No. / Romanian partner / JINR partner / Title of the project / Theme No. / Protocol No./Programme / USD
1. / Cruceru / A. Litvinenko / Developing of the detection facilities for new experiments at NUCLOTRON / 02-0-1065-2007/2009 / To be signed / 5 372
2. / Aranghel Dorina / I. L. Sashin / Inelastic scattering of nanosystems and novel materials / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / 3894-04-09/11 / 2 000
3. / Badica Teodor / V. A. Morozov / Shape coexistences and configuration mixing in nuclei with A~60-100 at the tandem facility of NIPNE / 03-2-1039-2010/2012 / To be signed / 6 000
4. / Coca Cornelia / V. D. Kekelidze
Yu. K. Potrebenikov / Measurement of the rare decay K→ℼ vv branching ratio at NA62 / 02-7-1016-96/2009 / To be signed / 2 000
5. / Pantelica Ana / M. V. Frontasieva
Otilia Culicov / Nuclear and related analytical techniques in environmental studies / 03-4-1036-2001/2010 / 3871-4-08/10 / 2 500
6. / Visinescu Mihai / Saha Bijan / Anisotropic models and applications in general relativity and cosmology / 09-6-1060-2005/2010 / To be signed / 3 000
7. / Anghel Dragos / A. Yu. Cherny / Statistical methods to describe general systems of interacting particles / 01-3-1072-2009/2013 / To be signed / 3 000
8. / Balasoiu Maria / S. E. Kichanov / Powder diffraction investigations at the Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source of biogenic ferryhidrite particles transformations induced by heat processing / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / 3894-04-09/11 / 2 000
9. / Barsan Victor / A. Yu. Cherny / Investigation of the structure factor obtained by small-angle neutron
scattering for novel types of nanoparticles / 01-3-1072-2009/2013 / 3905-3-09/11 / 2 500
10. / Tripadus Vasile / Erhan Raul / Development of new small angle scattering instrument at IBR 2M reactor with neutron optics elements by VITESS software package / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / To be signed / 2 500
11. / Tripadus Vasile / A. G. Soloviev / Development of SANS data treatment at YuMO facility / 05-6-1060-2005/2010 / To be signed / 2 000
12. / Pantelica Dan / A. V. Yeremin / Alpha, beta, gamma spectroscopy of transfermium nuclei / To be signed / 4 000
13. / Stratan Gheorghe / Dr. Pakuliak / The placement of specialized knowledge in the historical and philosophical context of science. Lectures and practical applications for the students of the JINRUniversityCenter. / Titeika-Markov
Programme / 3 000
14. / Buzatu Florin
Dulea Mihnea / Gheorghe Adam / Optimization Investigations of the GRID and Parallel Computing Facilities at LIT-JINR and Magurele Campus / 05-6-1060-2005/2010
05-6-1048-2003/2010 / Hulubei-Meshcheryakov
Programme / 4 500
15. / Buzatu Florin
Dulea Mihnea / Gheorghe Adam / Modeling and Developing Parallel Algorithms for the Study of Complex Physical Systems at LIT-JINR and Magurele Campus / 05-6-1060-2005/2010 / Hulubei-Meshcheryakov
Programme / 4 500
16. / Bica Ioan / Maria Balasoiu / Small angle neutron scattering investigation of the magnetite dope elastomers microstructure – Variation of the elastomer microstructure with particle concentration / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / 3885-4-09/11 / 4 000
17. / Vatzulik Boris / A. V. Rogachev / SAXS investigations f elastomers doped with magnetic particles on Rigaku S-MAX3000 and Bruker AXS NANOSTAR instruments / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / 3885-4-09/11 / 2 000
18. / Stan Cristina / V. Duginov / Ordered and disorder states and pattern formation in ferrofluids domain distributions induced by external perturbations. Comparison with muon spectroscopy results. / 03-2-1040-2001/2009 / To be signed / 2 500
19. / Burzo Emil / N. Kuklin / Investigations of rare-earth R-Co and R-Ni compounds by small angle neutron scattering / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / To be signed / 4 000
20. / Stefanescu Doru / V. Gerdt / Symbolic algebraic computation of roots for univariate and multivariate polynomial sets / 05-6-1060-2005/2010 / 3843-6-08/10 / 2 500
21. / Mihailescu Dan / A. V. Boreyko / Study of formation and repair of DNA damage in human lymphocytes induced by ionizing radiation with different linear energy transfer / 04-9-1077-2009/2011 / 3880-9-09/11 / 3 000
22. / Popescu Ion
Ene Antoaneta
Cucu-Man Simona
Todoran Radu / M. Frontasieva
Otilia Cuicov / Nuclear and related analytical techniques for Environmental and Life Sciences / 03-4-1036-2001/2010 / 3869-4-08/10 / 7 500
23. / Lozovan Mihai / Mihai Craus / Magnetoresistive complex compounds Ruddlesedn-Popper type based on cobalt / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / 3900-4-09/11 / 3 500
24. / Cornei Nicoleta / Mihai Craus / Nonstoichiometry of oxygen influence on electronic phase diagram and transport mechanisms of some manganito cobaltites / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / 3901-4-09/11 / 3 500
25. / Hasegan Dumitru / G. Timoshenko / The development of portable variant of the multisphere neutron spectrometer for measurement of neutron spectra and doses in scattered mixed radiation fields / 04-9-1077-2009/2011 / 3877-9-09/11 / 4 500
26. / Ionita Ion / A. M. Balagurov / Effect of external magnetic field on pretransition processes in Mn-Cu alloys / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / 3896-4-09/11 / 2 000
27. / Petrescu Camelia / S. A. Kutuzov / Development of program complex for anisotropic position sensitive detector data adapted to the SAS program at YuMO facility / 04-4-1075-2009.2011 / 3893-4-09/11 / 2 000
28. / Farcas Felix / Gheorghe Adam / Optimization Investigations of the GRID Facilities at LIT-JINR and INCDTIM-Cluj / 05-6-1048-2003/2010 / Hulubei-Meshcheryakov
Programme / 2 000
29. / Cios Mihai / Yu. S. Kovalev / Modification of the front part of the detector vacuum tube of YuMO installation / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / 3894-04-09/11 / 2 000
30. / N. Verga / C. A. Krasavin / Investigations of mechanisms and regularities of DNA double strand breaks inductions and reparation in peripheral human blood lymphocytes under exposure by ionizing radiation with different physical characteristics / 04-9-1077-2009/2011 / 3879-9-09/11 / 4 000
31. / Silviu Jipa / M. V. Frontasyeva
Culicov Otilia / Investigation of chemical and radiation protection properties of vegetal polyphenolic compounds / 06-4-1036-2001/2010 / 3862-4-08/10 / 3 000
32. / Popovici Iuliu
Lipcinski Daniel / S. Kulikov
E. Shabalin / Cercetarea si dezvoltarea unui sistem de monitorizare a bilelor in momentul de trecere a acestora prin modelatorul criogenic al reactorului IBR-2M / 04-4-1075-2009/2011 / To be signed / 4 500
33. / Lazar Mihaela / T. Murugova / Development of biochemical laboratory for multifunctional use / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / 3895-4-09/11 / 3 000
34. / Jipa Alexandru
Mihul Alexandru / Alexandru Oprea
Cristiana Oprea / Evaluarea teoretica si experimentala a sectiunilor eficace ale interactiilor neutronilor rapizi, cu emisie de particule incarcate, cu nuclee de Sm, Zn, Nd si altele / 06-4-1036-2001/2010 / 3819-4-07/09
prolonged / 2 500
35. / Mihul Alexandru / Alexandru Oprea
Cristiana Oprea / Masuratori de corelatii gamma-gamma la dispozitivul celor patru detectoare pentru determinarea concentratiilor diferitelor elemente cu aplicatii in probleme de mediu / 06-4-1036-2001/2010 / 3819-4-07/09
prolonged / 2 000
36. / Mihul Alexandru
Filip Sanda
Caus Aurel / Alexandru Oprea
Cristiana Oprea / Multivariate comparison of elemental concentrations in human teeth / 06-4-1036-2001/2010 / 3819-4-07/09
prolonged / 2 500
37. / Mihul Alexandru
Niculescu Mariana
Coroian Silvia / Alexandru Oprea
Cristiana Oprea / Availability of essential trace elements in some medicinal tea plants using nuclear and atomic methods / 06-4-1036-2001/2010 / 3819-4-07/09
prolonged / 2 500
38. / Mihul Alexandru
Loghin Vasile
Nicolescu Carmen / Alexandru Oprea
Cristiana Oprea / Food security and environmental changes / 06-4-1036-2001/2010 / 3819-4-07/09
prolonged / 2 000
39. / Manta Eugen / A. Beskrovny / Investigation on magnetic composite materials based on the Mn-Bi by means of neutron diffraction) / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / To be signed / 5 000
40. / Codescu Maria / Yu. Nikitenko / Crystalline and magnetic structures in Nd2Fe14B/a-Fe, Fe3B / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / 3887-4-09/11 / 5 000
41. / Patroi Alexandru / M. Balagurov / Development of the magnetic system design for the GRAINS reflectometer / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / 3890-4-09/11 / 5 000
42. / Anghel Dragos / A. Parvan / Foundation of generalized statistical mechanics and its application to heavy ion collisions / 01-3-1071-2009/2013 / To be signed / 2 000
43. / Balasoiu Maria / A. I. Kuklin / Development of YuMO spectrometer for start-up of IBR 2M / 04-4-1069-2009/2011 / 3894-04-09/11 / 3 000
TOTAL / 139 872
Dr. Nicolae Victor Zamfir, MRAcad. Ms. Emilia Ilie
Plenipotentiary Representative of RomaniaRepresentative of Romania
for JINR Dubnain JINR Financial Committee