterson, MD, SNMMI Publications Committee Chair, requested that the SNMMI Board of Directors encourage and fully support revision of the book “Guide for Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine and Radiopharmaceutical Therapy”, by Jeffry A. Siegel, PhD.
A motion was made to approve the NRC Book Revision.
The Guide for Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine was authored by Jeffry A. Siegel and published by SNMMI in 2001 to assist nuclear medicine professionals in implementing newly revised regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) dealing with the medical use of by product material (10 CFR Part 35). The book surveyed NRC regulations and radiation protection policies applicable to diagnostic nuclear medicine and included interpretations and specific, step-by-step measures that practitioners may use to facilitate implementation and ongoing compliance. In 2004, the book was revised and Radiopharmaceutical Therapy was added.
An update to this book is timely, as approval is expected any day of NRC’s revised 10 CFR Part
35. It would be a useful tool for nuclear medicine practitioners and a valuable addition to the
nuclear medicine body of literature.
It was moved and voted to approve the NRC Book Revision.
8. Committee on Radiopharmaceuticals
Mrs. Schwarz presented a proposal that the SNMMI Board of Directors support the USP Recommendations document that serves to promote the development of clear and effective USP public standards that meet patient and practitioner needs for compounded sterile radiopharmaceuticals today and in the future. The article provides: (1) an introduction to the USP; (2) a description of USP standards for radiopharmaceuticals and compounding, including general chapters and monographs; (3) a delineation of some common compounding practices for radiopharmaceuticals; (4) an introduction to the Committee on Radiopharmaceuticals (COR) of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI); and (5) recommendations from the COR to strengthen USP compounding standards for sterile radiopharmaceuticals.
Considering the long-standing relationship between the nuclear pharmacy community and the
USP, the SNMMI COR is making recommendations to the USP. The development of and the
adherence to clear and effective standards for the compounding of sterile radiopharmaceuticals
are paramount for the protection of public health and for the supply of effective diagnostic and
therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals.
A motion was made to approve the USP Public Standards for Compound Sterile Radiopharmaceuticals: Recommendations from SNMMI.
It was noted that the document will be updated to say “Written by the SNMMI Committee on Radiopharmaceuticals (COR) and approved by the SNMMI Board of Directors.
It was moved and voted to approve the USP Public Standards for Compound Sterile Radiopharmaceuticals: Recommendations from SNMMI attached as Appendix D.
9. Coding and Reimbursement Committee
Munir Ghesani, MD presented the CMSS comment letter. The Council of Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS), with 43 member societies representing 790,000 physician members in the US, is concerned that access to appropriate health care is being compromised by the inability of many patients and families to afford needed medications. CMSS has been pursuing potentially taking a position on the current issue of rapidly rising prices of medications, sometimes interfering with the ability of patients to get needed medications, including branded drugs, generics and “bio-similars.” The position is intended to be “patient centered”, focusing on access by patients and families to needed treatments.
A motion was made to agree to sign-on to the CMSS comment letter. The Coding & Reimbursement recommends that the BOD agree to sign-on to the CMSS letter.
It was moved and approved to sign-on to the CMSS comment letter attached as Appendix E.
10. Break
The SNMMI Board of Directors meeting recessed at 8:48 am for break.
The SNMMI Board of Directors meeting reconvened at 8:55 am.
11. Government Relations Report
Munir Ghesani, MD, FACNM reported on the activities related to the Government Relations area. Dr. Ghesani reported that the goals for advocacy include ensuring a stable supply of isotopes and work toward fast approvals of new tracers and products; to ensure appropriate and adequate reimbursement for tracers/drugs and procedures and to be a leader in radiation safety issues.
a. FDA/CMS Nuclear Medicine Stakeholders Meeting
Dr. Ghesani reported that the FDA/CMS/ Stakeholders Meeting will be next Spring 2017. .
b. NRC Training and Experience
Dr. Ghesani provided an update on the upcoming ACMUI meeting in October which will, again, have a presentation from Spectrum advocating for reduced training and experience hours for Zevalin® and other products such as Xofigo®. The ACMUI medical staff recommended to the NRC Commissioners not to drop the hours in Part 35, but instead create a permanent ACMUI subcommittee to review the current training and experience requirements and discuss possible new ways of measuring competency. The Board agreed that SNMMI should form an internal task force to review and make recommendations on what constitutes “competency.” The Board stressed the importance of partnering with the new ACMUI subcommittee, industry and other medical societies. The Board also stressed the need to quickly act on this issue.
12. Break
The SNMMI Board of Directors meeting recessed at 10:05 am for break.
The SNMMI Board of Directors meeting reconvened at 10:14 am
13. Future of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Discussion
a. Future Pathways Task Force
The task force identified the joint training programs. The purpose of the BOD discussion is to determine the strategy and how to communicate with radiology to gain their support. Also, how to grow the Nuclear Medicine programs and how to engage and promote residents and medical students interested in molecular imaging.
b. Future Pathways - Phase II
Bennett S. Greenspan, MD, FACNM, FACR has introduced a new name for the Future Pathways of Nuclear Medicine Task Force to Providing Value Quality and Innovation and Training and Practice for the Next Generation of Nuclear Medicine. The new task force will focus on providing value, quality and innovation in training and practice for the next generation of nuclear medicine.
The board agreed that there are five areas in which nuclear medicine (and SNMMI) dominate and show excellence in:
1. Education/Continuing Education
2. Clinical Practice
3. Training and Certification
4. Advocacy and Outreach
5. Research and Innovation
Board members participated in a strategic discussion specific to the future of nuclear medicine and the next steps necessary to move the field forward. The following is a compilation of the discussion during the meeting:
- Focus on more of a collaborative mentality rather than us vs. them (nuclear medicine vs. radiology).
- Identify ways to express the value of being dual-boarded (radiology and nuclear medicine)
o Focus on outreach to trainees
o Discuss compensation levels
o Provide information to residents about the exciting new advances in nuclear medicine
o Invite radiology residents, fellows and chiefs to nuclear medicine meetings.
o Focus on the local culture, changing the way local nuclear medicine professionals talk about the profession (bottom up approach)
o Involve the SNMMI Program Directors and Young Professionals in the outreach effort.
o Better understand the “Recruitment Committee” that met at the annual meeting; its purpose and what their plans are?
- Training pathways
o Work to identify that path that “we” believe is best for the field (16 months?)
o Allow other specialties (cardiology & neurology, etc.) to have a path to become certified in nuclear medicine.
- Other Suggested Areas of Focus/Outreach Efforts
o Eliminate internal prejudice towards radiology
o Focus on grassroots vs. top down approach to change culture.
o Coordinate communication to radiology chairs on importance of nuclear medicine and the value of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging to patients.
o Use other society meetings to outreach to residents (RSNA, AUR, SCARD, ACR State orgs, etc.)
§ Focus on AUR – University Radiology
· Utilizing AUR will help to show value (top down approach)
§ ARRS is also a good venue for outreach to radiology residents.
o Nuclear Medicine focused roadshows to institutions
o Work with AMA resident groups
o Host a Forum on Future Career Options
§ Have recent residents who already have jobs to outline their path.
§ Invite both nuclear medicine and radiology residents
o “Alter the reality” – invite all chief radiology residents to SNMMI – if they attend, they will see the value in what nuclear medicine has to offer.
o Publicize advances in the field – SNMMI and nuclear medicine professionals need to do a better job of communicating successes or big wins.
o Create an award for radiology residents who have done research or had a focus on nuclear medicine.
§ The award could be complimentary registration to the SNMMI AM.
§ Have a plaque that rotates from hospital/institution from year to the next and the name of the winner is added.
o Want to attract young people into the profession
o Promote value and high quality practice
14. Lunch
The SNMMI Board of Directors meeting recessed at 12:00 noon for lunch.
The SNMMI Board of Directors meeting reconvened at 12:37 pm
15. Future of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Discussion Cont.
Dr. Greenspan concluded the discussion by informing the board that as part of Phase II of the Task Force, the SNMMI Leadership reached out to Society of Chairs of Academic Radiology Departments (SCARD) with a request to present at their upcoming annual meeting.
Board members agreed that it was essential for SNMMI to figure out what exactly we were asking for or seeking when trying to collaborate with the radiology community. What is the issue or issues we want to solve with any of the organizations listed earlier? The SNMMI needs to clearly identify what is in it for radiology and how the SNMMI and nuclear medicine can collaborate effectively with the radiology community in a mutually beneficial way. This must be clear before moving forward with Phase II.
The SNMMI Leadership agreed to work on developing a clear overview of the request and proposed collaboration with radiology and present it to the board at the Mid-Winter Meeting.
16. New Business
Dr. Ghesani informed the board that the Medical Imaging Drug Advisory Committee (MIDAC) is currently seeking candidates. Neil A. Petry, MS, RPh, BCNP volunteered to be considered and was endorsed by the board.
17. Adjourn
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 1:14 pm.
It was moved, seconded and voted to adjourn the meeting at 1:14 pm.