
The Pittsburgh Health Data Alliance’s Center for Commercial Applications of Healthcare Data (CCA) seeks project proposals that move early stage research toward clinical and commercial translation through technology licensing, and new company formation. Projects typically are six- to twelve-months in duration. Projects focused on healthcare-need-based problems with novel, well-targeted solutions that have demonstrable scientific, technologic and/or market differentiation are prioritized to receive support. Applicationsto be considered for this cycle are due byFEBRUARY 26, 2018. Please keep completedapplicationsto three pages in length.

1.Technology Name and Project Title

/ [Short Product Name (ex: HeartWidget)] and
[Longer Project Name (ex: Prototype refinement and pre-clinical testing of an implantable device to improve cardiac function)]

[Type here]

2.Unmet Clinical Need and Impact

/ What disease area, clinical setting, population, or data type are you working in? What is the key intractable problem that currently exists within that area? What is the impact of this problem clinically and economically for patients, providers, payors and/or society?What are the current companies and technologies that attempt to address the unmet clinical need and why do they currently fall short?

[Type here]

3.Technology Differentiation and Validation

/ Describe your solution to the unmet clinical need above, specifically: a) where it is deployed, b) who the users are, c) the value it can deliver; What is the technology underlying your solution? What is the intellectual property status of your technology? How is your solution and technology differentiated from those currently in use, as well as those in development in industry and academia? Provide an overview of the stage of the solution and any validation work done to-date

[Type here]

4.Proposed Project Plan and Commercial Translation Outcomes

/ What is the proposed project time and duration? What are the (approximately) 4 key milestones that you would achieve during the project period? What would the status of the solution be at the conclusion of the project period? (e.g. ready for retrospective validation on clinical samples, ready for clinical trial, ready for licensing to newco and fundraising) How is your project aligned with the regulatory and commercial translation pathways taken by similar solutions?

[Type here]


/ [Who are your core team members? What expertise do they bring? What expertise is missing to complete the project?]

[Type here]

investigator information

Principal Investigator / Co-Investigator / Co-Investigator
Name / [Type here]

As part of the CCA application process, the indirect costs remission agreement (ICRA), provided below, is required as part of the submission process.The ICRA enables the CCA to provide services to the University of Pittsburgh research community.

For submission requirements, please complete the following pertaining to the ICRA:

1.One ICRA for each PI/co-I (signed copy)

2.Approval from Academic Unit Head (i.e. department chair, center director) by signing the ICRA or providing a personalized consent letter from this individual.

3.Submit the signed ICRA with indicated Academic Unit Head approval with the application.

CONTACT FOR Questions and submission

Peter Kant / CCA Program Manager /

CCA Early Stage Research & Indirect Costs Remittance Acknowledgement

As an Early Stage Research (ESR) project candidate I must develop a final budget and justification, and I realize that it is my responsibility to:

1) Communicate with any key personnel (co-Pl, co-l or funded personnel) that the CCA ESR project will fund direct costs to the project and 10% indirect costs to cover research incentives of faculty involved from the School of Medicine.

2) Be responsible for each key personnel member contacting their department chair and grants administrator in advance of the UPMC Enterprises (UPMCE) presentation and it is the responsibility of the ESR contact Pl to make sure this occurs.

3) Recognize that 90% of ESR indirect costs will be retained by CCA and the Department of Biomedical lnformatics which houses CCA to fund the ongoing academic acceleration of the Pittsburgh Health Data Alliance (PHDA) projects including Early Stage Research Projects and Directed Major Projects (DMPs).

4) The goal of ESR projects is to get them to DMPs and that CCA will not retain any indirects of funding for DMPs. 100% of the DMP indirects will go to the home department/financial entity of the key personnel.

5) The incentive for foregoing 90% of the indirects on ESR projects is to get the intellectual property (IP) of each funded ESR to commercial success. The investigators and home departments will derive 100% of the financial reward of that academic entrepreneurial success. The CCA team, despite their work with ESR teams through the entire commercialization process will not partake in any of the revenues derived from DMPs nor commercial licensing/financial success.

Agreed by:








