School of Recreation, Health, and Tourism
Instructor: Christopher Beemer
PHED 200 – Professional Dimensions of Health, Recreation, and Physical Education (3)
FALL 2009
DAY/TIME: Monday 7:20 – 10:00 PM LOCATION: Robinson Hall A111
OFFICE HOURS: By appointment only PHONE NUMBER: 703-376-1450
This course traces the development of sport, physical education, recreation, and health from the ancient Greek period to the present. Through the utilization of scholarly interpretations, students examine a variety of topics, including the role of physical education in ancient Greek culture, nature of sport in Renaissance society, the interrelationship between exercise and health in nineteenth century America, and the rising interest in physical culture in contemporary society. Particular attention is devoted to the role of various ethnic and racial groups in American sport and the health, recreation, and physical education professions.
At the completion of this course students should be able to:
1. Describe how recreation, physical education, health, and sport developed as they moved from a
pre-industrial to a postindustrial culture.
2. Demonstrate the interrelationship between sport and the health, physical education, and recreation
professions in contemporary American society.
3. Identify the major trends in society and how they influenced the recreation, health, and physical
education professions.
4. Describe the role played by various ethnic and racial groups in sport, physical education, health,
and recreation.
1. Baker, William J. Sports in the Western World. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998.
2. Wiggins, David K. Sport in America: From Wicked Amusement to National Obsession. Champaign, IL:
Human Kinetics, 1995.
This course will be graded on a point system, with a total of 500 possible points.
Requirements Points
10 Quizzes (done online) 100
15 Discussion Reply Posts (done online, due each Friday by midnight) 150
1 Presentation and Discussion Question 150
1 Final Exam 100
Grading Scale
A / = 94 – 100 / B+ / = 88 – 89 / C+ / = 78 – 79 / D / = 60 – 69A- / = 90 – 93 / B / = 84 – 87 / C / = 74 – 77 / F / = 0 – 59
B- / = 80 – 83 / C- / = 70 – 73
Lecture Topic / readings/Assignment Due /August / 31 / Introduction/ Greek & Roman Games
September / 14 / Steroid Use in Professional Sports* / Baker, Chapters 2 – 3
September / 21 / Battle of the Sexes* / Baker, Chapters 4 – 5 (1)
September / 28 / Title IX* / Baker, Chapters 6
Wiggins, Chapter 1 (2)
October / 5 / Presentations Start: Group A* & B* / Baker, Chapter 9
Wiggins, Chapter 2
October / 13 / No Class / Baker, Chapter 10
Wiggins, Chapter 7 (3)
October / 19 / Group C* & D* / Baker, Chapter 13
Wiggins, Chapter 9 (4)
October / 26 / Group E* & F* / Baker, Chapter 14
Wiggins, Chapter 11 (5)
November / 2 / Group G* & H* / Baker, Chapter 15
Wiggins, Chapter 15 (6)
November / 9 / Group I* & J* / Baker, Chapter 16
Wiggins, Chapter 17 (7)
November / 16 / Group K* & L* / Baker, Chapter 17
Wiggins, Chapter 18 (8)
November / 23 / Baker, Chapter 18
November / 30 / Baker, Chapter 19 (9)
December / 7 / Final Exam Review / Baker, Chapter 20 (10)
December / 14 / Final Exam
Note: Faculty reserves the right to alter the schedule as necessary
* Indicates an online posting must be completed for this presentation by the following Friday at Midnight
/ v All students are held to the standards of the George Mason University Honor Code [See]v University policy states that all sound emitting devices shall be turned off during class unless otherwise authorized by the professor
v Students with disabilities who seek accommodations in a course must be registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) and inform the instructor , in writing, at the beginning of the semester [See]
v For additional School of Recreation, Health, and Tourism information, please visit the website at