Mauritania (mr)

1999 reporting

Mauritania[1] (1999)

Action plan intended to establish a list of priority projects with costing, but only two projects were included.

2009 reporting

Mauritania[2] (2009)

2.5 Resources Financial

Funding has always existed to support the work of restoration ecology (regeneration, reforestation, protection of grazing, dams, etc..) As a National Desertification Fund (NDF), created in 1996 to accompany the programs against the desertification. To integrate the environmental dimension desertification (including biodiversity) in April 1998, the NDF should make way for the National Environmental Fund (NEF).

The National Fund of the environment that did not succeed due to lack of political will could be taken as part of NCA exercise highlighting the maintenance of the components of biological diversity.

One can add to these exercises:

A Trust Fund for the PNBA which is being installed. The Trust Fund is intended to temporarily finance actions of nature conservation in the PNBA and would later open to other protected areas;

In the framework of fishing agreements between Mauritania and the EU financial resources could be reserved each year for the conservation of fisheries resources of the Gulf of Arguin.

GEF has always accompanied the actions of maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem conservation at different levels.

II.9 Mobilization of funds for protected areas and coastal

II. 9.1 Establishment of a sustainable funding mechanism

In order to sustain the financing of protected areas and make them play their role as engine of development for the poorest populations, the DAPL in cooperation with the National Park of Banc d'Arguin and its partners, has taken steps to create a trust fund for the PNBA and other protected areas of the country. This process has taken more steps that led to the definition of the profile of this fund and to receive the first contribution intentions. The Mauritanian government will contribute to the establishment of funds to the tune of three million euros will be deducted from the rents from fisheries agreements with the European Union. The International Foundation for the Banc d'Arguin (FIBA) has also spoken to a budget of three million euros. Other partners have indicated their intention to contribute to the establishment of this fund. It's acts: the French Agency for Development Cooperation (GTZ), the Spanish Cooperation (AECI), etc..

Profile recommended by the Steering Committee is an offshore investment. A comparative legal study will be committed soon to guide the country's investment funds offering more benefits, safety and behavior as few constraints on the system of fund management and operation of its Board of Directors.

II.9.2 Inventory Project sites of biological and ecological interest

This project also received the attention of the FIBA intends to present at the next meeting of its Board of Directors provided for in the next month.

2005 reporting

Mauritania[3] (2005)

- See NAP / National Strategy and Action Plan biodiversity

- PRSP also machinery provided under the National Environmental Fund (NEF)

IV) Please provide information on the current situation and developments in relation to this objective.

- The status and regime of FNE has not yet been adopted by the government;

- Other sources of funding for bilateral and multilateral but still the point (see example biodiversity project Mauritania Senegal)

V) Please provide information on indicators used for this purpose

The establishment of functional FNE was planned for 2005

VI) Please provide information on challenges in implementation of this goal.

- Political will to implement a funding mechanism for the real will but up against resistance to the donors who want to go solo

VII) Please provide any other relevant information.

- A concerted push at the multilateral level could improve the implementation of national

a) Budgetary allocations by national and local governments and various ministries:

Allowances as benefits of officials and offices.

[1] Mauritania (1999a). Stratégie et plan d’action nationale sur la diversité biologique, 1999, 57 pp.

[2] Mauritania (2009). Quatrième Rapport National CBD, Ministère Délégué auprès du Premier Ministre, Chargé de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable, 86 pp.

[3] Mauritania (2005). Third National Report, Direction de l’Environnement – Coordination de la Biodiversité, 146 pp.