List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009


A. Departmental Bodies / 12
A1.Department of State / 1
A2.Functions with Distinct Branding / 4
A3.Ministerial Councils / 2
A4.Joint Commonwealth-State Bodies / 3
A5.International Bodies / 1
A6.Advisory Bodies / 1
B. Departmental Bodies Recognised in Legislation / 23
B1.Statutory Authorities, Statutory Committees and Royal Commissions / 17
B2.Statutory Office Holders / 4
B3.Business Operations / 2
C. Prescribed Agencies under the FMA Act / 3
D. Commonwealth Authorities under the CAC Act / 8
E. Statutory Corporations
(that are neither Commonwealth Authorities nor encompassed in an FMA Act Agency) / 0
F. Commonwealth Companies under the CAC Act / 0
F1.Limited by Guarantee / 0
F2.Limited by Shares / 0
G. Other Companies / 11
G1.Limited by Guarantee / 11
G2.Limited by Shares / 0
H. Other Entities / 0
H1.Partnerships and Joint Ventures / 0
H2.Incorporated Associations / 0
H3.Trusts / 0
TOTAL / 57

List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009


Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (theDepartment)
Creation Date: / 21 October 1998
Established By/Under: / Australian Constitution, also Administrative Arrangements Order
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 63 of the Public Service Act 1999 (PS Act)
GFS Classification: / GGS
Materiality: / Material
ABN: / 24 113 085 695
Web Site: /
The Department develops and implements policies and programs concerning agriculture, fisheries, and the food and forestry industries within Australia.
Departments of State are recognised under section 64 of the Constitution, the Administrative Arrangements Order, theFinancial Management and Accountability Act 1997 and the PSAct.
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE)
Creation Date: / 30 September 1987
Constituted By: / Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director, Chief Economist and staff
Appointed By: / Secretary of the Department
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
ABN: / 24113085695 (the Department)
Web Site: /
ABARE conducts research and economic analysis of Australia’s competitiveness in the agricultural, fishing, forestry, energy and minerals industries.
ABARE is partially funded by the Department’s appropriation, withthe remaining operating budget obtained from funds provided for specific research projects.
Australian Plague Locust Commission
Creation Date: / 1974
Constituted By: / Officials representing the Department (Chair), the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, theVictorian, New South Wales and South Australian Departments of Primary Industries and the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines.
Appointed By: / Commonwealth and participating State Ministers responsible for locust control.
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
ABN: / 24113085695 (the Department)
Web Site: /
The Commission monitors locust populations in inland eastern Australia and reviews and develops measures for controlling outbreaks, which may damage agricultural interests.
Established by an exchange of letters, and subsequent Memorandum of Understanding, between the Commonwealth and memberStates (New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland). Attached to the Product Integrity, Animal and Plant Health Division within the Department, the Commission is 50% funded by participating States.
Biosecurity Australia
Creation Date: / 1 December 2004
Constituted By: / Chief Executive of Biosecurity Australia and the persons engaged under the Public Service Act 1999 who assist the Chief Executive
Appointed By: / Secretary of the Department
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
ABN: / 43558944801
Web Site: /
Biosecurity Australia is part of the Biosecurity Services Group within the Department. It undertakes science-based risk assessments and provides quarantine policy advice for the purposes of protectingthe health of Australia’s animals, plants and the natural environment.
Biosecurity Australia was previously a separately prescribed agency under Schedule 1 of the Financial Management and Accountability Regulations 1997, however, it was deprescribed on 1 July 2009, andbecame a separately branded function within the Department.
Bureau of Rural Sciences
Creation Date: / 1986
Constituted By: / Officials representing the Department
Appointed By: / Secretary of the Department
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
ABN: / 24113085695 (the Department)
Web Site: /
The Bureau advises on scientific aspects of measures designed to improve outcomes for rural industries and communities.
Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council (NRMMC)
Creation Date: / July 2001
Constituted By: / Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers with portfolio responsibility for primary industries, natural resources, environment, water and conservation. Officials representing Papua New Guinea are observers.
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
Web Site: /
The Council convenes to review and develop measures to address natural resource management issues.
The Council is supported by the Natural Resource Management Standing Committee of Officials (see also NRMMC in the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts portfolio, SectionA3).
Primary Industries Ministerial Council
Creation Date: / July 2001
Constituted By: / Commonwealth, State, Territory and New Zealand Ministers with portfolio responsibility for primary industries. An official representing Papua New Guinea is an observer.
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
Web Site: /
The Council convenes to review and develop measures relating to the management of the agriculture, food, fibre, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture industries.
The Council is supported by the Primary Industries Standing Committee of Officials.
National Consultative Committee on Animal Welfare
Creation Date: / 1989
Constituted By: / 21 committee members
Appointed By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
Web Site: /
The Committee advises the Australian Government on welfare issues affecting animals.
The Committee also advises other stakeholders on the effectiveness and appropriateness of related national codes of practice, policies, guidelines and legislation.
Members comprise nominees from the Department, theDepartment of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, the Australian Veterinary Association, Animals Australia, the National Health and Medical Research Council, the National Farmers’ Federation, and the RSPCA.
Natural Resource Management Standing Committee
Creation Date: / July 2001
Constituted By: / Officials representing Commonwealth, State, Territory and NewZealand government agencies responsible for primary industries and natural resource management. Officials representing Papua New Guinea are observers.
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
Web Site: /
The Committee (see also Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts portfolio, Section A4) convenes to review advice from its subsidiary advisory committees, which include the Natural Resource Policies and Programs Committee and the Marine and Coastal Committee.
Primary Industries Standing Committee
Creation Date: / July 2001
Constituted By: / Officials representing Commonwealth, State, Territory and NewZealand government agencies responsible for primary industries and natural resource management. Officialsrepresenting Papua New Guinea are observers.
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
Web Site: /
The Committee supports the work of the Primary Industries Ministerial Council by reviewing and advising on matters submitted for consideration by the Council.
Subsidiary advisory committees assisting the Committee include the Industries Development Committee, the Primary Industries Health Committee, and the Forestry and Forest Products Committee.
Commission on Phytosanitary Measures
Creation Date: / 2October 2005
Established By/Under: / International Plant Protection Convention 1951 (InternationalTreaty)
Constituted By: / Officials representing contracting parties to the Convention
Appointed By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
Web Site: /
The Commission manages the implementation of Australia’s obligations under the provisions of the Convention.
The Commission also reviews and advises on International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures.
Forestry and Forest Products Committee
Creation Date: / 2002
Constituted By: / Officials representing Commonwealth, State, Territory and NewZealand government agencies with portfolio responsibility for forestry.
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
Web Site: /
The Committee reviews and advises on measures focussed on promoting sustainability and regional development in the forests and related industries.
Australian Fisheries Management Authority Selection Committee
Creation Date: / February 1992
Established By/Under: / Fisheries Administration Act 1991, section 28
Constituted By: / Presiding member, 2 independent members, 2 industrynominated members and a member nominated by the MinisterialCouncil on Natural Resource Management.
Appointed By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 42 of the Fisheries Administration Act 1991
Web Site: /
The Committee advises the Minister on nominations for appointment of members of the AustralianFisheries Management Authority (seeSection C).
Australian Landcare Council
Creation Date: / July 1997
Established By/Under: / Natural Resources Management (Financial Assistance) Act 1992, section 13
Constituted By: / 12 members
Appointed By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 27 of the Natural Resources Management (FinancialAssistance) Act 1992
Web Site: /
The Council advises the Minister on aspects of land care and natural resource management consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable development.
Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Selection Committee
Creation Date: / 1981
Established By/Under: / Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Act 1980, section 29A
Constituted By: / Presiding members and such other number of industry nominated members as determined by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries andForestry.
Appointed By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 38 of the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Act1980
Web Site: /
The Selection Committee advises the Minister on nominations for appointment of members of the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation (see Section D).
Cotton Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee
Creation Date: / 1 October 1990
Established By/Under: / Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989, section 124
Constituted By: / Presiding member and 3 to 6 other members nominated by the representative industry organisations
Appointed By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 141 of the Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989
Web Site: /
The Committee advises the Minister on nominations for appointment of members of the Cotton Research and Development Corporation (seeSection D).
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee
Creation Date: / July 1991
Established By/Under: / Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989, section 124
Constituted By: / Presiding member and 3 to 6 other members nominated by the representative industry organisations
Appointed By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 141 of the Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989
Web Site: /
The Committee advises the Minister on nominations for appointment of members of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (see Section D).
Forest and Wood Products Council
Creation Date: / November 2000
Established By/Under: / Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002, section 11
Constituted By: / Chair plus 14 members and 1 observer representing forest industry organisations
Appointed By: / Chair is the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Other members are nominated by forest industry organisations
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
Web Site: /
The Council convenes to consider matters affecting the forest and wood products industry.
Grains Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee
Creation Date: / October 1990
Established By/Under: / Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act1989, section 124
Constituted By: / Presiding member and 3 to 6 other members nominated by the representative industry organisations
Appointed By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 141 of the Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act1989
Web Site: /
The Committee advises the Minister on nominations for appointment of members of the Grains Research and Development Corporation (seeSection D).
Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee
Creation Date: / July 1991
Established By/Under: / Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act1989, section 124
Constituted By: / Presiding member and 3 to 6 other members nominated by the representative industry organisations
Appointed By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 141 of the Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act1989
Web Site: /
The Committee advises the Minister on nominations for appointment of members of the Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation (see Section D).
Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee
Creation Date: / July 1990
Established By/Under: / Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act1989, section 124
Constituted By: / Presiding member and 3 to 6 other members nominated by the representative industry organisations
Appointed By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 141 of the Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act1989
Web Site: /
The Committee advises the Minister on nominations for the appointment of members of the Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation (see Section D).
The Australian Government has announced that the Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporationwill be wound up in2009.
National Rural Advisory Council
Creation Date: / 1 December 1999
Established By/Under: / Rural Adjustment Act 1992, section 5
Constituted By: / Chair and up to 7 members
Appointed By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 20 of the Rural Adjustment Act 1992
Web Site: /
The Council provides expert opinions to the Minister on agricultural issues, including rural adjustment, rural education and training, ‘Exceptional Circumstances Declarations’ andother matters requested by the Minister.
Northern Territory Fisheries Joint Authority
Creation Date: / 3 February 1995
Established By/Under: / Fisheries Management Act 1991, section 61
Constituted By: / Commonwealth and Northern Territory Ministers with portfolio responsibility for fisheries
Appointed By: / Governor-General and the Northern Territory Administrator
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 70 of the Fisheries Management Act 1991
Web Site: / No current web site available
The Authority manages certain fisheries resources prescribed under Northern Territory law.
Queensland Fisheries Joint Authority
Creation Date: / 7 February 1995
Established By/Under: / Fisheries Management Act 1991, section 61
Constituted By: / Commonwealth and Queensland Ministers with portfolio responsibility for fisheries.
Appointed By: / Governor-General and the Governor of Queensland
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 70 of the Fisheries Management Act 1991
Web Site: /
The Authority manages certain fisheries resources which are prescribed under Queensland law.
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee
Creation Date: / July 1990
Established By/Under: / Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act1989, section 124
Constituted By: / Presiding member and 3 to 6 other members nominated by the representative industry organisations
Appointed By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 141 of the Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act1989
Web Site: /
The Committee advises the Minister on nominations for appointment of members of the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (see Section D).
Statutory Fishing Rights Allocation Review Panel
Creation Date: / 1991
Established By/Under: / Fisheries Management Act 1991, section 124
Constituted By: / Principal member and 5 other members
Appointed By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
Web Site: /
The Panel reviews certain decisions made by the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (see Section C).
Sugar Research and Development Corporation SelectionCommittee
Creation Date: / October 1990
Established By/Under: / Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989, section 124
Constituted By: / Presiding member and 3 to 6 other members are nominated by the representative industry organisations
Appointed By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 141 of the Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act1989
Web Site / No current web site available
The Committee advises the Minister on nominations for appointment of members of the Sugar Research and Development Corporation (seeSection D).
Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority
Creation Date: / 15 February 1985
Established By/Under: / Torres Strait Fisheries Act 1984, section 30
Constituted By: / Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, the Queensland Minister for Primary Industries and the Chair of the Torres Strait Regional Authority
Appointed By: / Membership determined by paragraph 30(2)(a) of the Act
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 41 of the Torres Strait Fisheries Act 1984
Web Site: /
The Authority manages certain fisheries resources within the TorresStrait Protected Zone.
Western Australian Fisheries Joint Authority
Creation Date: / 3 February 1995
Established By/Under: / Fisheries Management Act 1991, section 61
Constituted By: / Commonwealth and the Western Australian Minister with portfolio responsibility for fisheries.
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 70 of the Fisheries Management Act 1991