171 Center Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15202

Business Meeting Minutes – September 13, 2017

Council Members Present – Jolene Bennett; Brian Fashian; Carolyn Galante; Jason Helfrich;

Paul F. Getz; Dan Lenz; Kevin Yurkovich

Others Present – Dee Quinn, Mayor; Christopher Voltz, Esq., Borough Solicitor; Ruthann Omer, P.E., Gateway Engineers; Cathy Jones, Borough Secretary

Council President Kevin Yurkovich called the September 13, 2017, business meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

After the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call, Pres. Yurkovich requested Minutes approval from the

August 9, 2017, business meeting.


MOTION by Mr. Fashian, second by Mr. Helfrich, to approve the August 9, 2017, Minutes as presented. Motion carried by voice vote.


EVFC – Chief Kohl informed council that a manufacturer has been picked for the new fire truck.

A meeting will be scheduled shortly to discuss financing.


Public Safety Calls: OTPD – 176 calls; EVFC – 28 calls

North Boroughs-Sewickley Meals on Wheels has Enjoy books for sale, $30; M.O.W. receives $10/book.

BOROUGH SOLICITOR – Christopher Voltz, Esq., Borough Solicitor

Ord. 999 Street Excavations & Openings/Sewer & Storms Sewers – additional changes have been received; draft will be ready for council’s consideration at the October 11 meeting.

BOROUGH ENGINEER – Ruthann Omer, P.E., The Gateway Engineers

Feasibility Study – Interim Consent Order includes performing an 18 month source reduction study; tap control plans; cooperation to develop target flows; continuation of O&M plans; a demonstration project.

Operation & Maintenance Plan

2017 SHACOG O&M CCTV, Year 7 – Bids opened March 22; low bid Robinson Pipe $212,306.50; Borough’s share is $10,307. The Borough chose to concur with the bid award through SHACOG.

2017 SHACOG Preventative Maintenance Year 7 – The Borough will not participate in Year 7.

2017 SHACOG Lining Year 11 – Bids opened April 5; low bid for Contract A is State Pipe Services $97,310; borough’s share is $20,330. Low Bid for Contract B is Jet Jack $247,145; borough’s share is $12,140. The Borough chose not to concur with the bid award through SHACOG.

2017 O&M Repairs, Year 6 – Bids opened March 29; low bidder is Niando Construction $342,875; borough’s share is $3,846. The Borough chose to concur with the bid award through SHACOG.

2017 Mapping & Database – Gateway has reviewed and updated the database based on work being performed and new data received to clear up any discrepancies that may arise between GIS mapping

and any new CCTV inspections. Emsworth DPW submits mapping updates as they are discovered.

2017 O&M Reporting – Gateway submitted the annual Waste Load Management Report to ALCOSAN in March 2017. The O&M Progress Report was submitted to Allegheny County in March 2017. A report will be submitted in 2018 identifying all O&M tasks completed for 2017.

Storm Water Phase 2 – There is currently one year remaining for the current permit cycle. Gateway has submitted the waiver application for the 2018-2023 permits. As PA DEP denied the waiver, Emsworth will be required to develop a Pollutant Reduction Plan.

Gateway will schedule a review of the current status of the MS4 plan which will include: responsibilities for executing and recordkeeping for the six Minimum Control Measures of the MS4 plan; education and planning for the 2018-2023 permit cycle; Notice of Intent Letter due September 2017; development of 2018-2023 permit application and associated pollutant reduction plan.

Gateway will continue to work with the Borough to repair sanitary pipes and eliminate illicit discharge.

Gateway distributes educational material monthly as part of the MS4.

Traffic Sign Retro-Reflectivity – Gateway has sent the Borough a list of signs associated with the regulations surrounding warning and regulatory signs.

Pavement Management Program – Utility companies have completed line replacements and finalizing restoration week of September 11. A.Folino performed storm water installation and ADA ramp replacements week of September 4. Contractor expected to begin demolition of Pennsylvania Avenue week of September 11; work is expected to be completed week of September 25.

SR 65 Pump Station – WQM Part II permit and IOP permit have been approved. A CDBG pre-app has been submitted to the QVCOG for the Force Main Replacement project. ACHD has warned the Borough that action must be taken to remediate the overflows that are occurring at the pump station.

Western Avenue Private Sanitary Sewer Lateral – Proposed repair completed by Carmel Construction with Gateway’s inspection. Additional repair was performed as directed by the Borough in order to repair additional defects found following the initial repair. Emsworth coordinated approval by the ACHD. The easement was prepared for the portion of joint lateral that travels through the property of One Herron Drive and was submitted to the Borough and Solicitor for execution.



MS4 – Public education pamphlets are available at the borough lobby. MS4 training will be held Oct. 31 at the Gateway Engineers offices at no cost. Pollutant Reduction Plan has been advertised and ready to be submitted through Gateway Engineers. Holy Family Academy plans to stencil storm drains Friday, September 22; there is no obligation on the borough’s part.


MOTION by Mr. Helfrich, second by Mr. Getz to approve Traffic Systems & Services Proposal for traffic light maintenance on SR 65 beginning October 1, 2017. Mr. Helfrich reported two companies were contacted but only one proposal received. Motion unanimously carried by roll call.

COMMUNITY EVENTS – Carolyn Galante

Highmark Mobile Clinic – In conjunction with County Council Rep. Tom Baker, Highmark Mobile Clinic will be on site at the parking lot at Mayernik Field on Friday, September 8, from 8 am – 5 pm for Highmark members.

Halloween – Ms. Galante announced the annual Halloween Parade will be held Saturday, October 28 beginning at 10 a.m. Trick or Treat will be celebrated in the borough on Tuesday, October 31 from 6 pm-8 pm.

QVCOG – Paul F. Getz

CDBG Year 44 pre-applications are due by September 15. Any projects to be considered should be referred to Mr. Getz.

QVCOG Recycling – Household Hazardous Waste & Electronics Recycling will be held Saturday, September 23 from 9 am–1 pm at the Avalon Pool Parking Lot.

QVCOG Dinner – Annual COG Dinner will be held October 18 at Café Notte; $50/person.

QVCOG Dinner Door Prize - MOTION by Mr. Getz, second by Ms. Galante to authorize $30 to QVCOG towards a door prize for the annual dinner. Motion unanimously carried by roll call.

QVCOG Meet the Candidates Night – Emsworth will host this meeting on Wednesday, September 20 from 6:30-8 pm.


ALCOSAN/Holy Family Academy Storm Stencil Drain Project – Project is scheduled for Friday,

Sept. 22 10am – Noon; Area to be stenciled will be determined.

40 Western – Carmel Construction has completed this work.

237 Church Avenue, Kilbuck Development – Mr. Lenz reported two earth disturbances have been filed and noted a storm water management plan has not yet been submitted.

220 Plumer – Mr. Lenz noted the reported break was on the property owner’s side of the line; Gateway has submitted a letter to the borough with these findings.

FINANCE – Carolyn Galante

Bill List – MOTION by Ms. Galante, second by Mr. Fashian to approve the bill list as distributed with the following additions: Bee Control $400; Cavaliere Court Reporting $125; Ibis Signs $117.90; QVCOG Door Prize $30. Motion unanimously carried by roll call.

FNB Road Loan – Sol. Voltz stated the advertising for this $950K loan, the Bank documentation and ordinance will be ready for the October 11 meeting.


SR 65 @ Hazelwood Traffic Light – Pres. Yurkovich stated PennDOT has acknowledged the left arrow from SR 65 to Hazelwood Avenue will be extended to allow additional traffic to exit the boulevard.

169 Allegheny Avenue – Mr. Getz had a follow-up call from the property owner looking to resolve the water run-off issue after the borough paved the alley in 2016. Mr. Lenz will look into this matter.

Center Avenue – Following up from previous line painting conversations, Pres. Yurkovich state a double yellow centerline is not required; Emsworth could repaint the single yellow line when curbs are painted.


Ivanhoe – Mr. Lenz reported he is seeking guiderail proposals for the end of Ivanhoe.

Planning Commission - MOTION by Ms. Galante, second by Mr. Lenz to appoint David J. Lang to the vacancy on the Emsworth Planning Commission; term expires 12/31/2020. Motion unanimously carried by voice vote.

SR 65 @ Hazelwood – Reports of cars turning into the Dog Stop at busy hours across on-coming traffic. Mr. Getz offered to check with PennDOT to seek a no left arrow on SR 65 into The Dog Stop.

Zoning Ordinance – Ms. Galante addressed a recent Variance with the Zoning Hearing Board. Due to the setbacks in the current zoning ordinance, it is impossible for someone to meet these setbacks without incurring additional costs to seek a variance with the zoning hearing board and suggested council revisit these setbacks. Discussion followed and it was the consensus of council not to pursue a change in the ordinance. Ms. Galante requested the planning commission and zoning hearing board send to council any changes they may deem important for council to consider as a revision to the ordinance.



Pres. Yurkovich Adjourned the September 13, 2017, council meeting at 7:20 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Borough Secretary