Early Years Pupil Premium strategy statement Woodfield Nursery School 2017-18

1.  Summary information
School / Woodfield Nursery School
Academic Year / 2017/18 / Total EYPP budget / Summer 2017 - £1,446.90
Autumn 2017 - to be allocated
Total number of 3 to 4 year olds / 100 in summer term / Number of pupils eligible for EYPP / Autumn – 4
Spring –
Summer –
2.  Barriers to future attainment for eligible EYPP pupils
A.  / Many children are learning English as an additional language which may mean that their attainment in speech, language and communication skills is lower on entry
B.  / Many children have limited cultural and life experiences with less opportunities for trips and visits due to low income
C. / Some children come to school hungry and tired which effects their ability to engage in learning opportunities
D. / Parents taking children on extended holidays and low attendance affect friendships and make settling in to routines more difficult which has a high impact on learning
E. / Low resilience and characteristics of effective learning
F. / All children are assessed on entry and individual barriers to learning are identified
3.  Desired outcomes
Desired outcomes / Success criteria
A.  / Children make rapid progress in identified areas of need / Children make at least 1 step of progress per term and assessment analysis shows that they are diminishing the difference with their peers in the prime areas of learning
B.  / Attendance improves to show that children are punctual and take a reduced number of absences.
Parents are aware of the importance of regular attendance / Children attend for at least 85% of sessions across the term
Parents bring children on time for the majority of sessions
This is a school improvement priority
C.  / Individualised learning planned for - using children’s interests and assessment data to develop appropriate interventions and learning opportunities / Rapid and sustained progress in areas identified for child as an area for development
D.  / Children developing characteristics of effective learning / Children engaged in appropriate and challenging activities making links to learning and showing confident resilient learners
E.  / Parental Engagement increased with better understanding of how children learn / Parents attending workshops in curriculum areas - Mathematics
Punctuality and attendance improved
F.  / Children offered a wide range of learning experiences and opportunities through trips and visitors to the school / Children have a better understanding of the wider world and develop a richer vocabulary and be able to make connections in their learning
Outdoor learning opportunities with Nurtured in to Nature – children confident to extend own learning and explore the outdoor environments
Improved characteristics of Effective Learning
G.  / Children are able to make healthy lifestyle choice through an understanding of healthy eating and exercise. / Parents well informed about diet, exercise and healthy eating for children
Children able to identify ways to keep healthy
Gardening – growing project
Parental engagement increased – involvement of Brierfield in Action Group
4.  Planned expenditure
Academic year
The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the pupil premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school strategies.
i. Quality of teaching for all
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
Diminishing gap in Prime areas of learning / Planned intervention groups led by graduate teacher linked to area of need and children’s interests / Activities are highly motivational as linked to children’s interests. Areas for development are focused and targeted to children’s individual needs
Targeted Learning Pl / Monitoring of planning
Headteacher observation
Assessment data
Scrapbook learning journey for each child showing progress
Staff meetings to discuss progress
Feedback to Keyperson
Targeted Learning Plans for those with additional needs / Lead Teacher CC / Reviewed termly with Headteacher and Keyperson
Increased attendance / Flexible sessions offered
Newsletters with key information
Focused discussions with parents
Keyperson follows up absences with phone call
Using extended holidays as a learning experience
Governor lead for attendance / Personal contact with Keyperson - family build up good relations with staff and have knowledge of culture and local community
Increased awareness on Governing body to share expertise across the school / Children’s attendance increasing evidenced in half termly analysis.
Certificates for children with 90% to 100% attendance. ( SEN children will have medical appointments taken in to consideration)
Staff use consistent procedures for following up absence and record accurately.
Staff Governor link to Attendance will monitor weekly with Headteacher / All Keyperson responsible for own group
AM / Weekly overview
Half Termly analysis
Interventions reflect individual areas for development as identified initially by baseline assessment / Individualised planning
Grouping children by interest and areas of learning focus
WellComm Assessment tool kit
School Improvement Target / Assessment data
Learning Journals show progression in target areas
EYPP scrap books / Scrutiny of scrap books
Observation of children – are they using skills and knowledge taught in their independent play
WellComm Assessment shows that an increased number of children are achieving age related attainment in speech, language and communication skills
Staff training / Lead Teachers CC and NM / Termly at key assessment points
Children are motivated resilient, confident learners who are able to test their own thinking / Improvement of planning for outdoor learning
Staff training – Nurtured in to Nurture project / Confident learners – children extending own learning
Staff confident to plan effective and challenging outdoor activities to support characteristics of effective learning
Forest School principals being applied to outdoor planning / Learning Walks
Children engaged in outdoor learning
Planning scrutiny
Observations of staff and children interactions
Staff meetings
Training ideas embedded in practice / Senior Management Team
CC lead for outdoors / Weekly walk round
Half Termly observations
Monthly staff meetings
Parents better informed of how their children learn / Use of What to Expect When Materials
Weekly WellComm tasks to do
Parent Workshops linked to school improvement target - number / Parents engaged with homework tasks – feedback from parents on a daily basis.
Attendance at workshops
Children fully engaged in mathematical opportunities / Parent and staff questionnaires
Staff meetings
Improved parental engagement
Assessment Data shows rapid and sustained progress in number / Headteacher
Leadteacher CC / Termly
Children have the chance to experience a wider range of opportunities through visits and visitors / Natured in to Nurture – Rachel and Mark
Beth Allen – voice coach and Musician
Take a Hint Theatre Group / Children have been fully engaged in opportunities offered
Research suggests that Forest School approach has high impact particularly for children who learn best outside – exploration of the senses can be explored on a bigger and louder scale / Using specialist providers to teach children and staff.
Ensuring projects are sustainable and value for money as staff are trained alongside teaching the children
Regular observations by Headteacher and Senior staff / Senior Management Team / Annual plan of events
Total budgeted cost / 1828.50
ii.  Targeted support
Desired outcome / Chosen action/approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
Raised attainment in Number / Talk for Maths Mastery / Research based approach – Headteacher and Lead teacher attended conference in which exemplary materials were purchased
Maths Audits introduced / Identified staff to deliver well planned interventions on a daily basis
Progress meetings with CC and Keypersons
Monitoring report to Full Governing Body / Leadteacher CC / At key Assessment points
Staff meetings
To raise standards in talk for writing / Helicopter Stories / Joint project work with local primary school including Inset training with Trisha Lee / Staff training
Staff meetings / Headteacher / Termly
Total budgeted cost / £610
iii.  Other approaches
Desired outcome / Chosen action/approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
To develop musicality and challenge more able children in musical activity / Beth Allen Voice coach and musician / Beth has previously worked with the school to improve speech and language using a musical approach. Observations of children showed that they fully engaged with Beth’s approach, developed confidence and improved speech and vocabulary / Six sessions with focused outcomes over seen by Pendle Arts Project– parental engagement
Musicality and speech and language
Observations by Headteacher / Headteacher Leadteacher
CC NM / December 2017
(Fully funded by Pendle Arts)
To develop curiosity in the world using a forest school approach / Long Term projects with Nurtured in to Nature / Research based approach
Recommendations from other practitioners
High interest for children
Learning opportunity for staff making the project sustainable and value for money / Observation
Child voice
Parental Engagement
Total budgeted cost / £3000
5.  Review of expenditure
Previous Academic Year
i. Quality of teaching for all
Desired outcome / Chosen action/approach / Estimated impact: Did you meet the success criteria? Include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate. / Lessons learned
(and whether you will continue with this approach) / Cost
To raise standards in speech language and communication / WellComm speech and Language Assessment Toolkit / Raise standards in speech language and communication skills / WellComm has become embedded in practice for all children – giving a structured approach to teaching speech and language in a meaningful context / Approximately £600 with yearly licence of £60 for online report system
ii.  Targeted support
Desired outcome / Chosen action/approach / Estimated impact: Did you meet the success criteria? Include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate. / Lessons learned
(and whether you will continue with this approach) / Cost
To plan appropriate interventions for individual learning and diminish the difference with their peers / Targeted intervention groups led by skilled practitioner / Focused interventions which motivate children by using their interests to plan are proving highly effective in raising standards as evidenced in assessment data
Children with no EYPP are included in sessions if the outcomes are appropriate for them / Continue to use target support with highly qualified and skilled staff
Small focused groups – children enjoy the activities planned and are part of the planning process – highly motivated
Progress for EYPP children ( Summer Assessment Data) analysis shows that children have made good progress and continue to close the gap with non EYPP children
Children highly motivated – they want to participate in the activities and concentrate for a longer period of time as planning is linked to interst / Contribution to staff salary
iii.  Other approaches
Desired outcome / Chosen action/approach / Estimated impact: Did you meet the success criteria? Include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate. / Lessons learned
(and whether you will continue with this approach) / Cost
To challenge more able children / 1:1 and small group work using floor books - Lead Teacher planned activities to support language for more able children / Improved speech and language
Raised levels of critical thinking – children solving their own problems, raising questions and following their own ideas
Deeper learning taking place
Children attaining above average age expectations in Communication and Language / Continue to challenge more able children and develop their characteristics of effective learning – this should start in Kindergarten by identifying children earlier / Resources bought by previous Headteacher
To raise attainment in speech, language and communication through music / Specialist speech coach project work with Singing Ringing Tree / All children to benefit from a musical approach to speech and language development/
Use of a specialist practitioner will support children and staff
Raise staff confidence in using a musical approach / Children highly enthusiastic learners
Staff training effective and makes the project sustainable by adopting some of the strategies used by specialist teacher
High cost - will use as a shorter term project / £200 per session
6.  Additional detail
EYPP group will continue to be led by Teacher in September
Progress meetings for EYPP children to take place at least half termly
Action plan to be completed by Teacher for long term outcomes for children
Assessment Data from Summer Term will be used to provide initial focus for planning in Autumn term
Whole school improvement target for September will be mathematics