DPD Course List
Required Supplemental Form
To Be Completed By the DPD Program Director
Directions to the Applicant: Obtain this completed form from your DPD Program Director. This completed form MUST be uploaded to the “DPD Course List Form” section of your DICAS application before the application can be submitted; it should not be amended or changed. Before uploading the form, it must be used to correctly enter your completed or in-progress DPD courses as either DPD Professional or DPD Science courses into the Coursework section of your application. If you completed an alternate or substitute course or you transferred in a course from a different institution to fulfill one or more of your course requirements, enter the alternate course into the Coursework section of the application.
DPD Program Institution: / West Chester University of PADPD Director: / Dr. Joanne Christaldi ()
Website for Course Catalog: / http://www.wcupa.edu/_information/official.documents/undergrad.catalog/nutrition.htm
DPD Professional Courses / DPD Science Courses
NTD 200 Nutrition and Culture / BIO 100 Basic Biological Science
NTD 205 Principles of Food Selection and Preparation / BIO 204 Introduction to Microbiology
NTL 205 Principles of Food Selection and Preparation Laboratory / BIO 259 Anatomy and Physiology I
NTD 303 Introductory Principles of Human Nutrition / BIO 269 Anatomy and Physiology II
NTD 309 Nutrition Through the Lifecycle / CHE 107 General Chemistry for the Health Sciences
NTD 312 Food Science / CRL 107 General Chemistry for the Health Sciences Laboratory
NTD 320 Dietetic Education Strategies / CHE 230 Organic Chemistry
NTD 409 Professional Skills in Dietetics / CHE 310 Introduction to Biochemistry
NTD 410 Quantity Food Production
NTD 411 Advanced Human Nutrition I
NTD 412 Advanced Human Nutrition II
NTD 413 Medical Nutrition Therapy I
NTD 414 Medical Nutrition Therapy II
NTD 415 Community Nutrition
NTD 416 Foodservice and Nutrition Management I
NTD 417 Foodservice and Nutrition Management II
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology
SOC 200 Introduction to Sociology (or SOC 240 Sociology of the Family)
SPK 199, 208 or 230 Public Speaking
WRT 120 Effective Writing
WRT 200, 204, 205, 206, 208, 220
MAT 121 Statistics