Lesson 7 - Text Processing with lists, tables and pictures

Kaumudi : Illustrations of tejas, jyoti panting.

Moz: Both of you are panting. Were you playing?

Tejas: Yes. I was practicing for the sports day. I am participating in running race and basket ball.

Jyoti: I am participating in three legged race and cycling.

Moz: That is good. Who else is participating?

Tejas: Many of our friends. We have to prepare lists of students participating in each game.

Jyoti: We entered one of the lists using word processor.

Three legged race

  1. Seema, 2. Vijaya, 3. Nitin, 4. Bhairav, 5. Shruti, 6. Veena

Moz: How did you create this list?

Jyoti: We typed a number, and then entered the name.

Tejas: We have seen neat lists in many documents. Is there an option for making lists?

Moz: Yes. There is. First tell me for what purpose are lists used? Why do you want to use list?

Tejas: We immediately know who is participating and the number of students participating.

Jyoti: It is easy to find information that we are looking out for.

Moz: Ok. Now tell me about the lists that you have seen.

Jyoti: My mother has a To do list stuck on the fridge. This way she remembers the tasks to be completed. Of course she also puts up To do lists for me!

Swati: Put these lists on an illustration of a sheet of paper.

To Do list

  1. Phone the plumber.
  2. Pay electricity bills.
  3. Iron Jyoti's dress for birthday party.
  4. Buy drawing sheets for Jyoti.

To do list for Jyoti

  1. Water rose plants in the balcony.
  2. Clean up your room.
  3. Eat food kept in the hot case
  4. Practice the song that you learned yesterday.

Tejas: In a restaurant we have a list of food items to order. We can find the item that we want to order easily.

Swati: Make this look like the lists in a restaurant. You can put interesting items that children like.



Jyoti: Our teacher gives instructions or announcement as a list.

Swati: Put thes list on an illustration of a sheet of paper.

Picnic to the National park at Borivili

  1. Bus starts at 7.00 a.m from the school gate.
  2. Assemble by 6.30 a.m in the class room
  3. Come in Uniform

Moz: Why are they given as a list.

Jyoti: This way we can remember the instructions and anouncements.

Tejas: Many a time the lists are in alphabetic order.

Moz: Good observations. How does it help?

Tejas: It helps in searching information faster.


Bullets and numbering:

  • Break long sentence and paragraph containing important points into a list.
  • Enhance readability .
  • Grab attention
  • Highlight important points.
  • Can be used to give instructions, announcements so that they are easily remembered.
  • Easy to find the information that we need faster.

Moz: Correct. Now let us look at how you can format lists in the word processor.

Tejas: In the tools menu I found these two options. Are they for formatting lists?

Info: To get the bullets and numbering option on the tools menu

  1. Click on View. Choose Bullets and numbering.

Usha please put the View -->Bullets and numbering screen here (with a tick mark on bullets and numbering).

Moz: Correct. Click on one of the icons to enter lists.

Tejas clicks on the numbering option and then starts entering the names.

Tejas: Wow! The option not only provides numbers but also formats automatically. Each name comes exactly below the one above.

Running Race

  1. Aditya
  2. Bharat
  3. Fatima
  4. Phalguni
  5. Savani
  6. Tejas
  7. Uma

Skill box:

To use a list in a document:

Select one of the option Bullets or numbering.

Enter the first item of the list.

Press “Enter” to take you to the next line and enter the next item.

Jyoti: Tejas! You forgot to add Roger.

Tejas: I have to put Roger below Phalguni. Let me check by pressing the “Enter” key after Phalguni.

Jyoti: Oh! The numbers are adjusted automatically in the list.

Swati: Following list on the illustration of a paper.

Running Race

  1. Aditya
  2. Bharat
  3. Fatima
  4. Phalguni
  5. Roger
  6. Savani
  7. Tejas
  8. Uma

Jyoti: Moz, Can we format a list which has already been entered?

Moz: Yes. You can. The sequence of using this option is the same as for other formatting options like bold, italics etc.

Usha: A sequence of screens selecting the list of names and then clicking on numbering like we had given for other options in previous books.

Moz: How many competitions are there for atheletics on sports day?

Tejas: There are 4 competitions.

Moz: Ok. First make a list of the competitions.

Jyoti enters the following list.

  1. Running race
  2. Three legged race
  3. Lemon and spoon race
  4. Long jump

Moz: Now enter the names of Running race competitors.

Tejas uses “enter” after Running Race to take the cursor to the next line.

Tejas: The competitors are a sublist of Running race. How do we create sublists?

Usha please decide: Maybe sequence below can also have screen shots.

Moz: You have to leave some space and then enter the sublist. This is called indentation. Pressing “TAB” not only creates indentation but also provides you with one more formatted list.

Jyoti: Looks like it is starting another list with numbers. Let us try the bulleted option now.

Jyoti clicks on the bullet option and discover that bullets and numbering can be interchanged.

Tejas: This is good. Sublists formatting is also easy. Can we have any number of sublists.

Moz: Yes. You can.

Jyoti: Let us add the house names too.

Moz: What are house names?

Jyoti: In our school we have four houses Blue, Red, Green, Orange. Each student belongs to one of the houses. The competitions are held between these houses.

Tejas: Can we change the style of numbers and bullets?

Moz: Yes. You can.

Skill: Usha please decide if you want to put screen shots for the following:

Select Format-->Bullets and numbering

Select the bullet style that you want to use

If you want different number styles then first select numbering from the top menu. Then select the numbering style.

Tejas enters the names of competitors and their house for Runing Race as follows:

  1. Running race


  1. Aditya
  2. Phalguni


  1. Bharat
  2. Fatima


  1. Roger
  2. Uma


  1. Savani
  2. Tejas
  1. Three legged race
  2. Lemon and spoon race
  3. Long ump

Concept: To elaborate a point in a list, sublists are used.

Skill box:

  1. Click on TAB to create the sublist.
  2. You can have any number of sublists. But more than three or four is not recommended as it reduces clarity.

Moz: Ok. Now, complete the lists of students for the sports day.

Tejas: Moz, We want to put pictures of the games along with the list.

Moz: Do you have pictures of the games?

Jyoti: Yes. We painted the pictures and saved in files.

Moz: Use this option to place the picture from the file into the document. From file icon here.

Usha: Please put the skill screens here.


  1. Click From file option. Alternatively click on insert , select picture and then From file option.
  2. Select the directory that has the picture files.
  3. Click on the file that has the picture to be inserted. Click on ok.

Tejas and Jyoti complete the lists that they had to prepare for the sports day.

**** Kaumudi (Bhairav): A picture of various lists of games and the children participating. This can be sort of one overlapping other – a bunch of papers spread out like a pack of cards in a hand. Note that each list should also have picture of the game.

Jyoti: We have to also prepare a schedule chart for the sports day.

Tejas points to the table icon and says : Does this table option provide rows and columns to prepare the chart?

Moz: Yes. It has. What are the games that will be played?

Jyoti: Running race, three legged race, basket ball, kho kho, ....

Tejas: So we will need 4 rows. In the first column we can write the names of games.

Moz: What will the next column represent?

Jyoti: For each game we have to say when the game starts. So the second column can be “Starting time of the game”.

Usha: screens for skills please

Skill : Click on table option. Select the number of rows and columns by using the arrows. Click on ok to get a blank table.

To enter data in the table:

Click in the first row first column. The intersection of a row and column is called a cell. Enter the heading for the column.

Click on TAB to move to the next cell. You can also use the mouse to move the cursor to any cell in the table.

Info: The intersection of a row and column is called a cell.

Moz: Now, You can put the information about the game “starting time” along with the names of students in the list. Isn't it?

Tejas: Yes. We can. Let us try.

Put time in the illustration at **** and display the illustration here.

Tejas: This is not good. When we want to know which game starts at which time then we have to look at each and every list and then note down the timings.

Jyoti prepares the following chart for the sports day.

Schedule for sports day

Jyoti: See how clearly the information is in a table!

Moz: Correct. This means that the related data, if put together in a table is much more useful.



A table is used to organize a collection of related data in rows and columns. The benefits of a table are,

it helps in finding information easily,

attracts attention and

has easy readability.


Tejas: Is it possible to insert an extra row or column.

Moz: Yes. You can.

Skill: To add a row to the table


Click the last cell of the last row. Press the TAB key. A new row is added to the table. You can add as many rows as you want using this method.

To insert a row in between the table example between third and fourth row:

Step 1: Click any cell in the row above which you want to insert a new row. In this case click a cell in the fourth row.

Step 2: On the table menu, select insert and then row.

You will get the following window.

Step 3: Select the number of rows that you want to insert using the arrows. Since you want a row to be inserted above the fourth row select After. Then click on OK.

For inserting columns follow the same procedure as above after selecting column from the insert menu.


Moz: Where else are tables used?

Tejas: My brother lists out things he has to memorize as a table or a list and puts it up on the door.

Kaumudi: A list on door

Moz: That is a good idea.

Jyoti: My cousin made a comparison chart for metric system. That way she says we can easily understand and also remember what we learn.

Moz: Correct. Comparisons can be easily represented in tables and are easy to understand than when represented in a paragraph.

Basic Units of measurement

Someone has to check how children are taught and put that table above. The above table can also be represented as a hand written sheet stuck on a table or fridge.

Concept: Comparisons can be easily understood if they are represented in a table.

Moz: Now, do you want to take a printout of the student lists and the schedule table?

Tejas: Yes. Let me first save the document.

Moz: Where is your document saved ?

Tejas: In a file on the computer. Then I will take a printout.

Moz: The file on computer is called soft copy of your document. And the printout of the document is called a hard copy of the document.

Jyoti: Are all files called soft copies?

Moz: Yes. Whatever is saved on the computer is a soft copy.

Info: Documents, images, etc., saved on a computer as a file is called a soft copy. Printout of these files is called a hard copy.

Tejas: I have seen people saying “ I will take a copy on my pen drive or a cd”. So then the copy on pen drive or CD is also a soft copy. Isn't it.

Moz: Correct.

Info:A pen drive and a CD are called removable storage devices. You can carry them anywhere and use the soft copy of the work copied on these devices , on another computer.

Concept: Any work saved on the computer is called a soft copy. Soft copy can also be saved on storage devices like CD and pen drive. A hard copy is a print out of the work that we do on a computer.

Kaumudi: A picture of pendrive and CD

Tejas: We can use what we have learnt in projects of other subjects, for preparing lists, posters, charts, story writing, and much more.

Jyoti: Thanks Moz for teaching us so much about the computers.

Moz: I too enjoyed your company and have learned the exercises, yoga asanas. I have to now go back to Anandavan from where I came. Do all the projects that I have prepared and have fun using the computers. Chin Chinaki.

Worksheets – Text processing with lists, tables and pictures

2. State whether True or False

  • The print out of a document is called a soft copy.True/ False
  • Bullets and numbering increases the readability of a document.True/ False
  • Storage devices help you to carry your files anywhere and use them on another computer

True/ False

  • A pen drive helps you to format a document.True/ False
  • Tables help you to organise a document.True/ False
  • Train tickets, electricity and telephone bills are all examples of hard copy.

True/ False

III. Identify which of the following is a hard copy or a soft copy. Write the answer in the space provided.

  1. Three types of musical instruments are given below. The three types are

i) instruments in which you blow air to make sound – Reed.

ii) instruments which are stuck or beaten to make sound – Percussion.

iii) instruments that have strings which vibrate on plucking or rubbing with a bow and make sound – String.

A scanned picture of the instruments with their names.

a) Group these instruments according to the type to which they belong to. One example is given. Fill in the rest.

  1. Reed: Flute, ______
  1. Percussion: Mridangam,______
  1. String: Violin, ______

b) Represent the information of the three types of instruments in a list format and also as a table.

Swati: Two boxes. One for list and the other for table.

c) State which is convenient and why.

_____ is convinient as it ______


  1. Bholu is preparing for a quiz. He needs to memorize the cities on the banks of rivers and cities with lakes. The information is already grouped and given below.

Swati put these in a box.

Yamuna – Delhi, Mathura, Agra, Allahabad.

Ganga – Hrishidesh, Hardwar, Kanpur, Allahabad, Varanasi, Patna, Bhagalpur

Hoogly – Calcutta, Haldia

Narmada – Jabalpur, Hoshangabad, Bharuch

Tapti – Bhusaval, Surat

Sabarmati – Ahmedabad

Mahanadi – Cuttack

Godavari – Panchavati, Nanded, Bhadrachalam, Rajahmundry

Krishna – Sangli, Satara, Srisailam, Kurnool, Vijayawada

Cauvery – Mysore, Srirangapatnam, Kumbakonam, Thiruchirapalli

a) Represent the information in both list and table format. To make it visually interesting use different colour for rivers.

Swati: Provide two boxes to prepare a list and also a table with two columns and 10 rows side by side.

b) Which format will help Bholu in preparing for the quiz?

______format will help Bholu as it is ______


  1. The teacher is planning for a picnic. Tejas and Jyoti have been asked to collect information about the place. Help them to decide the format (paragraph, list or table) that they should use for each of the following. Also specify the necessity of a picture wherever necessary.

Suggest format
Paragraph/List/Table / Picture
a) A brief description of the place.
b) Interesting places to visit
c) Bus and train schedule to the place with
fare per person.
e) Bus and train schedule from the place to
come back to school.

6. The teacher looks at the information given by the students and discusses the date, time and other details about the picnic. Now, the students are asked to prepare announcements, instructions etc., which are listed below. Suggest the format for each of these documents. Also specify the neccessity of a picture wherever necessary.

Suggest format
Paragraph/List/Table / Picture
a) Prepare the announcement for the
b) Collect the names of students who want
to go to the picnic.
c) Schedule of the picnic which gives the various places
to visit and the time of visiting these places.
d) Prepare instructions to be displayed on the notice board. The instructions are about time the bus starts, what students should wear , time when the students will return to school.

7)To the instructions to be displayed on the notice board, the following instruction has to be added. How will you format this instruction?

Bring the following things when you come for the picnic: water, food, umbrella or rain coat, play things like bat, ball, etc.,

Swati: Provide a box to answer the above question.