Susanna Wesley United Methodist Church
3900 George Washington Memorial Highway
P.O. Box 427
Ordinary, VA 23131
Susanna’s Vine
Summer 2014
Regularly scheduled weekly events:
Sunday Services: Traditional Worship Service 8:15am
Fellowship in the Atrium9:15am
Sunday School/Bible study9:30am
Contemporary Worship Service 10:30am
(Nursery and Children’s Church provided)
Tuesday:Board of Trustees Meeting (2nd Tuesday)6:00pm
Administrative Council (3rdTuesday)7:00pm
Wednesday:Food Pantry10:30-11:30am
Thursday:Finance Committee Meeting (2nd Thursday)7:00pm
Saturday:Fish & Loaves (4th Saturday)3:00pm
See current bulletin or call the church office
for information of ongoing midweek Bible studies.
The mission of Susanna Wesley UMC is to make disciples of Jesus Christ through loving, serving, encouraging, and growing together.
“A church for those who…”
Susanna’s Vine is a quarterly newsletter published by Susanna Wesley United Methodist Church. It is published for the benefit of the members, friends, and families of the congregation. If you would like to correspond with us, submit an article, or comment on anything at all, please feel free to write or call Karl Miller, the editor, or the Church Office:
Susanna Wesley United Methodist Church
Rev. Garry Livermon
3900 George Washington Memorial Highway
P.O. Box 427
Ordinary, VA 23131
(804) 642-7551
Web page:
Office hours: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Mon., Wed., & Fri.
Mr. Karl Miller
2779 Tanglewood Drive
Hayes, VA 23072
(804) 642-9651
Virginia Annual Conference Report
Submitted by Ginny Miller, Conference Delegate
This was my second year as delegate to Conference and, again, I wish to thank the congregation for sending me to represent the church.
The mission of the Conference is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by equipping its local churches for ministry and by providing a connection for ministry beyond the local church, all to the glory of God.
This was the 232 session of the Virginia Annual Conference. The conference includes 1200 churches! What an awesome sight to see so many people from very young to very old, people from all walks of life – thousands of people connecting on many levels.
Many of you contributed to the UMCOR Kit efforts with time, donations, and prayer. I am happy to report that a total of 41,218 kits were collected. In addition, 8,500 pounds of food were collected for various food pantries. Also, $145,000 was collected for the conference offering and will be distributed to the following: Imagine no Malaria (more to follow on that), Initiatives of Hope, Engaging/Connecting God’s Mission Funds, Children Out of Poverty in Virginia and Haiti.
As many of you may know, one of the major resolutions under consideration at this year’s conference was the focus on sexuality-related issues. This caused an unease at times as Bishop Cho urged all to pray and seek guidance from the Lord. He referred to this issue as a gathering storm for the Church. This resolution ended by being tabled until next year’s annual conference. Meetings will be held throughout the conference in the coming year to develop a better process for resolution. Also tabled until the 2015 conference was the resolution regarding investments in fossil fuel companies. A third resolution regarding an increase in the minimum wage was approved.
At the end of the conference, Joe Carson passed his vestment to the new District Superintendent, Seonyoung Kim, as he left to take a charge in Blacksburg. All pastors in Gloucester County will remain for the coming year and we wish our pastor, Reverend Garry Livermon, a year that is spirit filled!
Join 250,000 other women around the world for this live, global, internet streaming event featuring musical worship, passionate Bible teaching, and fellowship with other women in the area. The Living Proof Simulcast will both challenge and encourage you to grow deeply in your faith.
Where: Temple Baptist Church, 235 Harpersville Rd., Newport News, VA;
When: Saturday, September 13th, 9:30am-4:30 pm. Doors open at 8am.
Cost: Tickets are $15. Box lunches from Chick-Fil-A are available for an additional $5. You may register online at
A group from SWUMC is planning to attend. Contact Genny Bellezza for more information at 804-384-2738 or .
This time of year, we seem to end up with a lot of croaker in our house and here’s a yummy recipe that’s almost as good as crab cakes:
Fillet croakers and either bake at 350 degrees or microwave for about 5 minutes until the fillets are well done. Use two forks to flake/chunk the fillets until the fish resembles backfin crab meat.
Mix the following:
2 eggs beaten
3 tbsp. mayonnaise
½ tbsp. yellow mustard
2 dashes Worchester sauce
1 – 1 ½ tsp. Old Bay Crab Seasoning
Then mix with about 3 tbsp seasoned bread crumbs. Stir in the 3-4 cups of flaked croaker. Form into cakes and pan fry.
Ginny Miller
Green Corner
Caring for God’s Creation
Here’s are a couple of recipes which has been tried and tested; they really work!
For a weed killer that does the trick and doesn’t contain toxic chemicals:
- Mix one gallon of apple cider with 2 cups Epson salts and ¼ cup blue Dawn dish soap. Spray this mixture on weeds and they are GONE!!
And another:
- Mix 2 drops of blue Dawn with 1 gallon of water and use to wash windows. “Best window cleaner ever” said Harry Leonard.
Please don’t throw away your old sneakers! Instead of going into a landfill, they can be recycled through Nike to create surfaces for playgrounds! We can recycle any sneakerin any condition!! Look for this container which has been placed just outside of the church kitchen near the Giving Garden aluminum can receptacle. Don’t forget to put the lid back on the container, please!
Helping Hands
Terry Stacey, Camp Director
Our tenth annual Helping Hands Mission Camp was a huge success!
We had over 130 participants – campers, mini-campers, and volunteers – and completed over 21 worksites! Our projects included replacing a floor, building two new wheelchair ramps and repairing another, rebuilding a porch roof, and adding trailer skirting to a mobile home, in addition to many other important improvements.
Thank you to the SWUMC congregation for all of your support!
Shoebox Ministry
Is it Christmas already??
Ginny Miller
Are you looking at the shoeboxes already stacking up and thinking it can’t be “that” time already? It is early, but VBS gave great impetus to the collection of items for the shoeboxes, so why not carry on from here? Last year we delivered over 100 boxes to Newington to begin the journey of the shoebox and the message of God’s love. By continuing the collection now we may be able to do over 200!!
A list of ideas for shoebox giving is in the atrium near the Samaritan’s Purse display. Feel free to be creative, keeping in mind the few things on the list that are not accepted (i.e. chocolates, items related to war, etc.…check the list.)
How can you help? Take a shoebox to pack in full on your own, join with other families to do a box, bring separate items in and place in the collection box, offer prayers that what we do with this project will be done in the spirit of God’s love……Wishing you a joyous Christmas.
Volunteers Needed!
As our church continues to grow, so does our need for additional volunteers to serve in our children’s programs.
Sunday School Teachers
- 4th & 5th Grade – 1 teacher, 1 substitute
- 2nd & 3rd Grade – 1 substitute
- Pre-K – 1st Grade – 1 teacher to rotate on a monthly basis
Children’s Church
- One teacher to rotate on a monthly basis
- Teachers for 2nd service only for 3-4 year olds
For more information about helping in one or more of these areas, contact Cheryl Moore at 642-9017 or .
Susanna Wesley Prayer Chain
To activate the Prayer Chain, contact any of the individuals listed during the time indicated. You may also place your written requests in the beautiful prayer box situated on the table in the entryway.
Daytime (7am-5pm)
Janet Cochran693-2692
Virginia Meyer642-6558
Joyce Neville642-9300
Louise Quinn642-4961
Julia Scarborough642-4525
Terry Stacey757-532-1261
Evening (5-11pm)
Vicki Barnes642-0760
Barbara McGlohn725-3169
Jackie Outten757-871-8215
Goldie Rowe642-4394
Julia Scarborough642-4525
Randy Stacey757-532-2312
Nighttime (11pm-7am)
Virginia Meyer642-6558
Barbara McGlohn
As we proceed through life’s varied avenues it seems we are more relevant in one time than another; at one task, one job than another; one age than another. Sometimes we feel a sense of contribution, self-giving and awareness in our positions that seem relevant. Then, there are those pesky times when we feel that we fall short.
Yet the more I read God’s Word, the more I realize that we are part of a grand plan that has ebb and flow like the tide; ups and downs like jumping on a trampoline, and periods of uncertain self-worth as in Stock Market values from day to day.
Once,as a medication and treatment nurse for thirty patients a day, it dawned on methat I was key to their daily improvement. I was relevant in the good and bad times to the patients I served. At the same time, what good would a nurse be without those who need her? Those patients were relevant, too. I was there for them and they were there for me.
We are relevant in good times and lean, in giving and receiving, or when we’re just relaxing in the air of a cool fall day on the porch. In God’s eyes, we are relevant.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
8/1 Carol Steele
8/4 Bobby Scarborough
8/5 Susie Phaup
8/6 John & Britinie Jordan
8/8Olivia Jones, West & Heather Patton
8/9Drew Thompson
8/10Andy Cochran
8/14Trevor Varnell
8/16 Randy Boone, Amber Goodrich, Sarah Thompson
8/19Kristie Brookshire, Roxanne McNamara
8/20Dawn Church
8/21Raymond & Dawn Church
8/22Joanne Fary, Roy & Paulette Insley
8/23Doug & Brenda Fairbanks, Allison Noah
8/24Tom & Lynn Phillips
8/26Jonathan Finley, Donna Milby
8/27Zac Smith
8/28Karl & Ginny Miller
8/31Paulette Insley
9/1James Stacey, Vernon Williams
9/3Harry & Sonnie Leonard, Megan Phillips
9/4Mike & Lois Hensley, Garry & Becky Livermon
9/6Zach & Laura Finley
9/8Parker Steele
9/9Cheryl Jones
9/10Jason & Jennifer Owen
9/11Craig Kelley
9/12Patti Baughman
9/16James Helbig
9/17Jim & Patti Baughman, Madison Tartaglia
9/18Jonathan Keough
9/19Vicki Barnes, Al & Renee Weatherbee
9/20Eleanor Helmick, Bob Jones, Sharon Mathes
Troy Tartaglia
9/21Troy Kadlec, Mike & Traci Noah
9/24 Damon & Sarah Chowning, Luke & Crystal Queen
9/25Mike & Patti Hansen, Tom & Leslie Smith
9/27Val Hart
9/28Noah Helbig, Gene Matthews
9/30West Patton
Susanna’s Vine is a great way to advertise what we’re doing in our community and church!
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