Grace College Leadership Application2012-2013

Thanks for your interest in serving on our leadership team! Please carefully read and complete this application and email it back to us. Handwritten/printed applications will not be accepted.
Applications are due by Sunday, March 25.

Personal Information

Birth date: GPR: Class Of:

Major: Expected Graduation Date:

Cell Phone #: Primary Email:

Which site do you normally attend (Southwood or Anderson)?

Will you be here during the summer?YesNo (If so, for what sessions)? Summer Session I onlySummer Session II onlyboth summer sessions

College Leadership Information

Our MANDATORY FALL 2012 LEADERSHIP RETREAT is August 23 – 24. Doulos leaders have an additional retreat on August 22.
1) Do you have a conflict with these dates?If so, please

Read the Leadership SelectionCriteria - (ctrl + click to follow the link)

2) Have you read the Leadership Selection Criteria in its entirety?

3) Which aspect of the Leadership Selection Criteria will be the most
difficult for you?Why?

4) Please indicate your top preference(s) of where you feel you can best
serve in the GraceCollege ministry. Learn more about leadership

positions within the college ministry here.(Ctrl + click link to read.)

(Please note that several of these positions only need 1 or a few people, so they may not be available to everyone interested, but we will do our best to place you with your top preference if you are accepted.)




5) Why do you feel you are a good fit for the position(s) of your

6) If you are applying for a Growth Group Leader position, do you prefer to
lead alone, co-lead, or be an assistant leader of a group?If co-
leading, who would you prefer to co-lead with, if anyone?

7) Would you be willing to co-lead or be an assistant leader (even if it is
not your preference) if we need you to do so?

8) Do you have any questions or other input about how you would like to
serve with us next year?

Read the Leadership Time Commitment guidelines. (Ctrl + click link to read.)

9) I have read the Leadership Time Commitment guidelines.

10) I understand my commitment pertains to the entire academic year.

11)Which aspect of the leadership commitment will be the most difficult
for you? Why?

12) How will this time commitment fit into your priorities next year?

13)Serving as a Growth Group or Servant Team leader with the Grace
College Ministry is a MAJOR commitment. Please list your other time
commitments for next year. (Class hours, work, other organizations or
leadership commitments; Please include all organizations/positions you
hold currently and things you plan to pursue next year):

The ministry position you are applying for involves taking spiritual responsibility for others. Your acceptance will be contingent upon this being your primary area of ministry and involvement. With that in mind, we ask that if, after being accepted, you consider getting involved in other organizations or ministries, you let us know and get the approval of a member of the GBC College Staff before proceeding.

Spiritual Life & Growth

1) Briefly describe how you came to have a personal relationship with
Christ. In other words, how did you become a Christian?

2) How would you currently describe your walk with Christ?If you
could change one thing, what would it be?

Ministry Experience & Interests

1) Please describe your current & previous involvement at Grace Bible
Church and the Grace College Ministry (Growth Groups/Doulos, Servant
Team, GBC Nursery, etc.), as well as other ministry experience you

2) List all other extracurricular activities or hobbies you have been
involved with while in college.

3) What do you believe are your particular spiritual gifts and/or God-given
talents that qualify you for leadership, and for this position in particular?

4) What responsibilities of this position do you think will be particularly
challenging for you?

5) Our goal for Servant Team committees and Bible study groups is to
build COMMUNITY and allow people to connect with others in the Body

of Christ. How do you plan to incorporate this value as a leader?

6) If you could choose to do anything in life, where would you see yourself
in 5 years?

Your answer to the following questions will in no way affect your acceptance as a leader at Grace.

7) Have you ever considered spending part of your summer or a year
overseas on a mission trip? If yes, please explain.

8) If yes, would you potentially be interested in going overseas (either for 6
weeks or a year) with the Grace college ministry to either East Asia,
North Africa or Italy?

Doctrinal Statement

Please answer the following doctrinal questions from scripture. You do not have to answer from memory, and you may use any reference book/books you choose. If you do not know what you believe about any of the doctrinal questions, it is perfectly acceptable to say so. We will discuss any questions we have about your responses in your interview, so you will have the opportunity to ask questions or expand/explain your answers.

1) How would you defend the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ from

2) Describe the doctrine of the Trinity.

3) Do you believe in a literal heaven and hell and why?

4) Do you believe the Bible is inerrant (without errors in the original
writings) and why?

5) Summarize the gospel (how does a person receive eternal life?)

6) Defend eternal security ("once saved always saved") from scripture.

7) Is anything besides faith necessary for salvation (e.g. commitment,
surrender, submission, etc.)?

8) The normal Christian life is a life of faithfulness and bearing fruit.
Nevertheless, is it possible for a believer to live a carnal life (or a life that

is sinful and not bearing fruit) – why orwhy not?


Please answer the following questions honestly. Your answers to these questions will not necessarily disqualify you from acceptance into a leadership position. Many past leaders have answered “yes” to one or more of these questions and still have been accepted into leadership. Our purpose in asking these questions is not to judge or condemn (because all of us struggle with sin), but to stand with you in freedom & purity.

We take confidentiality very seriously. The information you share here will be strictly confidential and will be reviewed only by the male staff (for male applicants) or female staff (for female applicants). Your application will only be printed out once, by the person doing your interview. After leadership decisions are made, all printed applications are shredded. If you are selected as a leader, this information may also be shared with your Growth Group Coach/Servant Team Leader next year, for accountability purposes. If you prefer not to put your answers to these questions in writing, a place is provided for you to indicate this, and we will discuss any confidential information with you in your interview.

1) Are you currently in a dating relationship?

2) Whether or not you are currently dating anyone, what do you think are
appropriate physical boundaries in a dating relationship?

3) What specific steps are you taking/will you take to maintain these

4) Would you prefer to discuss these issues in person?

5)Do you have a police or prison record?

If yes, please explain:

What steps have you taken to change this involvement/habit?

What accountability have you set up for yourself in this area?

6)In the last 12 months have you consumed excessive amounts of alcohol or abused alcohol in any way?

If you selected 4 or 5, please elaborate:

What steps have you taken to change this involvement/habit?

What accountability have you set up for yourself in this area?

7)In the last 12 months, have you used narcotics, hallucinogens, or drugs not prescribed by a physician?

If yes, please explain:

What steps have you taken to change this involvement/habit?

What accountability have you set up for yourself in this area?

8)In the last 12 months, have you had a relationship which would not be considered “above reproach” (i.e., sexual intercourse; inappropriate touching; dating someone who is not in the same place as you spiritually)?

If yes, please explain:

Are you still in the relationship?

What steps have you taken to change this involvement/habit?

What accountability have you set up for yourself in this area?

9)In the last 12 months, have you been involved in a homosexual relationship or any homosexual activity?

If yes, please explain:

Are you still in the relationship?

What steps have you taken to change this involvement/habit?

What accountability have you set up for yourself in this area?

10)In the last 12 months, have you viewed pornographic material? Pornography includes magazines, movies, websites, television shows, cell phone pictures, books, or any other sources with inappropriate sexual images or words. Any source with material intended to provoke lust would be considered pornography.

What steps have you taken to change this involvement/habit?

What accountability have you set up for yourself in this area?

11)In the last 12 months, have you struggled with impure thoughts? (This may include a struggle with lust, masturbation, looking at or reading inappropriate material that might not be classified as pornography, or an excessive preoccupation with a member of the opposite sex.)

What steps have you taken to change this involvement/habit?

What accountability have you set up for yourself in this area?

12)In the last 12 months, have you struggled with anxiety?

If you selected 3 or 4, please elaborate:

What steps have you taken to change this involvement/habit?

What accountability have you set up for yourself in this area?

13)In the last 12 months, have you struggled with depression?

If you selected 3 or 4, please elaborate:

What steps have you taken to change this involvement/habit?

What accountability have you set up for yourself in this area?

14)In the last 12 months, have you struggled with compulsive or obsessive thoughts?

If you selected 3 or 4, please elaborate:

What steps have you taken to change this involvement/habit?

What accountability have you set up for yourself in this area?

15)In the last 12 months, have you struggled with body image issues?

If you selected 3 or 4, please elaborate:

What steps have you taken to change this involvement/habit?

What accountability have you set up for yourself in this area?

16)In the last 12 months, have you had obsessive thoughts about food or exercise, used food or exercise as a response to circumstances or used food or exercise to control emotions?

If you selected 3 or 4, please elaborate:

What steps have you taken to change this involvement/habit?

What accountability have you set up for yourself in this area?

17)In the last 12 months, have you struggled with or been treated for an eating disorder?

If yes, please explain:

Are you currently under a doctor’s care for this disorder? Please explain:

What steps have you taken to change this involvement/habit?

What accountability have you set up for yourself in this area?


Email this application to Rachel Presley, .
*Please note that only electronic applications will be accepted.

Leadership interviews will be April 2-5. You will be contacted by a member of the Grace College Staff to set up your interview.
All leadership decisionswill be made by Friday, April 20– expect our phone call!