Migrant Education

Regional Application 2017–18

Sub grantee Name: / Total Grant Amount Requested:
School Readiness Grant Amount:
Type of Program: (check one) ☐Centralized ☐District Reimbursement ☐Mixed
Local Educational Agency (LEA) Name: / LEA CDS Number:
LEA Address: / City: / Zip Code:
Contact Person: / Title:
Telephone: / Fax: / E-mail Address:
Resource Code / Region’s Budget / District’s Budget / Total Budget
Regular School Year (3060): / $ / $ / $
Summer/Intersession (3061): / $ / $ / $
School Readiness Regular (3110/3060) / $ / $ / $
School Readiness Summer (3110/3061) / $ / $ / $
Identification & Recruitment (3060): / $ / $ / $
Parent Advisory Council (3060): / $ / $ / $
Other Education, Health, Nutrition and Social Services (3060): / $ / $ / $
SUBTOTAL / $ / $ / $
Indirect Cost (3060/3061): / $ / $ / $
Indirect on District Subagreements / $ / $ / $
Total Budget: / $ / $ / $
CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that all applicable state and federal rules and regulations will be observed to the best of my knowledge, that the information contained in this application is correct and complete; that the Parent Advisory Council has had active involvement in the planning, development and review of this application, and that the assurances are accepted as the basic conditions in the operation of this project/program for local participation and assistance.
Printed Name of Superintendent or Designee / Telephone Number
Superintendent or Designee Signature / Date
Printed Name of Migrant Education Program Director / Telephone Number
Migrant Education Program Director or Designee Signature / Date
Printed Name of Parent Advisory Council Representative / Telephone Number
Parent Advisory Council Representative Signature / Date

Once completed, a digital file and one hard copy (with original signature) of the Migrant Education Program Regional Application 2017–18 are submitted to the California Department of Education.


Migrant Region Overview 4

Migrant Region Funding Factors 4

Region’s Districts Overview 5

District Overview Part I 5

District Overview Part II 6

District Overall Rating Part III 7

Regular School Year 8

ELA and Math Regular School Year 9

High School Graduation Regular School Year 16

OSY Regular School Year 23

Parent Involvement Regular School Year 30

Summer School 37

ELA and Math Summer School 38

High School Graduation Summer School 45

OSY Summer School 52

Parent Involvement Summer School 59

School Readiness Regular Year 66

School Readiness Summer 73

Other Education, Health, Nutrition, and Social Services 80

Identification and Recruitment 87

Parent Advisory Council 93

Technical Assistance and DSA/MOU Monitoring 97

Administration 101

Migrant Education Program Staff Organization Chart 102

Personnel Needed to Administer ALL Services Described in the Application 103

Administration Budget 104

Indirect Cost Charges 106

Program Evaluation 107

Required Documents Checklist 109

Migrant Region Overview

Using information from the District Service Agreements (DSAs) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs), complete the table below to provide the total number of migrant students by district in the region and the projected allocation for each district via a DSA or MOU.

District Name / Total Number of students / Allocation per district
Migrant Region Totals
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Migrant Region Funding Factors

Describe the process by which the sub grantee determines the allocation to each of its districts.

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Region’s Districts Overview

District Overview Part I

Provide a narrative description of the core instructional and support programs provided by the districts in the migrant region

District Core Instructional and Support Programs
In the narrative description, include the following:
1.  Specific strategies, programs, curriculum and services designed to address the unique academic needs of English Learners (EL) and socioeconomically disadvantaged students.
2.  The districts’ professional development plans and/or activities designed to improve teaching for EL and migrant students.
3.  A summary of support services provided by the districts to address health and social well-being for all students.
4.  Information about how the districts have consulted with appropriate private school officials to design and develop the migrant education program.
5.  A description of the districts’ parent education and parent involvement components.
6.  What are the districts’ strategies for meeting the needs of at risk student population?
Narrative Description: Please type the information for the districts providing services to migrant students
Districts Name (s):
Repeat as necessary

District Overview Part II

Using information from DSAs and MOUs, complete the table below for each district.

District: (insert name of district)
Number of Migrant Students Enrolled at Each Grade Level in the District
Pre K / K / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / OSY / Total Number of students
Priority for Service (PFS)
Migrant Non-PFS

Note: If a grade level does not have at least 10 migrant students (to comply with CDE data suppression requirements), combine this with another grade (or grades) to equal no fewer than 10 students.

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District Overall Rating Part III

To be completed by Migrant Region Only

Copy and complete the table below for each district in the migrant region. Referring to the DSAs and MOUs, reflect on how well the district’s proposed services for 2017–18 meet the identified needs of the district’s students. In each of the cells below, using a scale of one (1) to three (3), rate the how wellthe proposed services meet the district’s identified need. Indicate if each item is (1 = limited; 2 = adequate; 3 = comprehensive. If the district is not proposing a service in a particular area, and if that is appropriate given the Needs, enter “N/A” for Not Applicable.
(Insert name here) / ELA/MATH[1] / HSG / HEALTH / OSY / PI / SR / PAC / I&R
Using the rubric scale, rate how well the services proposed meet the identified student needs
Using the rubric scale, rate how well the proposed services are clearly described (objectives, implementation, evaluation)
Using the rubric scale, rate how well the proposed staffing is appropriate
Using the rubric scale, rate how well the selected local measures provide evidence of effectiveness of the service
Using the rubric scale, rate how well the proposed costs are appropriate to the service provided
Describe how the migrant region will assist the district to improve any area in which the district received a “1”. If a program scored a “2” or “3” explain what is working for the district.
(Note: If there are multiple areas, describe them in order of importance.)
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13 / California Department of Education 2017–18 Migrant Education Program Regional Application Final

Regular School Year

For this section include any and all Regular School Year services that will be provided during the 2017–18 school year for the following components:

·  English Language Arts and Mathematics (ELA and Math)

·  High School Graduation

·  Out of School Youth (OSY)

·  Parent Involvement

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ELA and Math Regular School Year

For this section include all ELA and Math programs for Regular School Year. If program includes both ELA and Math components, describe activities for each component under proposed services.

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13 / California Department of Education 2017–18 Migrant Education Program Regional Application Final

Completion of ELA and Math

Migrant regions that are requesting MEP funds will complete all parts of this section.

Summary of Number of Students Served – ELA and Math (Unduplicated Count)
Total Number of eligible Migrant Students (Unduplicated count) / Total Projected Number of Migrant Students
to Be Served by Districts in 2017–18 / Additional Number of Migrant Students projected
to Be Served by migrant region in 2017–18
Summary of Current Student Needs in ELA and Math
Grade Level / Need
Based on migrant region or district wide assessment data identify student needs and areas for improvement to support the identified needs. / If need is met through a Non-Migrant Program, what is the name of the non-Migrant program? / Services Provided by Non-Migrant Program

Note: The following sections are to be completed for each ELA and Math activity

13 / California Department of Education 2017–18 Migrant Education Program Regional Application Final
Proposed Service for ELA/Math Regular School Year
What component is this Service for? (Check one) ☐ELA ☐Math ☐Both (Include description below for each if “both” was selected)
Is this Home-based or Site/Center-based? (Check one) ☐ Home-based ☐Site/Center-based
When will it be provided? (Check one) ☐After School ☐Before School ☐Saturday
Name of District(s) Served:
List all districts that will receive the proposed service from the region. Include the projected number of students that will be served under this program by district / District / Projected Number of Students
Served by Region / District / Projected Number of Students
Served by Region
Name of Service to be Provided:
Need for this service:
Plan selected to address the need:
Expected Outcome
Academic Focus:
Curriculum Used:
Method(s) of Instruction:
13 / California Department of Education 2017–18 Migrant Education Program Regional Application Final
Proposed Schedule for Delivery of Services: Using the table below, identify the projected minutes per day, days per week, number of weeks, number of students served and approximate start and end date of this service. Provide an estimate or range if service duration varies across districts.
Minutes per Day
Range / Days per Week
Range / Number of Weeks
Range / Number of Students to be Served at Each Grade Level / Start Date / End Date
Grade Level to be Served / PFS at each Grade Level / Non-PFS Migrant at each Grade Level / Total at each Grade Level
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13 / California Department of Education 2017–18 Migrant Education Program Regional Application Final
Local Quantitative Measures
Local Assessments: (Complete for as many local assessments as will be administered to measure the effectiveness of this service. Add or delete columns as needed.)
Name of Local Assessment(s) / Approximate Pre Test Score Collection
Timeframe / Approximate Post Test Score Collection
Local Qualitative Measures: Using the table provide below, identify what qualitative data will be collected to determine the effectiveness of the service.
Method of Collection (i.e. Interviews, observations, etc.) / Description
Service Staff Development: Identify staff development necessary to support quality delivery of the service.
Need / Title / Description / Dates / Expected Outcomes
Describe the process used to identify staff development needs:
13 / California Department of Education 2017–18 Migrant Education Program Regional Application Final

Direct Services

Instructional Service Staffing: Identify the staff positions needed to provide the instructional service described above (see Fiscal Handbook).
Title / Certificated / Classified / Percent Funded by RA / Percent Funded by Other Program(s) / Name of
Other Program Funding Source
# / FTE / # / FTE
Support Service Staffing: Identify the staff positions needed to provide support for the services described above (see Fiscal Handbook).
Title / Certificated / Classified / Percent Funded by RA / Percent Funded by Other Program(s) / Name of
Other Program Funding Source
# / FTE / # / FTE
Service Budget: Identify all costs related to providing the services (instructional and support) to run the service described. Include all applicable and allowable activities (see Fiscal Handbook). Do not include administration costs in this section.
Object Code / Description
Object Code Item / Narrative
Itemize each line item / Amount
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High School Graduation Regular School Year

For this section include all High School Graduation programs for Regular School Year.

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Completion of High School Graduation

Regions that are requesting MEP funds will complete all parts of this section.

Summary of Number of Students Served – High School Graduation (Unduplicated Count)
Total Number of eligible Migrant Students (Unduplicated count) / Total Projected Number of Migrant Students
to Be Served by Districts in 2017–18 / Additional Number of Migrant Students projected
to Be Served by Region in 2017–18
Summary of Current Student Needs in High School Graduation
Grade Level / Need
Based on region or district wide assessment data identify student needs and areas for improvement to support the identified needs. / If Need is Met through a Non-Migrant Program, what is the Name of the Non-Migrant program? / Services Provided by Non-Migrant Program

Regions that are not requesting MEP funds for High School Graduation complete only the two tables above, and acknowledge by placing an “X” after the following statement “Region/ District will not offer High School Graduation services for 2017–18____”

Note: The following sections are to be completed for each High School Graduation activity

Proposed Service for High School Graduation Regular School Year
What component is this Service for? (Check one) ☐ELA ☐Math ☐Both (Include description below for each if “both” was selected)
Is this Home-based or Site/Center-based? (Check one) ☐ Home-based ☐Site/Center-based
When will it be provided? (Check one) ☐After School ☐Before School ☐Saturday
Name of District(s) Served:
List all districts that will receive the proposed service from the region. Include the projected number of students that will be served under this program by district / District / Projected Number of Students
Served by Region / District / Projected Number of Students
Served by Region
Name of Service to be Provided:
Need for this service:
Plan selected to address the need:
Expected Outcome
Academic Focus:
Curriculum Used:
Method(s) of Instruction:
18 / California Department of Education 2017–18 Migrant Education Program Regional Application Final
Proposed Schedule for Delivery of Services: Using the table below, identify the projected minutes per day, days per week, number of weeks, number of students served and approximate start and end date of this service. Provide an estimate or range if service duration varies across districts.
Minutes per Day
Range / Days per Week
Range / Number of Weeks
Range / Number of Students to be Served at Each Grade Level / Start Date / End Date
Grade Level to be Served / PFS at each Grade Level / Non-PFS Migrant at each Grade Level / Total at each Grade Level
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Local Quantitative Measures
Local Assessments: (Complete for as many local assessments as will be administered to measure the effectiveness of this service. Add or delete columns as needed.)
Name of Local Assessment(s) / Approximate Pre Test Score Collection
Timeframe / Approximate Post Test Score Collection
Local Qualitative Measures: Using the table provide below, identify what qualitative data will be collected to determine the effectiveness of the service.
Method of Collection (i.e. Interviews, observations, etc.) / Description
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Service Staff Development: Identify staff development necessary to support quality delivery of the service.
Need / Title / Description / Dates / Expected Outcomes
Describe the process used to identify staff development needs:
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Direct Services