Name: ______
Apple Genomics Fallen Phrases
DIRECTIONS: Use the letters below the columns to fill in the blocks to form a special phrase about each animation on the Apple Genomics website. Once you use a letter, cross it off.
Genomics is the study of whole sets of genes and their interactions. Review What is Genomics: Animation 1 on the Apple Genomics website, then decipher the message below to complete this sentence: Animation 1 explains…
Bacteria are useful tools for a scientist who studies genomics. Review Cloning: Animation 2 on the Apple Genomics website, then decipher the message below to complete this sentence: Animation 2 describes…
RNA polymerase is an enzyme that links together the growing chain of RNA nucleotides during transcription, using a DNA strand as a template. Review Cloning: Animation 3 on the Apple Genomics website, then decipher the message below to complete this sentence: Animation 3 explains…
Scientists have learned how to modify plasmids to function as molecular tools. Review Cloning: Animation 4 on the Apple Genomics website, then decipher the message below to complete this sentence: Animation 4 explains…
DNA can be removed from bacterial plasmids. Review Cloning: Animation 5 on the Apple Genomics website, then decipher the message below to complete this sentence: Animation 5 describes…
DNA sequences provide information about what genes are expressed in different tissues. Review Sequencing: Animation 6 on the Apple Genomics website, then decipher the message below to complete this sentence: Animation 6 describes:
A microarray is an integral part of studying the expression of genes. Review Gene Expression: Animation 7 on the Apple Genomics website, then decipher the message below to complete this sentence: Animation 7 describes…
Apple Genomics Fallen Phrases KEY
· Animation 1 explains how genomics are useful, and why the apple genome is important.
· Animation 2 describes how DNA fragments are inserted into plasmids, and how recombinant bacterial colonies arise.
· Animation 3 explains how RNA polymerase reads genes and transcribes them into RNA.
· Animation 4 explains how cDNA is created by inserting the cDNA into plasmid vectors.
· Animation 5 describes how bacterial colonies are selected using media, and how DNA is extracted from plasmids.
· Animation 6 describes how the sequence of bases in a DNA molecule is determined.
· Animation 7 describes how a microarray can be used to determine the level of expression of genes in various apple tissues.