Errata for the Pressure and Vacuum Systems Safety Supplement

Date: April 4, 2016

The following list comprises clarifications and corrections to the Pressure and Vacuum System Safety Supplement Rev 1.0. The changes made to the Forms have been incorporated into the electronically available PDFs on the Pressure System Webpage.

Language in red is new content.

Deleted content is marked as a strike-through (for example:of unlisted components)

All of these changes will be formally incorporated into the next revision of the Supplement.

Sections affected are:

Part 1:Section 3.6 Pressure Systems Committee (3/11/16)

3.12 System Owner (3/11/16)

Part 2:Section2.6Registration (3/11/16)

Section 6 Use of Unlisted Components (3/11/16)

Section 11 System Turnover (3/11/16)

Part 4:Section 5.1 Relief Devices with a Set Pressure at or above 15 psi (4/4/16)

Part 5:Section 1.1 Definition of Repair (4/4/16)

Part 6:Section1.2 General (4/4/16)

Part 7:Section 4 2 Fabrication, Repair and Alteration (3/11/16)

Section 4.3 Testing (4/4/16)

Section 5.2 Fabrication, Repair and Alteration (3/11/16)

Section 5.3 Testing (4/4/16)

Part 8:Section 2 Maintenance (4/4/16)

Part 9:Section 2.4 In-Service Inspection of IC1 Components (3/11/16)

Part 10:PS-1 Pressure System Project Cover Sheet (3/11/16)

PS-4 Pressure Vessel Registration (3/11/16)

PS-7 Pressure/Leak Test Record (3/11/16)

PS-9 Pressure System Turnover (3/11/16)

Part 1 General Program Information

3 Responsibilities

3.6 Pressure Systems Committee

  • Committee Chair
  • Shall maintain a list of qualified DAs.
  • Shall review and approve safety documents (e.g. OSPs, TOSPs etc.) and perform specific duties given in this Supplement.
  • Shall approve systems where overpressure protection is provided by system design.
  • May enlist the aid of the Pressure System Committee and other subject matter experts as needed.
  • General Committee
  • Shall arbitrate issues of conflict related to pressure safety, Code, and Jefferson Lab policies.
  • Shall assume the responsibilities of the jurisdictional authority.
  • Designee (located within the Document Control Group)
  • Assist in the creation of the pressure system identification number
  • Assist in the creation of pressure system folders and subfolders in the pressure system database
  • Assist in inputting documentation into folders/subfolders as directed by DAs or System Owners
  • Update the pressure system database with new information upon notification by a new System Owner in the event of a change in the designated System Owner for a pressure system. If the change involves an IC4 or IC3 component, communicate the change to the Vessel Inspection Coordinator
  • Upon notification from a System Owner, update the pressure system database when a pressure system is permanently taken out of service. If the change involves an IC4 or IC3 system, communicate the change to the Vessel Inspection Coordinator.

3.12System Owner

  • Shall maintain appropriate training.
  • Shall ensure that systems under their purview are maintained and operated by qualified personnel.
  • Shall ensure that pressure systems under their purview are inspected and/or tested in compliance with this Supplement.
  • Shall ensure that pressure systems under their purview continue to be maintained and operated in a safe manner compliant with this Supplement.
  • Notifies Pressure Systems Committee Designee if a system is taken out of operation permanently or if system ownership changes.
  • Notifies Vessel Inspection Coordinator of a change in status of any existing IC4 or IC3 pressure vessels such as “Removed from Service”, relocation, or changes in operational parameters (e.g. change of fluid service).
  • When notified by the Vessel Inspection Coordinator of a vessel that has been condemned by an inspector, removes the vessel from service as soon as safely possible.
  • Maintains the integrity and placement of vessel identification markings.
  • Shall work with the Vessel Inspection Coordinator to complete in-service inspections of IC4 and IC3 systems.
  • Shall ensure that in-service inspections of IC2 and IC1 systems are completed and documented.
  • Maintains test and inspection records of relief devices.
  • Notifies Vessel Inspection Coordinator of a change in status of any relief device actively providing overpressure protection for an ASME Boiler or Pressure Vessel.
  • Shall ensure that corrective action is taken when notified of deficient relief devices.
  • Shall develop operational procedures and inspection/maintenance plans as necessary.

Part 2: Pressure System Construction

2 Pressure Vessels

2.6 Registration

The DA shall complete a pressure vessel registration form (Form PS-4) for each new pressure vessel (Excluded and ASME). This form shall be provided to the Vessel Inspection Coordinator along with a copy of the associated P&ID. This form shall also be filed in the appropriate folder in the Pressure Systems database.

The DA shall assign the appropriate in-service inspection type and frequency as given in Part 9:2. If other types of inspections are required, the DA or System Owner shall note this requirement.

6 Use of Unlisted Components

Note that many common components such as Swagelok tube and piping fittings are unlisted. The ASME B31 Piping Code allows for the use of unlisted components with the consent of the owner. The assigned DA shall assume this duty of the owner. Therefore the use of unlisted components is solely at the discretion of the DA. The DA shall ensure that all required calculations are performed and properly documented; technical or peer reviews shall be performed as appropriate. No justification for the necessity for using unlisted components is required; however, the pressure design for these components shall be substantiated as required by the applicable Code. No justification for the use of unlisted components is required.Specific guidance and a list of preapproved unlisted components are given on the Pressure Systems webpage.

Qualification of unlisted components shall be as required by the most applicable ASME Code. Note that the required use (possibly forced by the engineering design) of unlisted components does not necessary imply that their use is not fully compliant with the selected Code. Equivalent measures may not be required. Unlisted piping components shall meet the requirements listed in ASME B31.3 304.7.2. The choice of the qualification method shall be at the discretion of the DA.

11 System Turnover

After completion of the final system walkthrough and prior to normal operations, the DA shall turn the system over to the System Owner. The DA shall ensure that the following tasks are completed on Form PS-9:

  • Operating requirements are defined and documented.
  • Any special maintenance requirements are defined and documented such as
  • Replacement intervals for thin windows upon lifetime/exposure limits
  • Replacement intervals for parts exposed to cyclic loading
  • Cathodic corrosion protection replacement
  • In Service Inspection requirements are defined and documented.

Both the DA and System Owner shall sign and date the form. The DA shall forward the completed form to the Pressure Systems Committee Designee for filing and incorporation into the operating pressure systems database.

Part 4 Overpressure Protection

5 Overpressure Protection by Relief Device

5.1 Relief Devices with a Set Pressure at or above 15 psi

Relief devices installed (either for new construction or replacement of an existing valve) on or after 1 March 2008 with a set pressure at or above 15 psi shall comply with the following:

  • All relief devices providing overpressure protection shall comply with the most applicable section of the ASME BPVC unless approved otherwise by the Pressure Systems Committee Chair. For systems where no section of the ASME BPVC is applicable, relief devices shall comply with ASME BPVC VIII D1.
  • Relief devices providing overpressure protection for pressure vessels (ASME or otherwise), Category M fluid systems (regardless of application), and piping larger than 6 NPS shall be registered as described in Section 7.

Relief devices that were installed or in the process of being installed on unaltered systems prior to 1 March 2008 with a set pressure at or above 15 psi shall comply with the following:

  • All devices providing overpressure protection for ASME Section I and IV pressure vessels and on all vessels servicing Building Heating Water, Building Chilled Water, Compressed Air, and Instrument (Control) Air comply with the appropriate section of the ASME BPVC edition in effect at the time of vessel installation or edition in effect that atthe time of the device replacement.
  • All devices providing overpressure protection for ASME Section VIII vessels, not considered boilers, are either CE/PED or ASME stamped and installed in accordance with the ASME BPVC code edition in effect at the time of vessel installation. If an existing relief device is replaced, the replacement shall comply with the edition of the ASME BPVC VIII in effect at the time of vessel installation or the edition in effect at the time of device replacement.
  • All devices providing overpressure protection for pressure system piping are of reputable manufacture and are either ASME stamped, CE/PED certified, or non-certified. If an existing relief device is replaced, the replacement shall comply with the edition of the ASME BPVC VIII in effect at the time of device replacement.
  • All devices providing overpressure protection for Excluded Vessels are of reputable manufacture and are either ASME stamped, CE/PED certified, or non-certified. If an existing relief device is replaced, the replacement shall comply with the edition of the ASME BPVC VIII in effect at the time of device replacement.

Part 5: Repair and Alteration

1 General

1.1 Definition of Repair

A repair of an existing pressure system shall be defined as any work performed on an existing system that is not considered maintenance (see Part 8:2) and does not change the fluid service or any aspect of the original design specifications. A repair of any pressure system component installed on an existing system shall either return this component to its original specifications or replace it with a new component with equivalent specifications.

Repairs or replacement of components not larger than NPS 5 (DIN 125) that do not require welding, brazing, or other hot work may be considered routine in nature and are considered in Part 8:2.

Part 6: Pressure and Leak Testing

1 Pressure and Leak Testing

1.2 General

ASME and National Board Codes require pressure/leak testing for new construction, alterations and repairs. The requirements of the most applicable Code of construction or post construction shall be met. Due to the potential significant hazards associated with pressure testing, the DA or pressure test engineer shall determine the stored energy of components to be tested. The stored energy shall be calculated by any method determined suitable by the DA or pressure test engineer such as those given in Section 1.4

Procedures for leak/pressure testing shall follow ASME B31.3 ¶ 345, ASME BPVC D1 UG-99 through UG-102 or other more applicable Code Section. In general, there are three basic types of pressure tests

  • Hydrostatic where the test fluid is liquid
  • Pneumatic where the test fluid is a gas
  • Hydro-pneumatic where the test fluid is a combination of gas and liquid

Pneumatic and hydro-pneumatic testing shall not be performed on piping systems, vessels, or any other components subject to brittle fracture such as glass, PVC, CPVC, cast iron, etc. Pneumatic pressure testing of special use components (e.g. target cells) fabricated from such material is allowed under an OSP or TOSP.

Although the stored energy of pneumatic tests is typically much larger, they may be more appropriate in certain conditions. Where a hydrostatic or hydro-pneumatic test may damage lining or insulation, overstress the system or supports due to test fluid weight, or contaminate the process, a pneumatic test may be more suitable. This may also be true if the test temperature of a hydrostatic or hydro-pneumatic test could lead to brittle fracture.

Leak testing vacuum equipment or pressure components evacuated for leak testing with both a cross sectional area larger than 32.533 in2 and a volume greater than 35 ft3 shall follow the process steps given in Section1.3. When a sensitive leak test is performed, it shall be considered a pneumatic test and the process steps of Section 1.3 shall be followed.

Part 7: Vacuum Systems

4 Requirements for Category 1 Vacuum Systems

4.2 Fabrication, Repair and Alteration

All welding and brazing performed on Category 1 vacuum components shall meet the requirements of the Welding and Brazing Supplement. Welded and brazed joints shall be designed using sound engineering principles supported by detailed calculations, testing, and/or service experience. These designs shall be technically reviewed. The welding/brazing procedures for these joints shall fully comply with ASME IX or AWS. All welders/brazers performing these procedures shall be qualified to them in compliance with the applicable Code. Materials of unknown origin shall not be used in structurally relevant application on these components. The Responsible Vacuum Engineer shall determine the method and extent of examinations and inspections to be performed.

All other fabrication of the system may be overseen by a qualified vacuum technician.

4.3 Testing

In addition to any leak testing to demonstrate performance, Category 1 systems shall require an evacuation test (i.e. negative pressure test) which shall be supervised and witnessed by the Responsible Vacuum Engineer. a pressure test as given in Part 6: Pressure and Leak Testing. This test shall be documented by an OSP or TOSP with a Responsible Vacuum Engineer witnessing the test. For ordinary vacuum systems, the test pressure shall be full atmospheric pressure differential. For vacuum systems not intended to be pumped out to the full atmospheric pressure differential, the test pressure shall be 110% of the maximum allowable external differential pressure, but not more than full atmospheric pressure. The process steps for completing this test shall be as given in Part 6: 1.3 with the exception that steps 5 and 6 may be omitted.

For a vacuum system within a pressure vessel, the test differential pressure shall be 110% of the maximum allowed working pressure differential. Thin windows and other delicate equipment may be removed while testing the vacuum system.

5 Requirements for Category 2 Vacuum Systems

5.2 Fabrication, Repair and Alteration

All welding and brazing performed on Category 2 vacuum components shall meet the requirements of the Welding and Brazing Supplement (WBS). Welded and brazed joints shall be designed using sound engineering principles supported by detailed calculations, testing, and/or service experience. These designs shall be technically reviewed. The welding/brazing procedures for these joints shall fully comply with ASME IX or AWS. All welders/brazers performing these procedures shall be qualified to them in compliance with the applicable Code. Materials of unknown origin shall not be used in structurally relevant application on these components. The Responsible Vacuum Engineer shall determine the method and extent of examinations and inspections to be performed. If it is determined that welding/brazing must be performed to “Code: as required in the Welding and Brazing Supplement, the welding Code shall be either the most applicable ASME Pressure Code or AWS Structural Welding Code. This determination shall be made by an individual qualified as required in the WBS.

All other fabrication of the system may be overseen by a qualified vacuum technician.

5.3 Testing

In addition to any leak testing to demonstrate performance, Category 2 systems shall require an evacuation test (i.e. negative pressure test) which shall be supervised and witnessed by the Responsible Vacuum Engineer. a pressure test as given in Part 6: Pressure and Leak Testing. This test shall be documented by an OSP or TOSP with a Responsible Vacuum Engineer witnessing the test. For ordinary vacuum systems, the test pressure shall be full atmospheric pressure differential. For vacuum systems not intended to be pumped out to the full atmospheric pressure differential, the test pressure shall be 110% of the maximum allowable external differential pressure, but not more than full atmospheric pressure. The process steps for completing this test shall be as given in Part 6: 1.3 with the exception that steps 5 and 6 may be omitted.

For a vacuum system within a pressure vessel, the test differential pressure shall be 110% of the maximum allowed working pressure differential. Thin windows and other delicate equipment may be removed while testing the vacuum system.

Part 8: Operation and Maintenance

2 Maintenance

The requirements of this section apply to all pressure systems regardless of design or fabrication date. Maintenance wWork on Category M, or other hazardous (as determined by the ESH manual) systems where the system pressure boundary is breached shall be considered a repair. Maintenance wWork on flammable fluid systems where the pressure boundary is breached or hot work is performed near the pressure boundary and the fluid system cannot be inerted shall be considered a repair. Maintenance wWork which requires hot work (welding, grinding, cutting and/or brazing operations) on the pressure boundary shall be considered a repair. Machining operations not considered hot work on components not larger that NPS 5 (DIN 125) may be considered maintenance provided that the original system design specification is maintained.

Examples of maintenance activities include:

•Painting and corrosion control

•Oil changes

•Wear pad replacement

•Valve seal replacement

•Filter cartridge replacement

The System Owner shall be responsible for maintaining the integrity and placement of vessel identification markings.

Part 9: Pressure Equipment In-Service Inspection Program

2 In-Service Inspection Procedures

2.4 In-Service Inspection of IC1 Components

Inspection of IC1 equipment shall be as required by the system DA as indicated on Form PS-9, Pressure System Turnover. If there are no specific inspection requirements defined, inspections shall be defined by the System Owner. The necessity of using an in-service inspector shall be determined by the System Owner based on the complexity and risk factor associated with the system but in all cases, the System Owner shall ensure that these inspections are performed by competent individuals and documented on Form PS-10 or PS-12.These inspections shall be performed by the System Owner and documented on Forms PS-10 or PS-12. This form(s) shall be filed in the appropriate Pressure Systems Folder.

Part 10: Mandatory Forms

Pressure System Number:
Pressure System Name:
P&ID Number:
Overall Installation/Assembly Drawing Number: