Fifth Reformed Church of Muskegon

Consistory Meeting Minutes

Monday, October 7, 2013

Present: Pastor Paul, Howard Connell, Ray Klug, Bob Sieplinga, Ed Wilkes, Frank DeLong, Tim DeVriendt, Brad

Swain, Frank Kern and Steve Pothoven

Absent: Gary Boss, Greg Churchley, and John Humphreys

1. Opening Business:

a. Call to order, devotions and opening prayer: The meeting was called to order at

7:45 pm. Devotions and opening prayer were given by Brad Swain. Brad read

from Colossians 6:7 talking about “Are you a witness?”

2. Routine Business:

a. Approval of minutes for September 9, 2013: Motion made, supported and carried to

APPROVE these minutes.

b. Correspondence received: “Transformed & Transforming” re: the RCA’s new vision was

handed out for information. We will discuss this in more detail at a later time.

c. Elder Board Report:

1. Reaffirmations of Faith: Jeff Van Munster’s public reception into membership will be

conducted on October 20th.

2. Transfers In: Tom & Yvonne Vander Lee were received from 2nd Reformed Church,

Grand Haven and Carol Binnendyk was received from 1st Christian Reformed

Church of Muskegon.

d. Deacon Board Report:

1. Reviewed and discussed Controller's monthly income and expenses reports.

2. Finance Committee update (no report provided)

3. 2014 Budget revisions were discussed. Steve Pothoven will have a final draft at

our November meeting.

4. Benevolence ministry actions for past month: helped several people with gas for

car and with housing. Also helped a mother and son living in a motel with

housing, food, medical prescriptions, and transportation.

e. Pastoral Care Board Report: Frank DeLong reported, provided for information.

f. Staff Report:

1. Vacation days for staff: Pastor Paul, October 8-14, 2013 (previously approved)

2. Update re: John Davidson's Commissioned Pastor Program (for information only)

3. Other staff information of interest: Pastor Paul is now the co-chair of the Muskegon

Classis Commission for Ministerial Formation & Preparation, and thus a member of

the Classis Executive Committee.

3. Ministry Team Reports:

a. Church Life (no report)

b. Education & Youth (for information only)

c. Evangelism (for information only)

d. Outreach & Missions (no report)

e. Prayer (no report)

f. Small Groups (no report)

g. Property & Equipment:

1. The Property & Equipment Team came with a proposal to have the Deacons set up

a fund where deposits can be made to build a storage garage to be used for the

Women's Ministries Used Items Sale and for other church storage. The Women’s

Ministries already have $1,000.00 to be deposited into this account. They want to

have a bake sale to add to this fund, along with other donations that may be ear-

marked for this purpose. After much discussion it was decided to allow the

Deacons to set up this special fund. The garage will not be built until enough

money is in this fund to fully cover the cost of the building. Also, if after a certain

amount of time they do not reach their goal, or for some reason the Consistory does

not approve the building of the structure, the Consistory will have the right to move

all deposited money over to the Building Fund or to any other account they

deem necessary. Motion made, supported and APPROVED to accept this proposal.

4. Old or Tabled Business:

a. Development of Deacon Ministry Team (remains tabled)

b. 2013 Elder & Deacon Nominations slate - updated information was provided. The

Nominating Committee will next interview the nominees and have the final slate ready

for their approval at the November 4th Consistory Meeting.

c. Decision regarding hosting of Fall Festival: Due to the problem of not finding anyone to

take charge of this festival it was decide to cancel it this year. Consistory talked about

making this festival an every-other-year event or to try putting it in with some other

event. We will see what feedback we receive from the congregation over this.

d. Feedback regarding DeColores weekend: The DeColores men were very impressed

with the cooperation of our staff and our church facility. They look forward to future

weekends with us. There were a few concerns with how they left things when they

departed on Sunday, and these will be looked into.

5. New Business:

a. Worship related items: October 13 Pulpit Supply will be Rev. Mike Wissink

b. Anonymous designated gift: $600.00 has been given to the church for new TVs in

classrooms (old TVs will be discarded). The donor will work with Bob Barrett on

obtaining the right TVs and making sure they are secured properly on the carts.

c. Update on status/progress of Families Victorious ministry: Allison DeVriendt and her

team are still working on this. Allison did a training run with Harry & Norine Pothoff

and did a good job. We need referrals and new prospects to get this going.

d. Other items for discussion (none)

6. Adjournment and closing prayer: Motion made, supported and APPROVED to

adjourn. Pastor Paul closed with prayer at 9:35 pm. The next Consistory Meeting

will be Monday, November 4, 2013.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ray Klug, Clerk of Consistory