Welcome Week Fall 2016
Theme verse: Isaiah 43:19 (ESV) — Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Day 1: Friday, August 19
8:00am-11:00am *New Student Check-in – (Library)
11:30am-1:00pmPicnic Lunch - (Gaither Commons)
(Guests $5 for adults; $3 for children)
1:00pm-1:30pmCommuter Student Meeting (Belk 219)
2:30pm-3:15pm*Welcome Service withNew Students and Parents (Anderson Auditorium)
3:15pm-3:30pm*Dismiss students to Foundation Groups Moore Field; parents to Upper Anderson
3:30pm-5:15pmParent Conversation w/President and Mrs. Maurer & Cabinet (Upper Anderson)
*Foundation Teams “Life at Montreat” (Gaither lawn & Graham Chapel)
5:30pm-6:00pmStudent Athlete Meeting (Graham Chapel)
5:30pm-6:30pmDinner & Goodbye to Families (Howerton Dining Hall)
(Guests $5 for adults; $3 for children)
6:30pm-8:00pmGet-To-Know-Your-Roommate/Settling-in to your room
8:00pm *Hall Meetings & Socials for all Residential Students
Day 2: Saturday, August 20
8:00am-8:45am*Foundation Teams meet over Breakfast (Howerton Dining Hall)
9:00am-12:00pm*Service Project with Foundation Team (Graham Chapel)
12:00pm-1:30pmLunch (Howerton Dining Hall)
12:30pm-4:30pmFree Time (Shuttle vans to and from Black Mountain Campus)
1:00pm Men’s Soccer vs. Emmanuel College (Black Mountain Campus)
3:00pmWomen’s Soccervs. Club Botetourt Stars (Black Mountain Campus)
4:45pmBox Dinner Pickup (Anderson Residence Hall)
5:00pmBuses depart for Asheville Tourists Baseball Game (Anderson Residence Hall)
(Wear Montreat!)
5:45pmArrive at Historic McCormick Field, (Asheville, NC)
6:00pmPresident Maurer throws Opening Pitch
9:30pmBuses depart McCormick Field and return to campus(Anderson Residence Hall)
Day 3: Sunday, August 21
8:00am-9:30amContinental Breakfast (Howerton Dining Hall)
8:30am-2:30pmWorship at local churches
12:00pm– 1:30pmLunch (Howerton Dining Hall)
2:00pm-5:00pmBucket List Activities
4:00pmVolleyball vs Milligan (McAlister Gymnasium)
5:30pm-7:00pm *GoGo’s Kitchen: Home Away From Home Program (Howerton Dining Hall)
8:00pm *Vespers: Sunday Night Praise and Worship Service (Graham Chapel)
9:00pm Make Your Own Sundae Party (Gaither Commons)
Day 4: Monday August 22
8:00am-9:00am Breakfast (Howerton Dining Hall)
Group A
9:00am-9:45am *Calling and Career (Chapel of the Prodigal)
10:00am-12:00pm *Foundation Teams Meet (designated classrooms)
User’s Guide to Campus
12:00pm-1:00pmLunch (Howerton Dining Hall)
1:00pm-4:00pmTeam Building for Foundation Groups (Black Mountain Campus)
Group B
9:00am-12:00pmTeam Building for Foundation Groups (Black Mountain Campus)
12:00pm-1:00pmLunch (Howerton Dining Hall)
1:00pm-1:45pm *Calling and Career (Chapel of the Prodigal)
2:00pm-4:00pm *Foundation Teams Meet (Designated Classrooms)
User’s Guide to Campus
5:30pm to 7:00pmDinner (Howerton Dining Hall)
8:00pm to 10:00pmOpen Mic Coffee House (Howerton Dining Hall)
Foundation Teams =IS 102 (Interdisciplinary Studies Freshman Seminar class)
IS 200 (Interdisciplinary Studies Transfer Seminar class)
Tuesday, August 23
8:00amClasses Begin!
9:30pmResidence Hall Meetings (Mandatory for all residential students)
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, August 24Opening Convocation
Thursday, August 25Milkshake Mixer
Saturday, August 27Dubstep Dodgeball
Tuesday, August 30 Student Life Club and Activities Fair
Thursday, September 1 Montreat Mock Rock
Saturday, September 10Tailgate at the Black Mountain Campus (home soccer matches)
September 30-31Homecoming and Family Weekend
October 6-9Fall Break
November 23-27Thanksgiving Break
December 12-15Final Exams