Minutes of the NIHE Disability Forum Meeting 13 February in Disability Action, 189 Airport Road West from 10.30am to 12.30pm
Present:Andrea Hope / Belfast
Clifford Wylie / South
Gerry Maguire / South
Eileen Drumm / South
Ursula Marshall / West
Linda Wilson / South Armagh
Apologies / Rosemary McCaw / North East
Sally McDonald / North East
Isobelle Hamilton / South East
Paul Lynch / NIHE
In attendance: / Jo Moore / NIHE
Conor Flanagan / SCNI
Patricia Bray / Disability Action
1.0 /
Opening and Welcome
Patricia welcomed everyone to the meeting.2.0 / Minutes of the last Meeting
Minutes were agreed as accurate. / Patricia to send to Gerry Duffy and Conor Flanagan
3.0 / Matters Arising
3.1 / Isobelle had represented the Forum at the Local Government Staff Commission’s annual Diversity Conference on 11 November 2014. Isobelle’s presentation on how the Forum was set up and work carried out to date was very well received.
3.1 / As a follow up to letters an invitation to DSD Minister and Maggs Lightbody to be discussed at the next meeting. / Patricia
3.2 / Good Practice Papers 1 and 2
Both papers have been agreed.
Next steps:
- Paul/Gerry to discuss publication format
- Marketing
3.2 / District Office Accessibility
One audit outstanding then analysis will be completed and sent to Members and Paul to forward to District Managers. / Patricia
3.3 / Useful Tips for NIHE Staff
Tony Steed has put the document onto the NIHE website and has marketed to staff. It is also included in the NIHE staff training materials.
3.4 / University of Ulster Housing Degree
Orla and Patricia are meeting with Professor Gray, Peter Shanks and Ursula McAnulty on 20 February 2015 in relation to the University of Ulster’s Housing Degree / Patricia
4.0 / NIHE Disability Action Plan
4.1 / Patricia welcomed Tony Steed and Fiona Maconachie NIHE Equality Unit.
4.2 / Tony gave an overview of the NIHE’s mandatory duties in regard to DDO 2006.
Tony also informed the Forum that the Equality Commission for NI (ECNI) has upheld the Forum as a model of good practice for other public authorities.
The following was then discussed:
- Forms of Communication internal and external mainstreamed (letters, browse aloud, publications, media etc)
- Staff Training – accreditated?
- Staff with disabilities – provide a Support Officer
- Identify barriers that prevent participation
- How DAP will be monitored
- How actions will be measured
- Adaptations evaluation
- Information flow between HCN’s and Forum -recommended SCNI Framework
- NIHE Operational Managers to meet with Forum to discuss how they accommodate people with disabilities
- Strategic planning influence - Forum should meet with staff who develop the Corporate Plan
- NIHE Attitudes research -consult Forum on survey questions and findings
- Community safety issues eg fear of crime – age sector
- Disability hate crime
- Community Relations – multi-identity issues
- Include an action regarding engaging with people with disabilities in the drafting, implementation and reviewing of the DAP
- Fiona will liaise with Patricia regarding the draft DAP
- Draft DAP will be discussed at the Forum’s 30 April Meeting
- A seminar with other Disability organisations in May – possibly held in a central location
- Final draft with NIHE board by June 2015
- DAP review/progression 6th monthly standing agenda item
5.0 / Information Exchange
5.1 / Ursula along with Karen Hall, Orla McCann and Patricia presented at Disability Action’s DDO 2006 Event for new Councils Equality Officers on 3 December. The main issue was the Councils reviewing of their Disability Action Plans (DAPs). Ursula provided an outline of the good work Cookstown District Council has done to date regarding disability.
The event provided a lively debate on the Councils DDO duties.
6.0 / AOB
6.1 / Conor has recruited, through SCNI Liaison Officer, a replacement for Des Meredith, Belfast area. Freda Conville will be joining the Forum at the next meeting.
Kevin McCarney DSD has requested a focus group meeting with the Forum on the Tenant Participation Strategy consultation.
As the next meeting will be reviewing the NIHE Disability Action Plan it was decided to hold a specific meeting on 25 March at 11am to 1pm at Disability Action, Belfast.
Patricia to confirm date with Kevin and to forward members all relevant documents. / Patricia
7.0 / Date of next meeting
30 April 2015