San Francisco Unified School District Student Support Services Department

WHO can submit a CWA referral?

(All referrals are reviewed, approved and signed by the Principal)

·  Principals / ·  Vice Principals / ·  Head Counselors
·  Counselors/LSPs

WHAT is a CWA referral?

·  A collaborative process between school sites and Student Support Services Department to address serious student issues and behaviors through consultation, prevention and intervention services.

WHEN to make a CWA referral?

1.  Student Attendance Review Board (SARB):

·  This referral is made on behalf of a student whose attendance has not improved. Prior to a SARB referral, a school site has completed the following:

o  sent 3 truancy notification letters to student/parent or guardian

o  SAP, SST and/or SART resulting in an attendance improvement contract with the student and family

o  exhausted all possible support and interventions for the student and family (e.g.: a home visit, referral/connection with community based organization, etc.) See also attached: Improving Student Attendance: Tips for Student Support Services Staff

2.  Counseling Conference:

·  This referral is for a school site seeking assistance outside of school-based interventions for students experiencing the following ongoing issues:

o  serious and chronic behavioral concerns in classes and in school

o  engaging in severe at-risk behavior

·  Prior to a Counseling Conference referral, a school site has referred student to SAP, conducted multiple SSTs and parent conferences for a student, however the behavior persists

3.  Safety Transfer:

·  This referral is made for students who are victims of threats or assaults at school or on the way to and from school. The threats and/or assaults are severe and must be documented by the school site, including a police report.

·  A Safety Transfer can only be made by an administrator after all site based interventions have been used to mediate/resolve any given situation. A restorative approach to conflict resolution is highly encouraged on site.

HOW to submit a CWA referral?

·  Complete all sections of the Student Support Services Department Child Welfare and Attendance Referral Form

·  Attach all required supporting documentation, and make required number of referral packet copies as per the Child Welfare and Attendance Referral Form

·  Drop off or school mail to: Student Support Services Department, 555 Portola Drive, Bungalow 1, Attn: Tyler O’Brien

San Francisco Unified School District Student Support Services Department

Reference Guide to Child Welfare and Attendance Referral Process, page 2

WHAT happens at a:

1. Student Attendance Review Board (SARB):

·  The student, his/her family and a school representative attend the SARB hearing

·  SARB panel members include community representatives from San Francisco Police Department, District Attorney’s Office, Child Protective Services, Community Behavioral Health Services (e.g., Family Mosaic), Cal WORKS, and Community Based Organizations (e.g., Sunset Youth Services). Additionally, SFUSD representatives from Student Support Services (e.g., CWAL, Attendance Liaisons, Early Retirement Incentive Program/ERIP teachers, LSPs, etc.) serve on the SARB panel.

·  The SARB hearing is facilitated by a Student Support Services Department administrator or counselor

·  A SARB Contract (i.e., an action plan delineating next steps, interventions and supports to address student’s attendance issues) is developed at every hearing

·  Consequences enacted or recommended by the SARB may include:

o  Referral to the District Attorney for possible prosecution

o  Hold and/or terminate Work Permit as per terms/timeframe of the SARB contract

·  SARB Contract follow-up is provided by ERIPs, CWALs, Attendance Liaisons in collaboration with site-based Student Support Services staff

2. Counseling Conference:

·  The student, his/her family, and a school representative meet with a Counselor or Program Administrator for Student Support Services

·  This team reviews the student’s academic and behavior successes and notes areas for improvement

·  The team collectively develops an action plan that all members contribute toward addressing the reason for referral and assisting the student’s success

·  If deemed necessary, the student can be transferred to another school by the Student Support Services Program Administrator, with agreement from the parent

·  A Child Welfare and Attendance Liaison (CWAL) is assigned to follow-up with the student and site-based student support services staff (e.g.: Counselor, Wellness Coordinator, LSP, etc.) on the action plan and to provide resources/linkages for a successful transition back to the school

3. Safety Transfer:

·  The student, his/her family, and a school representative meet with a Program Administrator for Student Support Services

·  This team reviews the student’s academic and behavior successes and notes areas for improvement, and reviews the circumstances, police report and other information relevant to a Safety Transfer

·  The team collectively develops an action plan that all members contribute toward addressing the reason for referral and assisting the student’s success

·  If deemed necessary, the student can be transferred to another school by the Program Administrator for Student Support Services, with agreement from the parent/guardian

·  A Child Welfare and Attendance Liaison (CWAL) is assigned to follow-up with the student and site-based student support services staff (e.g.: Counselor, Wellness Coordinator, LSP, etc.) on the action plan and to provide resources/linkages for a successful transition back to the school

SSSD CWA Reference Guide, September 2009