Homework will be given Monday through Thursday and occasionally Friday, depending on the lesson. It is expected to be completed each evening and returned the following morning in class. It is imperative that your child complete the homework since it is practice of the skills that were taught that day in class.


If your child is absent for any reason, they will be given three days to make up the homework assignment and any other missed class work.


Grades are based on a percentage scale. They are as follows:

100-90= A

89-80= B

79-70= C

69-60= D

59-lower= F

Your child will receive a progress report approximately once every two weeks. This will help both you and your child know how they are doing and if they are in need of extra support in any areas of the curriculum.


Student’s behavior will be evaluated on a daily basis. Each child will be given a weekly behavior report that will have the number of days they were on each color and little note regarding the behavior issue that may have occurred. The report is sent home at the end of the week to be signed by the parent. The signed behavior report is to be returned on the following Monday for payment for the week. Behavior Bucks are given on a daily basis as a reward for students staying on task and keeping their behavior in check. Students can earn extra behavior bucks for going out of their way and “going the extra mile” (i.e.…picking up trash without being told, helping a fellow student, showing great character.)

Behavior is monitored through a card color system. Everyone starts the morning with a green card; the first turn goes to yellow, second orange, and as a last resort—red.

Most times students are given one verbal warning before having to turn a card.

Students turn their card if the teacher has to talk to them about their behavior a second time. They are on yellow—a warning that they need to monitor their behavior.

The second time they turn their card they are on orange—now they have detention during recess. A phone call home may be necessary at this point—depending on the situation.

If a student turns their card again—they are on red—the student now has a meeting with the administrator and/or their parent when it gets to this point.


Students earn Behavior Bucks by staying on green each day. At the end of each day their behavior report card is stamped reflecting how their behavior was for the day. At the end of each week they take the behavior report card home, have it signed by their parents, and bring it back the following week. Upon receiving their signed behavior report card, students will be paid for each day they stayed on green.

Students who have accrued 25 behavior bucks are eligible to draw from the rewards container. Rewards include such items as: 15 minutes computer time, pick two items from the treasure box, pick one item from the treasure box, sit at the teacher’s desk for the day, choose a class job for the day, skip doing homework one time, just to mention a few.


Awards are given at the end of each trimester during the Awards Assembly at a predetermined time.

The awards consist of the following categories:

Exemplary Attendance—student has missed 0 days of school Good Attendance—student has 1 or 2 absences Citizenship—student displays positive behavior consistently Most Improved—student has improved in an area or areas the most Merit Roll—student has mostly A’s and B’s, one C allowed, no N, I, W Honor Roll—student has more A’s than B’s, no N’s, no I’s, no W’s