12th Grade Social Science: Government/Economics 2011-2011
Course Syllabus - Mrs. Eugster Room C-4
Email address:
Voice mail: (510) 657-3600
The Class
Welcome to your senior Economics/Government class. This is a two-semester class. During the first semester we will study we will study Economics, including basic Micro and Macro Economics, consumer behavior and the stock market. During the second semesterwe will study Government, including the U.S. political system, the Constitution, the media and the legal system. We will conduct a mock congress. YOU NEED TO PASS BOTH SEMESTERS TO GRADUATE.
Materials needed for my class:
Spiral or bound notebook
Pencil with eraser, blue or black pen ONLY, highlighters
Earning an A Grade
Your grade will be assessed through a variety of projects, essays, tests, quizzes and presentations designed to address course material and communication, critical thinking, social responsibility and personal responsibility.
The following standard grading scale will be used:
90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
0-59 = F
Late work will be accepted when the “I was Absent” form is completed and signed. Other late work may be accepted at 50% credit if turned in within the week.
All school and district rules on proper behavior will be enforced in this class. You should refer to your daily planner for further information on school policies, including plagiarism. You are awarded fifty citizenship points at the beginning of the semester. If you are disruptive, disrespectful, tardy, habitually absent from class or use your cell phone, points will be deducted.
Videos or clips of videos (usually documentaries) are sometimes used in our course to enhance our knowledge. These sometimes carry an R rating. If this is the case they will be edited to avoid any gratuitous use of violence, inappropriate language or sexual content. Your parent’s signature on the donation letter acknowledges this and gives permission for the occasional use of such edited material. If your parent does not want you to view such clips, please have them write me a note letting me know.