Clenchwarton Parish Council

Minutes of meeting 5th October 2017

Present: Cllrs James, Smith,Impey, Gipp,Pell and Cllr Swietonowski entered at 7.20pm

There were 11 members of the public, the RFO and clerk

  1. To receive apologies for absence. Cllr Tordoff, Winter, Mallett and Hunter
  2. To receive declarations of interest in item on the agenda and any application for dispensation. None
  3. To approve and sign the minutes of a meeting held 7th September. Minutes were approved and signed as a true record
  4. To receive reports from Borough and County Councillors. Cllr Whitby reported on new rules regarding the drinking of alcohol in public spaces, and on the Hanseatic history event and historic talks in the Town Hall. He also gave details of free events in Hunstanton. Work had started on the conversion of the Borough Council offices. County Councillor Kemp reported on the flooding, there was a blocked drain on the playing field which AWA were attending to. Highways will deal with the surface water. She had arranged a meeting in Hall Road to discuss the flooding in that area along with Clapper Lane. She reported that the dykes at the north end of Clapper Lane had not been transferred to Freebridge and were the responsibility of the land owners. Cllr Kemp thanked Cllr Gipp for the photographs of the severe flooding which had taken place recently. She reported on Marshfields who catered for disabled children. The trees along the Main Road east of Margaretta House were being assessed by the County tree surgeon, works will be carried out if necessary. Cllr Kemp had been chasing up the reinstatement of the Highways Safety Group, she felt that small groups were a good idea should be encouraged.
  5. Open Forum: 15 minutes during which time residents may speak. A resident spoke regarding a planning application, Cllr Whitby stated that it would be dealt with by the BC planning committee. A resident made comment as to the way in which the water flowed in Hall Road drain.
  6. Finance: to approve the monthly payment, finance reports and invoices circulated by the RFO. To resolve on the payments of Memorial Hall property rates. The monthly payments of £12,258.13 were agreed along with the transfer of £3,000 plus another £10,000. It was resolved to pay a grant of £1000 to the Memorial Hall and to pay the rates for the Memorial Hall of £193.60. It was resolve not to accept the quote from ECS for computer back up and to discuss it further at the next Finance meeting. It was resolved to allow the clerk to order refuse sacks from the B C as and when required.
  7. To resolve on the co-option of a new Parish Councillor. It was unanimously resolved to co-opt Mr Mace to the Council
  8. Allotments: Cllr Smith informed the council that an allotment was being ploughed ready for a new tenant.


  1. To resolve on the purchase of CCTV camera for the back field. No quote had been received as yet.
  2. To consider the reintroduction of an annual Citizen Award. It was resolved not to do so. However if it was felt that should someone do something to warrant an award it could be re considered.
  3. To resolve on the Parish Partnership bid for next year. It was resolved to get a price for village ‘gateways’ thatincorporated 30mph signage for November meeting.
  4. To resolve on the purchase of Christmas tree, lights and arrangement. It was agreed that Cllr James would purchase a 15ft tree from the same people who supplied one last year and ask Cllr Kemp to turn on the lights. Cllr James would make the arrangements for Friday 15th December at 6pm. Clerk would investigate if it would be possible to connect the tree to a street light and then place it on the green area by the mini roundabout.
  5. To consider a quote for tree survey of a tree in the playing field. The Community Centre committee had already carried out a survey. It recommendseveral trees be removed. Cllr Swietonowskiwished it minuted that she was not happy that the survey had gone ahead and that it was only agreed to survey one tree. The clerk explained that she had spoken with Cllr Tordoff and he had stated that only one tree was being considered for removal, the one which is undermining the pavilion. Cllr Pell stated that there had been no extra charge for surveying the other trees. It was agreed that all Councillors should meet with the CC committee to discuss progress, an informal meeting would be arranged for 7pm on the 23rd October in the Memorial Hall. Cllr Pell would mark out the size of the new community centre on the field to allow everyone to see the size and position of the proposed new build.
  6. Clerks report. SAM2, the clerk reported on the fact she could get no reply from highways regarding the erection of the new post in Station Road. Cllr Pell stated that he would go ahead and put the SAM2 sign up on the otherexisting posts. Late planning applications, 17/01845/F single storey timber framed garage at Clock Case barn, support if neighbours are happy. 17/01566/F permission had been granted to vary condition 2 to amend drawings for side extension at 200 Hall Road.
  7. Planning: to make observation on planning applications received and circulated 17/01644/F new single detached dwelling 16 Rookery Road, support if neighbours happy. 17/0632/RMM Fosters reserved matters, 40 dwellings, no comment. 17/01658/F Proposed workshop non-commercial and two storey annex 187 Main Road.Concerns raised regarding the close proximity of the workshop to the neighbours boundary and that Parish Council were aware of a boundary dispute.
  8. To receive updates from committees: Community Centre working party committee. Cllr Pell reported on progress, the plans for the new building had been submitted to the BC planners today. A fund raising Halloween Party had been arranged for the 28th October and a Bingo for 23rd November
  9. To receive updates from outside bodies: Memorial Hall, nothing to report
  10. To receive items for the next agenda 2nd November. Parish Partnership
  11. To resolve on whether the Council should move into closed session for discussion of the following agenda items on the grounds of confidentiality (details of discussion not for publication by virtue of section 100 (a) para 4 of the Local Government Act 1972) It was resolve to move into closed session.

This part of the meeting closed at 8.30pm