Molloy Student Government
November 25, 2014
1. Call to Order at 3:35
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes
a. 11/11/14
Motion to approve the minutes with corrections by MaryKate M.
Second: Matt M.
Abstain: none
Opposed: none
All in favor
Motion passes
4. Guests
5. Committees
6. Legislature Officer Reports
a. Residence Hall
- No Report
b. Public Relations
- No Report
c. Community Service
- Santa’s Workshop
- December 6th, 11 am – 1 pm, Public Square : mandatory event
- Photos: Frankie from student media will hopefully print out the pictures on the spot for pictures with Santa
d. Academic Programming
1. Course Evaluations
a. Due by December 10th: tell classmates to fill them out. Due by the 10th.
- 5 Minute Party
- December 8th, 4 pm, Public Square Lobby: please be there on time since it is a short event. Please send any song requests a.s.a.p. Stress balls will be given out
e. Class Officers
i. Seniors
1. Midnight Munchies
a. Monday, December 8th, Dorms 10 pm: Part 2. Starting earlier so that more people will
Motion or 120 dollars for midnight munchies by jess
Second: Bruno
Trying to get nutella pizza
Abstain: none
All in favor
Motion passes
2. Thank you!: for Mr. Molloy and walking dead. Congrats Mike for being Mr. Molloy.
ii. Juniors
- No Change
iii. Sophomores
- De-Stressor
- Wednesday December 3rd, 12 – 2 pm
Motion for $175 for the coffee destressor by David S.
Second: Joe P.
Coffee, hot chocolate, milk. Everything is a dollar if you want a single item it is 50 cents
Abstain: none
Opposed: none
All in favor
Motion passes
iv. Freshmen
- Box and Socks Fundraiser
- December 1st, 12 – 2 pm, Public Square: finally ordered the items. They are only selling boxers
Motion for the funds not to exceed $1000 for boxers event by Mike G.
Second: Jess B.
Black base boxers s-xl. They will say Molloy on one side and a lion on the other side. They will be ordering 92.
Not eventually getting socks. Will be delivered by the 5th. Selling them for 12 or 13 dollars. Will have to move table day back.
Abstain: none
Opposed: none
All in favor
Motion passes
f. H.O.P.E.
- Sponsor a Family: sectors will get emailed the item they need to buy and everything must be in by the 8th
- Lighting of tree is December 2nd
- Food Drive Donations: today is the last day. Leave them in campus ministries
g. S.A.A.C.
- Basketball Games
- Men’s vs. Nyack College 12pm Quealy Hall: will be holding an athletic event for 30 kids. There will be different stations for kids to do stuff.
- Charging Stations: 350 for each charging station so far. Doing to put them in the different buildings.
7. Executive Board Reports
a. President
- President’s Christmas Party
- Thursday, December 4th, Anselma Room, 5 pm: mandatory in the anselma room. About two hours long. Business casual. Faculty will be there. We need to RSVP, it should mailed to you.
- Christmas Party
- Friday, December 12th : ice skating at twin rinks (7-8pm) and dinner at bertuccis. Dinner at 8:30
- MSG Spring Semester Mandatory Planning
- Friday, January 16th, Multi-Purpose Room, 7:30 – 9:30 pm: the Friday we come back from break
- Ornament Giveaway
- Tuesday, December 2nd, 10 am – 4 pm , Public Sq Lobby : free ornaments every year from a dealer. First one free and after that they are 5 dollars. We need ppl to sit at the tables
- Tree Decorating
- Tuesday, December 2nd 2:30 pm, Public Square Lobby: hot cocoa will be there. Not a point opportunity.
- Tree Lighting
- Tuesday, December 2nd, 4:45 pm, Outside Fitness Center . we will try to end the meeting early so we can attend. Same day as secret Santa.
Secret santa: please make sure you pick up the sheets from the mailboxes
b. Vice President
- No Change
c. Treasurer
- Numbers: numbers are current.
d. Student Activities Coordinator
- No Change
e. Programming Coordinator
- Hats & Stockings
- December 3rd, Public Square Lobby, 10am: the week we get back. That Wednesday. Some hats came in the elf hats are super cute! Expect to see a Google doc over the weekend. It is a long event from 10-4pm. We are working till we run out possibly.
f. Secretary
- No Change
8. Old/Unfinished Business:
Justin is tabling the club. But please still show up
Motion for the necessary funds not to exceed $20 dollars for additional gift card for hockey event Robby T.
Second: Justin B.
Abstain: none
Opposed: none
All in favor
Motion approved
Stall talk is ready. If you want a point by hanging stall talk to Katie and Kevin. The plastic containers behind the door need to be fixed.
Any clubs that need t sign in go to Anna afterwards. Any gov members need to let anna know for their club
Senior class is having a sweatshirt sale. See them for details and pictures. Going t be having a table day. Two colors grey and black.
Motion for the necessary funds not to exceed $1411 for hats and stockings by MaryKate M.
Second: John B.
Does not include glue and glitter
Abstain: none
Opposed: none
All in favor
Motion passes
9. New Business :
New anselma room will be open after break
There will be a bash
Some dormers have never seen snow so on the first snow day gina would like to do a snowman decorating contest.
Motion for the necessary funds not to exceed 30 dollars for snowman decorating contest by Gina C.
Second: Mary C.
Abstain: none
Opposed: none
All in favor
Motion passes
10. Announcements
No office hours
Booking events should start now because when we get back there might not be any times left. Just book now and figure out details later. Happy birthday nick and Katie yesterday and sarah this weekend.
Happy thanksgiving to all! Two months to Anna’s bday.
11. Adjournment at 4: 07 by Craig G.
Second: Sarah L.
All in favor
Motion passes