Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Ancient Egypt Research Project

Topic: ______

Partners: ______

Partner’s Contact Info ______

Objective: Students will be able to model key concepts of Ancient Egypt by researching and creating a power point presentation in a cooperative group.


1.  Ancient Egypt Research Project Packet (Will be collected as a class work grade).

2.  Pen/Pencil

3.  Flash Drive


Date / Class Agenda / Homework
Tuesday 11/1
Meet in the library /   Introduction to project.
  Divide group responsibilities.
  Research using websites and books. /   Find at least 3 facts from credible sources. Write them on the fact sheet.
Wednesday 11/2 –
Friday, 11/4
All classes meet in computer lab 3A /   Continue research using websites and books.
  Work on Power Point in lab.
*You will not have more than 3 days in the computer lab, please plan accordingly. /   Work on project at home by gathering information on the fact sheet.
  Work on power point at home if you have a flash drive.
  Friday 11/4: Complete presentation if not completed in class. Presentations are Monday and Wednesday. Be prepared to go first!
Monday 11/7&
Wednesday 11/9
Room 107 / Presentations/ Reflection / None.

Parents: Please read over the project packet with student and acknowledge the student requirements by signing below. Please contact with any questions, comments, or concerns.


Parent Signature Date


Student Signature Date

Power Point Check List (60 Points total- 10 points per slide)

*Each body slide must contain at least 2 facts and at least one picture.

______Intro Slide

______Body Slide 1

______Body Slide 2

______Body Slide 3

______Conclusion Slide

______Works Cited Page (Put the sources of your research here)

Presentation Check List: (40 Points total)

______Oral Presentation (Everyone must have a speaking part): 10 Points

______Preparedness/Organization: 10 Points

______Individual: 20 Points

*This completed packet will be collected and graded as a classwork assignment.


0 / Apprentice
1 / Practitioner
2 / Expert
Intro / No introduction slide / Not clearly stated / Intro clearly stated / Intro clearly stated + extra
Body / No body slide / Less than 2 facts/no picture / 2 facts and picture on each slide / 2 facts and picture on each slide + Extra
Conclusion / No conclusion slide / Not clearly stated / Conclusion clearly stated / Conclusion clearly stated + Extra
Works Cited / No works cited slide / Not clearly state / Works cited clearly stated / Works cited clearly stated + Extra
Oral Presentation / Did not present orally / Did not present equally / Oral Presentation clearly stated / Oral Presentation clearly stated + Extra
Organization / Not prepared/ organized / Not done to full potential / Prepared and Organized / Prepared and Organized + Extra
Individual / Did not participate as an individual on the project / Did not complete work equally / Worked as an equal partner on project / Went above and beyond as an individual


As an individual, you must find at least 3 facts from at least 2 different sources.

1.  Source:


2.  Source:


3.  Source:


4.  Source:


5.  Source:


6.  Source:


Daily Log

Tuesday- Group Proposal

Brainstorm your project and group member’s responsibilities:

Do Now
What do you hope to accomplish today? What are your goals? / Closing
What did you accomplish today? Did you meet your goal from the do now?

*Whatever is not finished on Wednesday must be completed for homework!!