18thRegular Meeting June 9, 2015

Municipal Building 95thCouncil

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Pres.Bodish. In attendance were Burker, Groller, Leiner, Luckenbach, Royer and Sodl. Mayor Bundra and Solicitor Pereira werealso present. Pres. Bodish led pledge of allegiance.

Minutes from regular meeting of May 12, 2015 were approved as presented to council by secretary – carried.

Hearing of persons present:

Richard Hamscher, 8 N 5th St., regarding street sweeping, in years past police came through approximately 15 minutes prior to sweeper to notify residents to move vehicles. 5th Street was swept first with Coplay Street later, residents in area moved cars from 5th Street to Coplay and then back after sweeper went through. Police department is here to protect and serve the residents of Coplay, not hand out parking tickets or ticketing cars without inspection; harassing residents. Should sit on Chestnut Street and hand out speeding tickets, can do that every day. Cost of having police is extreme, part-time wages at $70,000 and $8,000 for weapons training, unnecessary costs. Pres. Bodish responded well aware street sweeping did not go as smoothly as years past, attempted to save borough some money and utilize a service swap with North Catasauqua. Unable to remove ticket, but will listen to complaint and look into same to resolve for future. Will be corrected next year, however was assured by employees that “No Parking” signs were posted on all streets in timely manner. Sodl responded to budget concerns, stating weapons training, bulletproof vest replacements, etc. are all unfunded state mandates that increase the budget on yearly basis; local government cannot change or ignore these mandates. Mr. Hamscher continued there is no more personal touch between the police department and Coplay residents, people in Coplay have not changed but police department has. Leiner apologized for issuance of ticket. Continued discussion and statements of dissatisfaction with police department by Mr. Hamscher.

Reading of correspondence: None.

MayorBundrareported next Joint Safety Committee meeting scheduled for June 17 at 2:45 pm. Attended LaFarge liaison meeting, brought up for discussion current situation with Coplay Kilns, County Executive Muller attended as well and very supportive of kiln restoration. Next kilns planning meeting will be held June 17 at 11am with Rick Molchany of Lehigh County. Leiner added University of Penn Professor will be at meeting as well; kilns are important to Coplay, however project is through Lehigh County with Coplay as participant.

Solicitor Pereira had nothing to report at this time, however requested executive session for discussion of real estate and litigation.

Engineer Stewart was absent, no report.

Reports of Officers and Standing Committees:

Sodlread Code Enforcement/Health Inspector report for May, 2015, 0 health permits issued, 13new code complaints, 7 ongoing and 10resolved, most new reports were for high grass and weeds.

Royer reported copies of information from HSA Mechanical regarding heating system for borough building to all members, converting to hot water with high efficiency gas fired boiler would cost approximately $300,000.00. Keeping steam radiators and installing natural gas cast iron boiler and individual thermostatic radiator valves would cost approximately $102,000.00. This would not include heat in the gym, which would require gas unit heaters at an approximate cost of $50,000.00. Members had some discussion on these costs. Royer added in addition to heating, roof needs repair work as well. Questioned if council wants to commit this amount of funds to building? Pres. Bodish requested Secretary include on July workshop agenda for lengthy discussion of same.

18th Regular Meeting June 9, 2015

Burker reported pool opening this weekend for season, looks good. Met with representatives of Coplay Sports and Legion Baseball, currently working through some issues with council inclusion and support. Mostly regarding possible installation of fence to separate fields, currently awaiting specifications for further discussion in order to move forward. Reported there are 9 teams playing at Sam Balliet Stadium this season. Spoke with Scott Cope & Cyndi Dunn from DCNR regarding submitted grants. Leiner questioned if taxpayers will be paying for installation of fencing. Burker

responded no. Sodl added, when resolution agreed upon Coplay Sports and Legion Baseball would bringinformation to council as a recommendation; both understand borough owns the field and must approve all changes. Pres. Bodish commented installation of a fence would close off the area, what if future use included soccer or football that the entire field space would need to be utilized. Sodl stated that is why must come to council for approval, council must consider future usage.

Groller reported normal operations in finance.

Bodishapologized for street sweeping issues, will be corrected. Reported garbage and recycling pickups are heavier than normal. Received notification from Lehigh County regarding award of $67,325 from CDBG funding for reconstruction of Front Street, requesting attendance at 6/10 Commissioner’s meeting should there be any questions. Burker, Sodl and Luckenbach will attend. Secretary will brief Sodl on application and grant information submitted prior to attendance.

Unfinished Business: None.

New Business:

Motion by Groller, second by Leiner to approve use of municipal building gym by Protective Safety Systems from September 14 through October 29, 2015 – carried.

Motion by Burker, second by Luckenbach to hire Jarred Walker as lifeguard for the 2015 summer pool season – carried.

Motion by Sodl, second by Burker to purchase Bucket Truck in the amount of $6,200.00 utilizing Street Funds in Departmental Projects Account – nay by Leiner – carried.

Motion by Burker, second by Sodl to recognize Reph’sComplete Auto Repair for being voted as 2015’s Best Auto Shop for Your Domestic Car by Lehigh Valley Style – carried.

Building inspector report for May, 2015read by Secretary. 4 zoning permits, 10 residential building permits, 1 electrical permit, 1 plumbing permit, 1 mechanical permit, 2 sidewalk permits and 9certificate of occupancy permits issued for total amount of $2,525.75.

Motion by Groller, second by Luckenbach to approve police, building, fire, and health inspector reports – carried.

Motion by Groller, second by Burkerto accept treasurer Sandra Gyecsek’s report for May, 2015 as presented to council – carried.

General Fund$ 147,844.59General Fund MM$ 513,816.41

Garbage Fund$ 45,232.97Garbage Fund MM$ 178,225.50

State Fund$ 77,235.56Police Pension Fund$ 7,322.41

Street Opening Fund$ 100,041.72Recreation Fund$ 52,029.52

Emergency Services Fund $56,293.37Garbage Truck MM$ 71,820.85

Capital Projects Fund$ 4,100.93Dept. Projects Account$ 129,377.04

Payroll$ 13,815.28

Motion by Groller, second by Royerto pay all approved bills as submitted to members of council by secretary – carried.

Resolution and Ordinances: (roll call vote)


A Resolution authorizing the Borough Secretary to utilize First Northern Bank & Trust’s online bill pay program.

Motion byGroller, second byLeiner to approve Resolution No. 1405. Roll call vote resulted in 7 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.

18th Regular Meeting June 9, 2015


An Ordinance amending the provisions of the Codified Ordinances of the Borough of Coplay, the Civil Service Commission and the Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations, upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police and with the review and consent of the Civil Service Commission.

At this time, Pres. Bodish asked for any questions or comments from public, there were none.

Motion by Luckenbach, second byLeiner to approve Ordinance No. 818. Roll call vote resulted in 7 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.

As there was no further business, motion by Leiner, second by Sodl to adjourn meeting to executive session for discussion of real estate and litigation at 8:00 pm. May reconvene for motions if necessary.

Meeting was reconvened by Pres. Bodish at 9:20 pm. Pres. Bodish requested Secretary note in minutes Leiner left executive session at 8:40 pm. Secretary reported there were additional motions.

Motion by Burker, second by Sodl to authorize Solicitor to revise agreement of sale with General Supply Co at a purchase price of $215,000.00 per discussion and to authorize President Bodish to sign agreement of sale and release $1,000.00 escrow payment at the agreed upon terms – Leiner absent – carried.

Motion by Burker, second by Royer to authorize Solicitor to terminate and withdraw Summary Appeal against Winifred Carpenter – Leiner absent – carried.

As there was no further business, motion by Luckenbach, second by Groller to adjourn meeting until workshop Tuesday, July 7, 2015 at 7 PM, and regular meeting Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 7 PM.


Borough Secretary