Inside this Issue
Interim Rector’s Ramblings
Quarterly Financials
Who’s Doing What This Month
Missions, Outreach, and Upcoming events
Vestry updates
Sunday Services:
8:30am Holy Communion
9:45am Sunday School/Bible Study
11:00am Holy Communion
The Rev. Doris C. Westfall, Interim Rector
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
444 Brightfield Trail
Manchester, MO 63021


The Interim Rector’s Ramblings

Dear Friends:

We are in the last days of Epiphany and are looking towards Lent. I love Lent. I love the time to reflect, to get in touch with how I can do better, be more faithful, live more intently and purposefully. Lent is not about self-flagellation and condemnation, it is about looking at oneself with honesty, integrity, and a desire to become more as God has made us and less as we have made ourselves. This is not just work for the season of Lent; this is work meant to be engaged in every day in the life of a Christian, but it is helpful to have this season as a reminder that we both individually and communally need to repent, to turn from the ways we fall short back to the way of Jesus.

In this edition of The In-Between Times you will find an article on some New Year Resolutions from Pope Francis. We are in the first month of a new year and Lent is about becoming a new you, so it is appropriate to share these. Read and pray over them. Choose one or two to concentrate on for the next forty days. Offer them up to God in thanksgiving for the opportunity to be made better. Ask the Lord for help in committing to them and seeing them through. Your life will be better and fuller as a result.

We leave the season of Epiphany, the season of God being made manifest, being revealed to us in the person of Jesus. We go into Lent, the season when we are to contemplate what difference that revelation is to make in our lives and how we are to live differently as a result. May this Lent be holy and life giving for all of us.

Your sister and servant in Christ,


Let your God love you

By Edwina Gateley

Be silent.

Be still


Before your God.

Say nothing.

Ask nothing.

Be silent.

Be Still.

Let your God look upon you.

That is all.

God knows.

God understands.

God loves you

With an enormous love,

And only wants

To look upon you

With that love.




Let your God-

Love you.

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manual page break.

Removing Columns

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ECW Updates

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February 2016

Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
6pm Praise Ensemble / 5
8pm AA / 6
8pm AA / 8 / 9
Pancake Supper
5:30-7:30pm / 10
Ash Wednesday
Services 12:00 & 7:00pm / 11
6pm Praise Ensemble / 12
8pm AA / 13
Vestry Workshop 9:00am-2:00pm
8pm AA / 15
Vestry Meeting 7:00pm / 16
Newsletter articles due! / 17
4:45pm Executive Committee Meeting
5:45 Lenten Study / 18
6pm Praise Ensemble / 19
8pm AA / 20
8pm AA / 22 / 23 / 24
5:45 Lenten Study / 25
6pm Praise Ensemble / 26
8pm AA / 27
8pm AA / 29
AA Group meetings
Sunday 8:00pm
Friday 8:00 pm / Service Schedule
8:30 am Holy Communion
9:45am Sunday School
11:00am Holy Communion

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St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
444 Brightfield Trail
Manchester, MO 63021
«City», «State» «Zip»«addtl»

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