JUNE 1966
1/1 took over their TAOR in the Danang "Rocket Belt"
1 June 66 - 1st Battalion, 1st Marines assumed responsibility for the assigned TAOR at 011100H, relieving 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines. The Battalion CP was located at (BT 074657), Company A at (BT 090653), Company B at (BT 062645), Company C at (BT 063682) and Company D at (BT 072701). Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of June 1966, Part I, Para 9.b.(1). (on pg#19)
JULY 1966
11 July 1966 - Operation County Fair 1-5 was performed as a joint GVN-USMC clearing operation in SON PHO (1) Hamlet, GS (BT 1659), CAM AN Village, HIEU NHON District, QUANG NAM Provence, under the direction and supervision of local officials from HIEU NHON District Headquarters. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of July 1966, Part III, Tab-C, Report on County Fair 1-5.
12 July 1966 - Operation County Fair 1-6 was performed as a joint GVN-USMC clearing operation in TAN THAN (1) Hamlet, GS (BT 1659), CAM AN Village, HIEU NHON District, QUANG NAM Provence, under the direction and supervision of local officials from HIEU NHON District Headquarters. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of July 1966, Part III, Tab-D, Report on County Fair 1-6.
14 July 1966 - Operation County Fair 1-7 was conducted as a joint GVN-USMC clearing operation in AN BAN (1) and AN BAN (2) Hamlets, GS (BT 1560) and (BT 1561), CAM AN Village, HIEU NHON District, QUANG NAM Provence, under the direction and supervision of local officials from HIEU NKON District Headquarters. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of July 1966, Part III, Tab-E, Report on County Fair 1-7.
CMC visits County Fair 1-9.
10 Aug 66 - At 101010H the Commandant of the Marine Corps General WALLACE M. GREEN JR. was briefed on the County Fair Operations by LtCol VAN D. BELL, JR. Commanding Officer: 1st Battalion, 1st Marines at the site of County Fair 1-9.
Operation County Fair 1-9 was conducted in the hamlets of QUANG LOC DONG (1), QUANG LOC DONG (2), Village of VINH XUAN: and in the hamlets of QUANG HA (2), PHONG HO (1), PHONG HO (2), Village of THANH MIHG, GS (BT 0661, 0662), DIEN BAN District, QUANG NAM Provence. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Aug 1966, Part III, Enclosure 10, Paragraphs-1&6.
August 1966 - Significant Activities - During the month of August 1966, daily sick call was conducted by Company "A", in the village of CAM AN, coordinates (BT 1058). Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Aug 1966, Section 2, Para k.1.
August 1966 - Apparent results of Civil Affairs Program. The results of the various Civil Affairs programs, especially in the Vinh Tho and Cam An village areas are impressive. In these areas there are now at least 50% more people in the hamlets than there were just four or five weeks ago. Homes that were vacant are now occupied and fields that have not been worked in quite some time are now under cultivation. The attitude of the people has changed from indifferent to friendly, and they appear to be more eager to come forward and volunteer their services to improve their hamlets, schools and other buildings. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Aug 1966, Section 2, Para k.4.
Current Status of CAC in 1st MarDiv.
August 1966 - Popular Forces Combined Action Company Program. Current Status. 1.a. Within the 1st Marine Division area there currently are nine fully integrated and organized Combined Action Popular Forces Platoons. Seven of these Combined Action Platoons are under the operational control of the 5th Marines and two are under the 7th Marines. In addition to these nine platoons, two more are operational on a part time basis and will become a full time proposition as soon as additional Popular Forces personnel are recruited and/or reorganized in order to produce an organization capable of conducting operations.
2. CAC Platoon Identification. The 1st Division has been assigned four CAC designators by III MAF. These are CAC I, K, L, and M. On the basis of existing platoons, and projected platoons, CAC I and K were assigned to the 5th Marines, CAC L to the 7th Marines and CAC M to the CHU LAI Defense Command.
3. Expansion Plans. Present goals laid on by III MAF call for an expansion to a total of four Combined Action Companies composed of a total of fourteen platoons. This increase is to be accomplished prior to the end of December. The anticipated schedule for expansion is to make 11 platoons operational this month. By the end of October we should have 3 companies with a total of 12 platoons activated. By the end of November the MAF goal is expected to be reached. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Aug 1966, Page 24 of 43, Paragraphs 1.a., 2., and 3.
September 1966
September 1966 - Continued emphasis was placed on the establishment and operation of CAC units. During September one (1) new CAC unit was formalized and three (3) became operational. The new units will be formalized during October. CAC unit D-1 at PHONG LE (1) AT 996695 is no longer operational due to the departure of the PF Forces. Negotiations with HOA VANG District are under way to reinstate this unit. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Marine Regiment for the period of Sep 1966, Section IV, Para II.c.

3 Sep 1966 - Special Civil Affairs Projects. The following projects have been completed and are now in use: (a) Bridge, planks, 75 meters long, called PHOUC TRACH bridge located in the village of CAM AN, BT 182588, (b) School, four room, 250 children, remodeled and painted, opened on 3 September 1966, located in the village of CAM AN, BT 181588, Dispensary, remodeled and painted, located in the village of CAM AN, BT 183588. Ref: Command Chronology Report (pg#19) of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Sep 1966, Section k. para. (3).

4 Sep 1966 - The opening of the Phuc Trach Bridge on 4 Sep 1966 marked the return of government control to Cam An village and established a route to transport the fishing catch to Hoi An without having to pay Viet Cong tax agents who are located along the mouth of the Hoi An River. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Marine Regiment for the period of Sep 1966, Section X, Para 1.a.
4 Sep 1966 - The Provence Chief presided over ceremonies which marked the opening of the Phuc Trach Bridge and the Cam An village school located in the hamlet of Phuc Trach. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Marine Regiment for the period of Sep 1966, Section X, Detailed Chronology of Events for 4 September.
LCpl Larry G. Thrasher and PFC Thomas C. Dell were KIA in this incident at CAC-1.
This is the first mention of CAC-1 (BT093570) that I have found. CAC-1 seems to have been started no earlier than the end of Aug 66 and stood up in Sep 66.
14 Sep 1966 - At 0015H, a combined action platoon (CAC-1) composed of H&S Company personnel and PF's in the hamlet of TRIEM TU #3, at (BT093570), was attacked by a VC force in excess of 40 well-armed guerrillas. At the time of the attack there were six Marines in the position, with 22 PF's. Remaining Marines were on ambush. The VC attack was initiated with several mortar rounds, one of which hit the platoon CP killing the FO Team radio operator, and wounding the platoon radio operator. Immediately following the mortar attack the VC attacked the perimeter in force, overrunning two positions manned by PF's. A 20 minute fight ensued within the perimeter. Reinforcements were dispatched from the Battalion CP. The VC withdrew before reinforcements arrived. A total of nine PF's KIA, and five WIA, and two USMC WIA, and two KIA were sustained during the attack. VC losses were nine KIA confirmed, with ten probable KIA. One AK-47 automatic rifle captured. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Sep 1966, Part III.14.
14 Sep 66 - 140015H - Yankee Two, a Combined Platoon of H&S 1st Batta;ion, 1st Marines personnel and popular forces troops, (BT093570), came under attack. The signal for the start of the attack was a mortar attack estimated (1-15) 81mm mortar rounds incoming. Only one round landed inside the platoon perimeter and that round hit the platoon CP killing the FO team radio operator and wounding the platoon radio operator. At the time the position was held by six Marines and (22) Popular Forces troops. The platoon had an ambush established 1000 meters southeast of the platoon position across the CAM HA River (BT102563).
Following the mortar attack the platoon position was assaulted from the northwest by (40-50) VC who broke through a (100) meter gap in the perimeter created when the popular forces troops were over-run. Automatic weapons fire killed one Marine and wounded the platoon leader leaving two Marines holding the position. Before the platoon leader was hit he killed (2) VC whose bodies were dragged away. The remaining two Marines manned their gun position with (1) Popular Forces troop who was later killed, and these two gunners accounted for three VC KIA's on the wire and (2) VC KIA's within one foot of the USMC position. All (5) KIA's were dragged away. The two Marines continued to fire until the machinegun malfunctioned. After a twenty minute attack the VC platoon fled taking with them three M-14 rifles and one .45 caliber pistol from the two dead and two wounded Marines. The VC were all armed with automatic weapons and carried belts of grenades (fragmentary, concussion, and rifle).
When Yankee platoon lost contact with Battalion as a result of the mortar round hit on the CP, Yankee ambush called in artillery and 81mm mortar illumination on the suspected enemy position (BT095567). Simultaneous with this mission the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines CP received (12-13) rounds 60mm mortar fire from coordinates (BT102588). First Battalion, 1st Marines, returned (12) rounds 81mm mortar on suspected VC mortars. The area was swept with negative results.
A relief platoon was sent to the aid of Yankee Two but by the time the platoon reached the platoon position the VC had fled. The relief platoon reached the position, set up security, and a medieval was called in to evacuate the wounded and dead.
A flare ship was then called to aid in the reorganization and search for dead and wounded. When reorganization was completed the platoon established a perimeter and set in for the night.
The next morning a thorough sweep of the escape route (to the northwest and then south across the CAU MONG River) was made.
Friendly losses: (2) USMC KIA, (9) PF KIA, (2) USMC WIA, (4) PF WIA, (1) PF MIA. Enemy losses: (9) confirmed KIA, (10) KIA (probable). Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Marine Regiment for the period of Sep 1966, Part III, Enclosure 2, Intelligence Summary 1st Battalion, 1st Marines/184-66, 130800H to 140800H September 1966.
15 Sep 1966 - A condolence call was paid on the District Chief of Dien Ban to express the sorrow of the Commanding Officer, 1st Marines for the death of ten Popular Forces soldiers of a combined action force as the result of a fire fight which occurred on 14 Sep 1966. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Marine Regiment for the period of Sep 1966, Section X, Detailed Chronology of Events for 15 September.

5 Oct 66 - 051100H, Combined Platoon from H&S Company at (BT093573) located a spider hole with cover and escape route leading to grave yard. Spider hole cover maintained as training aid, hole was destroyed. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Oct 1966, Part II 2, Para 2.c.(1).
10 Oct 66 - 1st Marines was returned to the OPCON of 1st MarDiv on 10 Oct 66. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Marine Regiment for the period of Sep 1966, Section IV, Enclosure (1) Detailed Chronology of Events, Para G.
18 Oct 66 - At 1155H, an air strike was conducted on a known VC assembly area at (BT 177588). Five-hundred pound bombs were used with excellent results on target. One secondary explosion was observed and two bunkers were destroyed. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Oct 1966, Part III, Enclosure 1, Para 18.b.b. (I believe that this strike was called by CAC-2 personnel)
22 Oct 66 - CAC-2, 222315H, (BT183583), rec (8) incoming 60mm mortar rds, called arty on likely withdrawal route, results undetermined. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Oct 1966, Part III, Enclosure 2, INTSUM #224, Para 3.A.(4).

This is the first mention of "CAC-2" that I have found.
23 Oct 66- At 1330H, a Combined Action Platoon at (BT 182588) received approximately (15) rounds incoming small arms fire (carbine) from (BT 177583) and (BT 182586). Six VC were observed crossing highway 14 towards the south. CAC platoon fired with small arms and conducted a sweep of the area from (BT 181589) to BT 177583). One VCS was captured. The VCS was forwarded to HOI AN for interrogation. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Oct 1966, Part III, Enclosure 1, Para 23.a.
23 Oct 66 - CAC-2, 231330H, (BT178583), rec harassing fire from (6) VC, sighted (6) VC crossing road below bridge, area sweep resulted in (1) VCS cap, fwd to Bn S-2 for processing. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Oct 1966, Part III, Enclosure 2, INTSUM #225, Para 3.A.(2).
October 1966 - Special Civil Affairs Projects. Installed swing set at Cam An School, Cam An, coordinates BT 179589. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Oct 1966, Part I, Para 1.k.(3).
October 1966 - Popular Forces Combined Action Company (CAC) Program.
On 10 October, the 1st Marine Division assumed OPCON of fifteen additional CAC platoons located in the DA NANG area. These platoons were formerly controlled by the 3rd Marine Division.
During the month one additional CAC platoon was activated in the CHU LAI area and one in the DA NANG area, making a total of twenty-seven CAC platoons for which the 1st Marine Division has operational responsibility.
The CAC platoons were task organized with units having organizational control as follows:
CAC I - in operational control of 7th Marines at Chu Lai
CAC K - in operational control of 7th Marines at Chu Lai
CAC L - in operational control of 7th Marines at Chu Lai
CAC M-1- in operational control of CLDC at Chu Lai
CAC B1 - in operational control of 4th Bn, 503d at DA NANG
CAC B3-2
CAC B2 - in operational control of 9th Marines at DA NANG
CAC B2-1
CAC B2-2
CAC B3-1
CAC B3-3
CAC B3-4
CAC C-1 - in operational control of 9th Marines at DA NANG
CAC D - in operational control of 1st Marines at DA NANG
CAC E-1 - in operational control of 11th Marines at DA NANG
Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Oct 1966, Page 27 & 28 of 35.
5 Nov 66 - At 050705H, an air strike was conducted against a known VC sanctuary in a mangrove swamp located at (BT 175588). A total of 22 runs were conducted, 15 runs with napalm the rest with rockets and 250 pound bombs. Excellent coverage of the area was obtained. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Oct 1966, Part III, Enclosure 1, Para 5.a.

15 Nov 66 - 3rd Platoon provided a light section of Ontos for security convoy to CAC-2. Ref: Command Chronology Report of Company "A", 1st Antitank Battalion, 1st Marine Division(Rein), FMF for Nov 66, Item 2.c., for 15 November.

20 Nov 66 - H&S-1-1, 200930H, BT153610, combined action plt. patrol cap (1) VCC pointed out by village chief and villager. VC led patrol to (2) caves 4' x 4' x 5', reinforced with concrete, under fishnets, on the beach. Searched caves finding (2) ChiCom Grenades, (1) bag .45 cal. ammo, and (2) M-14 magazines with ammo. Caves destroyed, VCC fwd to Bn S-2 for processing. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Oct 1966, Part III, Enclosure 2, INTSUM #252, Para 3.A.(8).
23 Nov 66 - H&S-1-1, 230710H, BT161605, combined action plt. cap (1) VCC, female, identified by village cadre with patrol, fwd to Bn S-2 for processing. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Oct 1966, Part III, Enclosure 2, INTSUM #255, Para 3.A.(1).
23 Nov 66 - H&S-1-1, 231030H, BT146608, combined action plt. found (1) cave, destroyed after search. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Oct 1966, Part III, Enclosure 2, INTSUM #255, Para 3.A.(2).
30 Nov 66 - H&S-1-1, 300830H, BT155603, patrol found (3) caves 4' x 5' x 4' reinforced with brick and concert. One cave had a fitted wooden box planted with cactus covering the entrance. Destroyed all caves after search. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Oct 1966, Part III, Enclosure 2, INTSUM #262, Para 3.A.(8).
November 1966 - Significant Activities. During the month of November, daily sick calls were held at the Battalion CP, and at two CAC Units with MedCap throughout the TAOR. In addition two County Fair operations were conducted in which medical aid was given. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Nov 1966, Part II, Para 2.k.(1).


December 1966 - 1. Four new CAC platoons were activated in the DA NANG TAOR for a total of eighteen, and four in the CHU LAI TAOR for a total of fourteen.
2. Two Sub-Units of Headquarters Battalion, Sub-Unit #1 at DA NANG and Sub-Unit #2 at CHU LAI, were assigned the responsibility to exercise administrative control of Marine and Navy personnel assigned to the 1st Marine Division CAC program, all of whom will be transferred to these Sub-Units. Ref: Command Chronology Report of 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Dec 1966, Part II on Pg#12, Paragraphs 1 & 2.

1 Dec 1966 - Sub-Unit #1, Service Company was activated. Major R. C. HALL was assigned as Officer-in-Charge. Ref: Command Chronology Report of Service Company, Headquarters Battalion (Rein), 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Dec 1966, Part III, for 1 December.
2 Dec 1966 - Sub-Unit #1, Service Company, joined 117 personnel from various units of the 3rd Marine Division(Rein). These personnel are for Combined Action Company operations. Ref: Command Chronology Report of Service Company, Headquarters Battalion (Rein), 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF for the period of Dec 1966, Part III for 2 December.