Welcome to the Beebe Healthcare
2016 “I Choose Health” Wellness Program


GOLD TIER: To be eligible to receive the Gold Tier annual insurance premium differential of $500, participants must complete all of the following:

1)Complete your biometric screening on-site during month of January or with your own physician between 11/1/15through 1/31/16. If it is being completed by your own physician, you are responsible for submitting the required documentation directly to BHS by 1/31/16.

2)Complete an on-line Health Risk Assessment (HRA)between 1/1/16– 2/29/16

3)Get a flu shot between 9/1/15-2/29/16.

  1. If provided by Employee Health, no further documentation needed.
  2. If provided by anyone outside of the Beebe Healthcare Employee Health Office, you must have the provider complete the flu shot documentation and submit to Employee Health no later than 2/29/16.

4)Have an office visit with your primary care physicianbetween 1/1/15-12/31/15.

  1. If youhave Beebe Healthcare’s health insurance plan with CoreSource, your documentation will be provided directly to BHS.
  2. If you are not covered on Beebe’s health plan, employees are responsible for submitting the required documentation of their visit to BHS by 2/29/16.

5)Achieve an ‘ideal’ or ‘moderate’biometric result in at least 3 out of 5 screening categories

  1. Screening categories are: BMI, Blood Pressure, Glucose, LDL, and HDL
  2. If you are unable to obtain an ‘ideal’ or ‘moderate’ result for more than 2 categories, you must have your personal physician sign documentation confirming that he/she is aware of your results by 2/29/16.

SILVER TIER:To be eligible to receive the Silver Tier annual insurance premium differential of $200, participants must complete all of the following:

1)Complete your biometric screening on-site during month of January or with your own physician between 11/1/15through 1/31/16. If it is being completed by your own physician, you are responsible for submitting the required documentation directly to BHS by 1/31/16.

2)Achieve an ‘ideal’ or ‘moderate’biometric result in at least 3 out of 5 screening categories

  1. Screening categories are: BMI, Blood Pressure, Glucose, LDL, and HDL
  2. If you are unable to obtain an ‘ideal’ or ‘moderate’ result for more than 2 categories, you must have your personal physician sign documentation confirming that he/she is aware of your results by 2/29/16.

3)Complete your on-line health risk assessment (HRA) between 1/1/16 and 2/29/16.

4)Have an office visit with your primary care physician between 1/1/15-12/31/15.

  1. If you have Beebe Medical Center’s health insurance plan with CoreSource, your documentation will be provided directly to BHS.
  2. If you are not covered on Beebe’s Health plan, employees are responsible for submitting the required documentation of their visit to BHS by 2/29/16.

BRONZE TIER: Team members who make the personal choice not to participate in the 2016 Wellness Program. No insurance premium differential is available.

FORMS: All forms may be found on the wellness webpage ( username Beebe) under the “Forms” section or outside of the Employee Health office. Call BHS at 877-935-5262 with any questions.

Welcome to the Beebe Medical Center
2015 - 2016 “I Choose Health” Wellness Program


Beebe Medical Biometric Results Chart:After the biometric screening, participants willreceive their results according to criteria in the chart below.

Ideal / Moderate Risk / High Risk
LDL (bad) (1) / Less than 130 / 130-159 / 160 and above
HDL (good) (2) / 60 and above / 40-59 / Less than 40
Blood Pressure (3) / Systolic: less than 120
Diastolic: less than 80 / Systolic: 120-139 or
Diastolic: 80-89 / Systolic: 140 and above
Diastolic: 90 and above
BMCFasting Blood Sugar (4) / 70-99 / 100 – 125 / 126 – 149
BMI (5) / 18.5 to 24.9 / 18.4 or less and25 to 29.9 / 30 and above

Biometric Results from Personal Physician: We will accept biometric results from your personal physician with test dates within 60 days of the start of the wellness cycle (on or after November 1st). Participants are responsible for ensuring results are submitted to BHS no later than 1/31/16. If the results are in the ‘High Risk’ category, the participant must ensure their physician also signs the required documentation stating that they are aware of the results.

Alternate Options: If a participant has a medical condition which makes it unreasonably difficult for him/her to participate in events or maintain a certain health status, or if they are unable to participate in the requirements for any other reason, participants may request that a reasonable alternative be offered. The alternative option for this wellness cycle will be to obtain written documentation from your personal physician stating you are under their care and they are aware of your laboratory results and general health. Reasonable alternative forms may be found on the BHS website.

All values utilize the American Heart Association , Center for Disease Control (CDC), and American Diabetes Association guidelines for healthy adults.