The 2 Scripts for the Invites to the Invite Website and the Instruction Conference Call

To review, this is the system you will be doing to succeed in this community.

It is simple and duplicatable.

It consists of:

The Pre-Invite Call

(ideally on Monday or Tuesday)

The Invite Call

(ideally on Friday or Saturday)

The Invite Website

(must be done before the Monday Conference Call)

The Instruction/Community Conference Call

(Monday Night)

The Instruction Website

(immediately following the Conference Call)

This cycle works perfectly out of one Monday night Conference Call and into the next but is not mandatory.

This is repeated over and over again!

We told you this would be simple.

The Pre - Invite Call

Hello ______, This is ______. How are you doing?

Small talk is your decision but NOT RECOMMENDED. This is not a beat around the bush phone call.

Listen, I have some real exciting news to share with you. It has to do with friends making money together. It has never been done before, it’s a new concept and I just know it’s gonna be huge.

I was just fully informed about it yesterday and I am really excited.

The only bad thing about it is that I can’t tell you about it until ______(day).

(2, 3, 4 days out from the Invite call - your choice and based on the next instruction call)

I know it’s not fair not to tell you now but I just can’t, you gotta trust me on this. You do trust me, right?

Anyway, I felt the least I could do was to let you know that you have something very exciting to look forward to and I had to start saying something! I couldn’t stand it. It’s better than nothing, right?

Oh, and just in case you are wondering, it is totally legal and ethical. As a matter of fact, it is highly ethical as you will see!

______(name), I will call you on ______(day) . What would be a good time for you?

Oh, also, so you know…I am only allowed 6 invitees right now and you are one of the ones I chose.

I’ll more explain on ______at ______and it won’t take long because I am really not the explainer, there are other people and sources that will do that. You’ll see what I mean. Just be ready.

Oh, one more thing, please let me know if there are any conflicts with this time on ______(day), ok.

If so, we will choose another time.

Great, I can’t wait to tell you, talk to you ______at ______.

Below, you will find 2 script types for the Invite Call, Bold and Cautious

Bold is preferred because this system and its rewards are worth it + trust assumes cooperation.

-it is also better for people you know well enough to be somewhat strong with them

Cautious still can get the job done but with less commitment up front.

-better for people you don't know well or at all

Great Strategy

- As you bring on partners, name drop to each subsequent partner!

- Better yet, get on the phone together for real power!

-As your 6 call their 6, offer to help/join them with their calls

The Invite Call -Bold

Here is the call script for your 6 Trusted Friends.

Hello ______, Hi, this ______. How you doing?

Ok, here we go, you ready?

I am going to start with 2 questions for you.

Do you want to make some money, some real money?

Do you trust me?

Do you trust me enough to do something with me in good faith, no matter what it is, as long as it is legal and ethical? ...and before you answer,let me say that we will be doing it together and have an absolute blast doing it.

What say you?

"Yes, I do trust you enough."

Great, that's what I said when I was told the same thing andlike I told you on my last call, I have chosen 6 people to do this with initially, for a very good reason, and you are one of them.

The reason you cannot say no to what I am about to give you is because it is too good, too big, too fun and too profitable for us not to do this together! It is a gift!

So, here is what we are going to do to begin.

We are going to get $550 worth of great health, energy and weight loss products including weight loss coffee and a $550 check free and clear, and all we have to do is give this deal to 6 people.

Got it? and...You are one ofMY6 people.

“Yes, of course but how are we going to do that?"

So you know, there is no catch or anything else, this is REAL, it is going to be an adventure for us and we are going to ROCK it!

Don't ask me a million questions because like I said before I am not the explainer, but I have some instruction for you to explain it all. So, have you got a pen and paper?

This is called the Good Faith and Trust Prosperity System and you will be part of the Good Faith and Trust Prosperity Community with me. It is really something! It is where friendship truly pays off.

As a matter of fact, listen to the mission of the community...

It is acommunity of peoplebanding together to create a GRAND lifestyle for each other. There is absolutely nothing as powerful as an idea whose time has come and a group of committed friends whose sole purpose is the betterment of each other. If everyone in the community follows this simple system in Good Faith and Trust, it cannot fail anyone! Everyone will benefit beyond current expectations and to unimaginable levels. Trust us! It’s who we are and OH, the fun we will have together!

Don'tcha just want to be part of that? Sorry, I get excited because I have seen the whole thing!

Anyway, there are 3 easy steps to follow:


1. Go to immediately if possible or as soon as you can.

What I am going to say about this site is vitally important. Be sure to read the entire page top to bottom. It is only one page and incredibly powerful. It will mean a lot of money to you so you have to give it the time it deserves. If you are not really excited when you are done, read it again. I can't stress this strongly enough. Got it?

2. Get on the instruction/community callwith meat ____ (time) on ______(day). The phone number is ______.

It is also short and very exciting. I have to ask you if you have something planned at that time if you could possibly cancel it or interrupt it to be on this call. There will not be another for a week.

Do you foresee any problem with that time slot?

Great, I know I am being strong about this but you will understand after you've been to the site and the call. Trust me on that!

3. Follow the instruction from the call. That’s it.


Great, I will call you before the instruction call to get your opinion of unless you call me first. I think you may want to! When do you think you will go to the site?

Ok, great!

Thanks so much, we’ll have plenty of time for small talk as this unfolds, believe me, but for now I have to make another call.

(…or go ahead and do some small talk if you want. Up to you.)

Talk to you soon!

The Invite Call -Cautious

Here is the call script for your 6 Trusted Friends.

Hello ______, Hi, this ______. How you doing?

Ok, here we go, you ready?

Like I said on my last call, I have chosen just 6 people to share this with, for a very good reason, and you are one of them.

I need a yes or no to this very real question,

"If you could get $550 worth of great health, energy and weight loss products including weight loss coffeeanda $550 check free and clear, and all you had to do was offer this deal to 6 people, would you do it?Yes or No."

“Yes, of course.”

Great, that’s what I said when I was asked the same thing and you are one of the 6 people I chose.

If/when they ask – “so, what’s the catch… or is this real… or is this legal…orhow does this work?”

or even if they don’t…

There is no catch or anything else, this is REAL, it is going to be an adventure for us and we are going to ROCK it! It is literally a gift that we are giving each other. You'll understand as we go along.

For now, I have some instruction for you. So, can you get pen and paper?

This is called the Good Faith and Trust Prosperity System and you will be part of the Good Faith and Trust Prosperity Community with me. It is really something! It is where friendship truly pays off.

As a matter of fact, listen to the mission of the community...

It is aCommunity of peoplebanding together to create a GRAND lifestyle for each other. There is absolutely nothing as powerful as an idea whose time has come and a group of committed friends whose sole purpose is the betterment of each other. If everyone in the community follows this simple system in Good Faith and Trust, it cannot fail anyone! Everyone will benefit beyond current expectations and to unimaginable levels. Trust us! It’s who we are and OH, the fun we will have together!

Don'tcha just want to be part of that? Sorry, I get excited because I have seen the whole thing!

Anyway, there are 3 easy steps to follow:


1. Go to immediately if possible or as soon as you can.

What I am going to say about this site is vitally important. Be sure to read the entire page top to bottom. It is only one page and incredibly powerful. It will mean a lot of money to you so you have to give it the time it deserves. If you are not really excited when you are done, read it again. I can't stress this strongly enough. Got it?

2. Get on the instruction/community callwith meat ____ (time) on ______(day). The phone number is ______.

It is also short and very exciting. I have to ask you if you have something planned at that time if you could possibly cancel it or interrupt it to be on this call. There will not be another for a week.

Do you foresee any problem with that time slot? Great, I know I am being strong about this but you will understand after you've been to the site and the call. Trust me on that!

3. Follow the instruction from the call. That’s it.


Great, I will call you before the instruction call to get your opinion of unless you call me first. I think you may want to. When do you think you will go to the site?

Ok, great. Thanks so much, we’ll have plenty of time for small talk as this unfolds, believe me, but for now I have to make another call. Talk to you soon!

(…or go ahead and do some small talk if you want. It’s up to you.)