South Hill Site Base Council Meeting

Minutes for 11/09/05

In Attendance: Rae Covey, Joan Grossman, Alison Pritz, Jon Hilton, Deb McCall, Kim Capalongo, Deb Minnick, Ruth Katz, Leslie Shakespeare, Pat Karr-Segal, Zenon Wasyliw

Absent: Betty Murphy, Craig Evans

  1. We have a quorum.
  2. Motion was made to approve and accept minutes from October 12, 2005 meeting.
  3. No public to be heard.
  4. Principal Report:

-Rae shared with council that the Technology Committee was well under way working on the tech plan template. There will soon be a rough draft in which Rae would like feedback from the council.

-Capital Projects: The deadline is December 16th. Rae has emailed staff in regards to share with her what they feel needs improving in and around the building. Rae has invited council to visit the building and give input as well. Some ideas that were discussed during this meeting were: noisy vents, cracks near windows, parking, video/computer hook ups, and acoustics (FM amp system).

  1. Focus Groups: Parent representatives reported on calls made and the responses. It was decided that council generate a new list to give more families an opportunity to participate in the focus groups.

-We will not be holding one of the focus groups in Danby due to concerns of space and privacy.

-Both groups will be held at SouthHillSchool in the library from 6-7 pm on Monday November 14th and on Tuesday November 15th.

-The council will be providing childcare in which Pat will assist on Monday and Kim will assist on Tuesday.

-Rae will provide paper products for both evenings.


  • Ruth will contact Big Al’s to order the sheet pizza. She will also bring the pizza to the event.
  • Joan will bring a veggie platter and cider/sparkling water.
  • Alison will provide dessert.


  • Kim will contact Italian Carry Out to order the sheet pizza. She will also bring the pizza to the event.
  • Deb Minnick will bring a veggie platter.
  • Deb McCall will provide dessert.

-Incentives: The council thought it would be nice to thank our participating families. Each family will receive a thank you note with a $5.00 gift card along with a Splendid book. Ruth will provide the books. Rae will write the thank you notes and obtain the gift cards. Pat and Kim will give out the thank you gifts at the end of the evening.

-Parent Representatives will contact families generated from the new list as well as follow up with original list. Parent reps should confirm the “yes” families by Sunday evening and email Rae with the count, as well as childcare and transportation if needed.

-Deb McCall shared that Mike and Ann have been meeting with the IthacaCollege students. The students will be very prepared for the facilitation of the focus groups. They have received training. This is an independent study for the students. Ann will be present in the building when the focus groups are taking place. The facilitators will need a chart tablet and easel. The students will set up the library. Rae will remember to turn off the heater.

  1. Other News: Jon shared some of the topics covered at the District Meeting. One of those topics the realignment of start/end times for the district. At the South Hill PTA meeting on November 16th there will be a discussion about the start/end times. Craig Evan, board liaison and an Executive board member are likely to be present at this meeting.
  2. Process Observer: Great job!

Agenda for Next Meeting (December 14, 2005):

-Focus groups

-Advertisement thanking participating providers

-Capital Project

Roles for Next Meeting:

Food: Joan and Alison

Process Observer: Betty or Deb Minnick

Facilitation: Jon

Alison: Time Keeper

Leslie: Minutes