As long as a participant is enrolled in the Employment First (EF) program, they must be actively participating in anactivity. After gathering information from the assessment form about a person’s work history, skills, strengths, and barriers a decision must be made on an activity assignment.

The activity assignment should be beneficial to the participant, with the goal of increasing his/her ability to secure employment.

When making an activity assignment, the case manager must know whether the individual is an Able-Bodied Adult Without Dependents (ABAWD)or a non-ABAWD. All ABAWD counties must offer some activities that meet the ABAWD work requirement.

Non-ABAWD Activity Assignment

Non-ABAWDs may be assigned to participate in any approved EF activity, except workfare, for a minimum of 3 hours per week, up to a maximum of 120 hours per month. All participants in workfare follow the same rule: required hours are determined by dividing the household allotment by the state minimum wage.

ABAWD Activity Assignment

The current Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) law limits the receipt of SNAP benefits to 3 months in a 3-year period for ABAWDs who are not working, participating in and complying with the requirements of a work program for 20 hours or more each week, or a workfare program.

All activities may be combined to meet the ABAWD work requirement. For example, a person may work 10 hours per week and participate in GED the remaining 10 hours, for a total of 20 hours weekly participation.

If an ABAWD is assigned to complete 20 hours per week, 11 of the 20 hours must be an allowable activity and up to 9 of theremaining hours can be job contacts.The 11/9 Formula allows an ABAWD to combine any activity (but workfare) with job search to meet the 20 hour/week participation requirement. For example, a person may work 11 hours per week and do 9 job contacts per week (the 11/9 Formula) to reach the total of 20 hours weekly participation.


The following is a list of activities that counties may offer EF participants. It is best to offer a variety of activities to fit the various needs of the EF population.

An activity contract must be in each individual’s casefile for each activity assignment. If a person is participating in a combination of activities, a single contract which outlines all the requirements may be used, unless one of the activities is workfare. Any workfare assignment requires a workfare activity contract.

Credit for activity commencement may not be entered into CBMS until the first step of the activity has been taken and verified.

WORKFARE 30 Day Job Search

The 30 days begin when the participant attends Orientation. The 30 days may overlap into two months but the participant must be assigned to a permanent Workfare activity by the end of 30 days or any other activity that best assists the participant to employment.

Case management procedure:

•Participants are assigned a minimum of 12 hours of activity within the 30 days which includes:


Job Seeking Skills Training

Workfare/Soft Skills Certification

Job Contacts

  • Participants sign a Workfare Initial Site contract (EF-213) and complete one hour of work (i.e. putting together packets, filing, stapling forms, copying, shredding or community projects).
  • Participants sign a Participant Activity Follow-up Letter for the Competency Class (EF-111).
  • Participants sign a Participant Agreement and Guidelines (EF-211) for the 8 hours of Workfare or complete the Soft Skills Certification packet.

In CBMS, for data collection purposes, we use Workfare Initial Site as the name for the Workfare 30 Day Job Search Activity.


Any participant assigned to workfare, whether an ABAWD or not, may be required to work up to the number of hours equal to their SNAP allotment divided by minimum wage.The worksite must be at a non-profit or public worksite.

A participant may not be mandated to participate in both workfare and another activity. However, participants who are enrolled in Workfare may volunteer to participate in another activity at the same time.

Case management procedure:

  • Participants sign theWorkfare Program Participant Agreement and Guidelines (EF-211) form. Required hours are calculated by dividing the participant’s food assistance benefits by the State minimum wage. A Workfare Program Agreement contract (EF-224) must be on file prior to assigning the participant to the worksite.
  • Once attendance verification is received the activity is data entered in CBMS. Verification may be received in writing or by phone. If verified by phone, the name and phone number of the Sponsor must be noted in the case file and in the case comments.
  • At a minimum, participants must be seen at least once a month. ABAWDs and non-ABAWDs must provide attendance verification. Participants sign a Follow-Up Appointment Letter (EF-111).


Basic Education

For participants who test between the 5.5 and 8.5 grade level. Participants attend remedial education classes weekly. Homework may also be assigned and counted for participation hours.

English as a Second Language-ESL

English language classes for participants whose primary language is other than English and whose lack of basic language skills presents a barrier to employment.

General Equivalency Diploma-GED

For participants who test at or above the 8.5 grade level. Students attend pre-GED classes weekly in preparation to take the GED test. Homework may also be assigned and counted for participation hours.


For participants who test at or below the 5.5 grade level. Students attend remedial education classes weekly. Homework may also be assigned and counted for participation hours.

Post-Secondary Education

For participants who are enrolled at least half time in school and working towards an Associate or Bachelor’s Degree.

Case management procedures for Education Activities:

  • Participants sign a Participant Activity Contract (EF 205-A). Classroom time combined with homework assignments must provide 20 hours per week of activity for an ABAWD to meet the work requirement. If 20 hours cannot be guaranteed, then this activity must be combined with another activityto meet the 20 hour per week work requirement. The 11/9 Formula can be used.
  • Once attendance verification is received the activity is data entered in CBMS.Attendance at the first class is the date of commencement. Verification may be received in writing or by phone. If verified by phone, the name and phone number of the education staff must be noted in the case file and in the case comments.
  • At a minimum, participants must be seen at least once a month.ABAWDs and non-ABAWDs must provide attendance verification. Participants sign a Follow-Up Appointment Letter (EF-111).


Participants are required to attend classes or receive individual instruction on basic skills that increase employability. Instruction may include, but is not limited to: improving writing, reading, math, communication skills and customer service training. The AZTEC packets available from the State EF office meet the requirements of this activity.

Case management procedure:

  • Participants sign a Participant Activity Contract (EF 205-A). Employability must provide 20 hours per week of activity for an ABAWD to meet the work requirement. If 20 hours cannot be guaranteed, then this activity must be combined with another activityto meet the 20 hour per week work requirement. The 11/9 Formula can be used.
  • If this is offered instead of 30 day workfare job search, the activity may be commenced at Employment First orientation if an allowable activity is facilitated. Otherwise commencement would occur with attendance at the next appointment or class.
  • At a minimum, participants must be seen at least once a month. ABAWDs and non-ABAWDs must provide attendance verification. Participants sign a Follow-Up Appointment Letter (EF-111).


For participants who are already working at least 20 hours per week and earning at least minimum wage (or receiving documented remuneration equal to minimum wage).

Case management procedure:

  • Participants sign a Participant Activity Contract (EF 205-A).The 11/9 Formula can be used: 11 hours of work per week and 9 Job Contacts per week to meet the required 20 hours per week.ABAWDs may combine this activity with any other activityto meet the work requirement.
  • Once employment information has been verified with the employer, enter the activity and employment information in CBMS. If the employment began prior to being referred to Employment First, the activity commencement date would be the date the activity contract was signed.
  • At a minimum, participants must be seen at least once a month.ABAWDs and non-ABAWDs must provide verification of hours worked. Participants sign a Follow-Up Appointment Letter (EF-111).
  • To count as an activity, job seeking skills activities must be included in the monthly contact with the participant.
  • A participant would continue in this activity until they are working at least 30 hours per week (averaged over at least 30 days) and/or earning at least $217.50/week.


For participants who are interested in taking classes to learn how to start their own business. Classroom attendance is required as well as completion of all homework assignments and attendance at any individual appointments.

Case management procedure:

  • Participants sign a Participant Activity Contract (EF 205-A). Self-Employment must provide 20 hours per week of activity for an ABAWD to meet the work requirement. If 20 hours cannot be guaranteed, then this activity must be combined with another activity to meet the 20 hour per week work requirement. The 11/9 Formula can be used.
  • Once attendance verification is received the activity is data entered in CBMS. Attendance at the first class is the date of commencement. Verification may be received in writing or by phone. If verified by phone, the name and phone number of the education staff must be noted in the case file and in the case comments.
  • At a minimum, participants must be seen at least once a month (unless an alternative reporting requirement is approved by State EF). ABAWDs and non-ABAWDs must provide attendance verification. Participants sign a Follow-Up Appointment Letter (EF-111).


For participants who are enrolled and participating in Vocational Rehabilitation.

Case management procedure:

  • Participants sign a Participant Activity Contract (EF 205-A). Vocational Rehabilitation must provide 20 hours per week of activity for an ABAWD to meet the work requirement. If 20 hours cannot be guaranteed, then this activity must be combined with another activity, except workfare, to meet the 20 hour per week work requirement. The 11/9 Formula can be used.
  • Once verification of enrollment is received the activity is data entered in CBMS. Attendance at the first appointment or orientation with vocational rehabilitation is the date of commencement. Verification may be received in writing or by phone. If verified by phone, the name and phone number of the vocational rehabilitation staff must be noted in the case file and in the case comments.
  • At a minimum, participants must be seen at least once a month (unless an alternative reporting requirement is approved by State EF). ABAWDs and non-ABAWDs must provide attendance verification. Participants sign a Follow-Up Appointment Letter (EF-111).


For participants who are enrolled and participating in skills training related to a specific occupation (i.e. welding, word processing, auto mechanics, truck driving school, data entry). Usually offered in cooperation with a WIA program, the local community college, or trade or vocational schools.

Case management procedure:

  • Participants sign a Participant Activity Contract (EF 205-A). Vocational Training must provide 20 hours per week of activity for an ABAWD to meet the work requirement. If 20 hours cannot be guaranteed, then this activity must be combined with another activity, except workfare, to meet the 20 hour per week work requirement. The 11/9 Formula can be used.
  • Once verification of enrollment is received the activity is data entered in CBMS. Attendance at the first appointment or orientation with vocational training is the date of commencement. Verification may be received in writing or by phone. If verified by phone, the name and phone number of the vocational rehabilitation staff must be noted in the case file and in the case comments.
  • At a minimum, participants must be seen at least once a month (unless an alternative reporting requirement is approved by State EF). ABAWDs and non-ABAWDs must provide attendance verification. Participants sign a Follow-Up Appointment Letter (EF-111).


For participants who are enrolled and participating in any WIOA program.

Case management procedure:

  • Participants sign a Participant Activity Contract (EF 205-A). WIA must provide 20 hours per week of activity for an ABAWD to meet the work requirement. If 20 hours cannot be guaranteed, then this activity must be combined with another activity, except workfare, to meet the 20 hour per week work requirement. The 11/9 Formula can be used.
  • Once verification of enrollment is receivedthe activity is data entered in CBMS. Attendance at the first appointment or orientation with WIA is the date of commencement. Verification may be received in writing or by phone. If verified by phone, the name and phone number of the WIA staff must be noted in the case file and in the case comments.
  • At a minimum, participants must be seen at least once a month (unless an alternative reporting requirement is approved by State EF). ABAWDs and non-ABAWDs must provide attendance verification. Participants sign a Follow-Up Appointment Letter (EF-111).


For participants who are currently volunteering for a non-profit or public business.

Case management procedure:

  • Participants sign a Participant Activity Contract (EF 205-A).The 11/9 Formula can be used: 11 hours of volunteer work per week and 9 Job Contacts per week to meet the required 20 hours per week.ABAWDs may combine this activity with any other activity, except workfare, to meet the 20 hour per week work requirement.
  • Once volunteer work information has been verified, enter the activity information in CBMS. If the volunteer work began prior to being referred to Employment First, the activity commencement date would be the date the activity contract was signed.
  • At a minimum, participants must be seen at least once a month.ABAWDs and non-ABAWDs must provide verification of hours worked. Participants sign a Follow-Up Appointment Letter (EF-111).
  • A participant would continue in this activity until they are working at least 30 hours per week (averaged over at least 30 days) and/or earning at least $217.50/week.