Dear Parents,
I am writing to give you some more information about Wednesday’s activities. After a number of requests, the permission forms from the centre were sent to us during Friday. We were hoping to receive these much sooner so we could distribute them and have them collected in by the end of the week.
Therefore, we ask that you complete the form if you are happy for your child to participate in this activity day and return it to school in one of the following ways:
- Return the completed, signed form over the weekend and by Monday morning at the latest by posting it through the green letterbox that is next to the Year 2 classroom close to the main entrance of our school
- Return the completed, signed form in person to school on Monday morning
- Return the completed, signed form via your child’s brother or sister on Monday morning
Without the completed form, children will be unable to participate.
Thank you so much to the adults who have offered to transport. This has saved a lot of money, and we appreciate your help. Perhaps a donation towards petrol costs would be appropriate for those children travelling with another child’s parents. Adults who are transporting need to have completed a form declaring their vehicle is roadworthy and insured. Some of you have already completed this from our Safari Zoo visit, in which case you do not need to complete another form unless your vehicle details have changed. We will confirm transport arrangements with you during Monday.
All children in Year Six received the permission form from me at the end of Friday, and were told to make sure they took it home. I asked if anyone had not received one. Some children took home a second form if you are transporting and have not already completed the relevant form. All Year 6 pupils are invited, along with the two children from Year 5 who were due to go to London.
Pupils will come to school as normal on Wednesday. They do not need to wear school uniform, and should come dressed for the weather. Trainers should be worn rather than sandals or formal shoes. We will leave at 9.15am, and are to be at Coniston at 10.00am. I shall ensure all pupils have been to the toilet prior to us leaving.
Pupils who are travelsick should have already taken their medication. Any medication required for the return journey should be given to me, clearly named and labelled with dosage and the time to be taken.Parents should complete a medication form.
We are travelling to Waterhead Hotel, Coniston, LA218AJ. Our cruise is from 10.30 – 11.30am. Lunch will then be provided by the hotel from 12.00 – 1.00pm. From 1.00 – 3.00pm, pupils will be split into groups and will complete three activities: archery, team-building games, and problem-solving activities. All the afternoon activities are land-based.
Pupils with asthma must take their inhalers. Sun-lotion should be applied as we will be outdoors for much of the day. Children should take a water bottle. They should not take any other food (unless agreed). No money should be taken. I will take some pictures and post them onto our Facebook page.
We will leave at 3.00pm. Children will be dropped off at school and will then go home as normal. We should be back around 3.40pm.
I’d like to thank Councillor Jill Heath for setting this up for us, the staff of the Waterhead Hotel in Conistonand the staff at ‘Adventure North-West’ who are providing the afternoon activities. What a lovely opportunity for everyone.
If there is an adult who would like to accompany us throughout the day who is transporting children, please indicate this on the form you are returning to school. If we have too many offers, then a name will be chosen at random.
I wish all the children well on Monday and Tuesday at Dowdales. They were told to take home their PE kits on Friday as they will need these on Tuesday. They also require a pen and a pencil both days.
We had our first proper run-through of the play on Friday, and the children are doing very well. Any help, ideas, support with costumes is much appreciated! Some of the children wore costumes on Friday and they looked fabulous. We could do with borrowing a foldaway single bed if possible.
An abridged version of this latter will be sent via Group-Call shortly as not all parents use Facebook, and a copy will also appear on the school website.
Thank you.
Best Wishes,
S. Cairns