TC LHIN Call for Proposals– Supported Housing(MHA_14-15CFP_4) Page 1

Toronto Central LHIN Call for Proposals

Community Mental Health and AddictionsFamily Programs

November 14, 2014

The Toronto Central LHIN (TC LHIN) is seeking proposals from LHIN funded providers interested in building new capacity in MHA Peer and Family Programs and Services.

Community Investment Background

People with complex mental health, addictions and physical health issues experience significant challenges in accessing the services they need. The greater and more diverse one’s needs, the more intersections between and within systems and services, the greater the complexity with respect to access. TC LHIN is committed to addressing these challenges and is supporting the development of a more integrated community mental health and addictions system with improved access to the services people need, when they need them, where they need them.

Building on significant mental health and addictions investments made in 2013/14, TC LHIN is investing additional funding this year to continue to support the transformation process. The expected outcomes include: more streamlined, efficient and timely access to appropriate, evidence based, local MHA services; support for clients to be matched to appropriate level and intensity of care as needed; increased housing stability to support clients’ recovery; strengthened roles for peers; and supports for families.

Through our ongoing planning and evaluation processes, support for families and caregivers of those with mental health and addictions issues continue to be highlighted as critical additional capacity that is required in the local health care system. Families and caregivers are not only an essential member of the team in addressing the needs of someone with a mental illness or addictions, but families themselves become clients of the system and require support. Family driven programs are hoped to provide people with the skills, knowledge and assistance required to navigate the system, make informed decisions, and to build strong support networks.

Building on the investments made in the 2013/14, Toronto Central LHIN is seeking to further enhance the capacity for programs that support families and caregivers of those with mental health and addictions issues.

Description of Call for Proposals Opportunity

Through this Call for Proposals, the TC LHIN will invest approximately$150,000 toincrease capacity in family and caregiver programming. Proposals could include: family support groups, self-help and peer support models, psycho-educational programs, and counselling. Proposals should address how they support the following outcomes for families/caregivers;

  • Improved ease of navigation of services
  • Increased knowledge and ability to make informed decisions
  • Strengthening of support networks
  • Increased ability to care for their family members over long term
  • Reduced wait times for families/caregivers of complex clients

Criteria for Selection:

Proposals will be evaluated based on their ability to demonstrate how they will achieve the following;

  • The desired outcomes as stated in the RFP
  • Service model and delivery through trauma informed and concurrent disorders capable lens’
  • Strategy to provide service to non-English-speaking clients and those who may have unique cultural practices
  • Utilization of existing resources/structures, complimented by new resources from this RFP to develop enhanced programming/capacity
  • Evidence of need for proposed service
  • Roles and responsibilities of key partners
  • Description of how implementation will be approached
  • Impact on a targeted number of clients
  • Cost per client ratio

The TC LHIN will also review organizational performance:Financial Standing, Service Accountability Agreement, and current/previous project performance within the GTA LHINs.

Selected Submissions may be invited to present to the TC LHIN evaluation team and to respond to questions the evaluation team may have in regards to the proposal. See the Application Process section below for more details.

Who Can Apply

All LHINfunded agencies are eligible to apply for this funding.

Application Process

Please submit the Call for Proposals Template to 5:00pm on Friday, November 28, 2014. Please include “Submission - MHA_14-15CFP_4” in the subject line of your email.

Please take note of theQuestionandPresentationprocesses outlined below.

  • Questions are welcomed via email to until 5:00 Thursday, November 20, 2014. No questions will be responded to after this point.
  • Please include “Question – MHA_14-15CFP_4” in the subject line
  • A summary of questions and responses will be posted on the Toronto Central LHIN website for all potential applicants on Monday, November 24th, 2014.

Presentations by short-listed applications
Selected submissions may be invited to present to the TC LHIN evaluation team and to respond to questions the evaluation team may have in regards to the proposal. These presentations will be scheduled for Thursday December 4st, 2013 between 8:30am and 4pm. Interested proponents are asked to please hold this time in your calendars. The TC LHIN will notify short-listed applicants by 5:00pm December 2, 2014th if they are required to come in to present on December 4th and at what time.

Summary of Timelines

Activity / Timeline
Call for Proposals Open / Friday, November 14, 2014
Submission of Questions regarding Call for Proposals / Thursday, November 20, 2014
Summary of Q&As posted on TC LHIN website / Monday, November 24, 2014
Proposal submission deadline / Friday, November 28, 5:00pm
Short-listed proposals notified with presentation time slot / Tuesday, December 2, 5:00pm
Short-listed proposal presentations at TC LHIN / Thursday, December 4, 8:30am-4pm
Notification to all applicants regarding evaluation results / Friday, December 19, 5:00pm

TC LHIN Call for Proposals Application Form – MHA Family Programs (MHA_14-15CFP_4)Page 1

Toronto Central LHIN Call for Proposals Application Form

Community Mental Health and Addictions Family Programs

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the following application form and submit a signed copy to 5:00pm on Friday November 28th, 2014, using “Submission - MHA_14-15CFP_4” in the subject line of your email.

Name of Organization: / <insert text>
Proposal Primary Contact Name and Title: / <insert text>
Email: / <insert text> / Phone #: / <insert text>
  1. Overall Model Description: Please provide a detaileddescription of the intended model and how it will address the expected outcomes described in the Call for Proposals documentation. Provide information related to the proposed staffing model, hours of service, linkages to other programs and existing Coordinated Access Points, etc.
To explain the intended model, please include supporting data and literature, as appropriate.
<insert text>
  1. Target Population: Please describe the population of focus. Include descriptions, where applicable, of the community and geographic location that will be impacted and estimate the number of people in the population that will be impacted. Include supporting data to demonstrate need.

<insert text>
  1. Partnerships. Please describe in detail any partnerships that are included in the model. Clearly outline the roles and responsibilities of the partners with respect to the implementation of the model and what mechanismsare, or will be in place to support the partnership arrangement. (add rows as required)
All partners included must be knowledgeable about their participation in this Call for Proposal application and agree to the roles and responsibilities listed below.
Partner / Roles and Responsibilities
<insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text>
  1. Impact:Please describe the impact the model will have on the intended population. Please also use the indicator table below to document the intended indicators and targets that will be used to measure the impact of the proposed model.

<insert text>
Proposed Indicator Table
Expected Outcome
(see Call for Proposals description) / Indicator / Target
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
  1. Readiness and ability to implement. Please outline the major activities and dependencies for implementing the model (e.g. an implementation timeline). Please describe whatrisks or challengesyou foresee with respect to the implementation and how these will be mitigated.

<insert text>
  1. Resources: In the tables below please outline the capital and operating resources required for the model – add additional rows as required. Please include all in-kind resources that will be used in the model to represent a true program cost.
The operating budget template has been separated into ongoing costs and 14/15 – please be realistic when budgeting amounts for 14/15 and take into account project start-up time impacts.
Note: An appended budget document will be accepted for this section, however, please ensure it includes the requested information regarding a breakdown of capital and operating expenses with in-year and ongoing amounts identified.
Capital Expenses
Item / Cost / Description/Notes
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
TOTAL / <insert text>
Operating Expenses A: Ongoing Operating Costs
Item / Ongoing Operating Costs ($) / Description/Notes
(for salary costs, include a breakdown of number and type of FTEs)
New $ required (i.e. proposal ask) / In-kind $
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
Operating Expenses B: 14/15 Operating Costs (please be realistic and consider intended start date when determining these costs.
Item / 14/15 Operating Costs ($)
(consider project start date) / Description/Notes
(for salary costs, include a breakdown of number and type of FTEs)
New $ required (i.e. proposal ask) / In-kind $
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>
<insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text> / <insert text>

Thank you for completing this Call for Proposals application. Please submit a signed copy to the TC LHIN as per the instructions included in the Call for Proposals process description.

Signed by:


Executive Director or Chief Executive Officer