An Ordinary meeting of Highley Parish Council was held onTuesday 5th July 2016 at 7pm at the Severn Centre, Highley.

Present:Cllr.M.Brooks– Chair, Cllrs. R.Honeybourne, A.Honeybourne, N.Barker, D.Bayley, T.Holford, A.Maiden,D.Tremellen, R.Broome, M.Phipson, D.Bache

Shropshire Councillor: D.Tremellen.

Clerk: Mrs.E.Preston

00 Parishioners Time–. No Comments

Declaration of Pecuniary interests: Declaration of any disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be discussed at the meeting. Members are reminded that they are required to leave the room during the discussion and voting on matters in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, whether or not the interest is entered in the register of member’s interest maintained by the monitoring officer.

01. Apologies– received CllrJ.Lawillness. Cllr.Askey Work CommitmentsCllr. Marshall, Cllr.Thakrar – Holiday. RESOLVED to accept apologies.

02.To confirm minutes of the meeting held on7th June2016 - RESOLVEDthat the minutes be signed as a true and correct record. Chairsigned the minutes.

03.Matters arising from minutes:

3.1. Road Safety Schemes – Ashleigh GardensCrossing and 20MPH Speed Limit on Redstone Drive – Awaiting start details from Shropshire Council.

2CastleInn –Shropshire Council has issued a Dangerous StructureSection 77 notice.The boarding up of all the accessible windows and doors had now been carried out

3.3. Highley Pool Refurbishment–. Grant Funding Received from Ruskin Air £750.00. Around £500 raised at the Highley Fete Day. No progress has been made on The LEADER fund application because the LEADER programme as a result off the EU referendum is still operating under Purdahregulations.

3.4. Highley Play Park- The new equipment was official opening at the Fete on 2nd July 2016.

3.5. Speeding Woodhill Road – Consultation to be carried out with residents of Woodhill Road regarding parking and speeding in Woodhill Road, Roads committee to deal with this issue.

3.6. Allotments Jubilee Drive – Awaiting information from Taylor Wimpey

3.7. Parking Rhea Hall – Martin Whitelegg from STAR Housing replied that although he was sympathetic to the provision of additional parking the main issue in its provision was cost. And he did not believethat there was any funding available to do this unless any funding can be found from other sources. He has asked Emma Jones to contact the council to consider the wider issue of parking for the tenants in Coronation Street area taking into account that a third of the houses in the streets are in private ownership. RESOLVED that the Parish council write to STAR Housing in to ask them to look at this issue again

3.8. Parked Vehicle High Street. /Entrance to Co-op Car Park – Clerk reported that PC A. O’Leary was going to look into this issue.

04. Correspondence

4.1. Public Sector Show – Invitation to attend at Manchester 22nd November 2016

4.2. Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust – Media Release – Hospital Trust Improvesin survey of patient’s satisfaction.

4.3. RuralServices Network – Newsletter

4.4. ShropshireHousing Group – Invitation to event on “What Communities can do” on 13th July – Cllr.Tremellen to attend.

4.5. Shropshire Council – Strengthening Families through Early Help and Protecting Children information.

4.6. SALC –Bulletin – 30th June

4.7. Alice Dilly – Shropshire Council emailed regarding parking issues at Borle Brook Court. She has received representation in the form of signatures from the residents (sent via the management company) wanting formal waiting restrictions. She has responded to acknowledge that she had passed their concerns onto the Parish Council. She has asked that this item be discussed by the Parish Council and then to inform her if we would like it looked at more formally. RESOLVED that this issue be looked at by the Parish Council Road Committee and reported back at the next meeting in September.

4.8. Graham Moore wrote to the Parish Council regarding Christmas Lighting Displays. Following discussions it was RESOLVED that the Parish Council write to Mr. Moore stating the Parish Councils concern about the insufficient time given to implement the requirements for Christmas lights and ask if an extension to the time to arrange for the requirements be delayed until next year. Also to ask what legislation had led to these requirements. Highley had been putting Christmas Lights up for many years without being asked to apply to Shropshire Council for permissions. Meeting to be arranged with Parish Council/Shropshire Council and Mr. C.Holford, contractor for Highley Parish Council.

05 Planning.

16/02181/FUL – Erection of first floor extension – 8 Redstone Drive Highley – NO OBJECTIONS

06. Shropshire Council Proposed Cuts.The following reports were given to Councillors:-

Reports from meeting with Chris Edwards – Area Commission Shropshire Council

Report from meeting held at the Guildhall Shrewsbury – Cllr.Barker

Report from Bridgnorth SALC Area Committee Meeting 22nd April 2016

Report from Meeting at Cantern Brook regarding Severn Valley Country Park.

Following discussions it was RESOLVED that the Parish Council agree in principle to discussions with Shropshire Council regarding taking over the financial support of some service in the village and that the committee of Chair ,Vice Chairs and Clerk continue to meet with Chris Edwards from Shropshire Council regarding these issues . It was also RESOLVED that the finance and Resources Committee meet to look at the consultation document to go out to Parishioners regarding this and to look at the issue of the CIL monies. Chair M.Brooks said that it was proposed to hold an Extraordinary Parish Council meeting in August to discuss these urgent issues.

07. Speeding/Parking Issues- Cllr.Phipson expressed his concern about speeding in Hazelwells Road and Woodhill Road and parking of vehicles on double yellow lines throughout the village. He proposed that we ask for regular traffic enforcement officers and police speed checks. Following discussions it was RESOLVED that the Highley Parish Council Roads Committee meet to look at the issues and report back to the next meeting

08. Shropshire Councillors Report – D.Tremellen - Cllr.Tremellen said that main issue of Shropshire Council cuts had already been discussed earlier in the meeting.

09. Finance

Severn Centre Trust / Churchyard Maintenance / 1,143.08
Severn Centre Trust / Parish Council Maintenance Work / 720.00
Proludic Ltd / New Play Equipment – Severn Centre / 16,798.79
M.E.Preston Chairman’s Allowance / Gift Tokens for Children – Play Park Opening / 30.00
Post Office Counters / Tax & National insurance July / 49.26
M.E.Preston / Salary - July / 841.91
N.Barker / Expenses – Guildhall Meeting re Budgets / 24.60
SALC / Training – D.Tremellen / 22.00
Eon / Street Lighting - Maintenance / 3080.86
Eon / Street Light – Repairs – Hazelwells Road / 112.46
Eon / Street Light – Repair Rhea Hall / 116.86
M.E.Preston / Salary - August / 841.91
Post Office Counters / Tax & National Insurance - August / 49.26
SALC / Training – D.Tremellen / 60.00

Meeting closed 8.50pm.


Highley Parish Council meeting5th July2016 Page 1