January 2010IEEE P802.11-10/0102r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Name / Company / Address / Phone / Email
Guenael Strutt / Motorola / 1064 GreenwoodBlvdLakeMary FL 32476 USA / +1-407-562-4050 /
Session 1, MondayJanuary 18thPM216:00-18:00, HyattCenturyPlazaLos Angeles (Calif.), Constellation II Room
Chairman Dee Denteneer (Philips)calls the meeting to order at 4:05 PM (1605).
The Chair reminds all present to state their name and affiliation before they speak.
Chair introduces Technical Editor (Kazuyuki Sakoda, Sony).Chair introduces Recording Secretary (Stephen Rayment, BelAir) who could not make it to the meeting. Guenael Strutt (Motorola) will take minutes in the interim.
The Chair reminds everyone to use the Automated Attendance Recording System and demonstrates how to use it.
Chair presents 11-10/0036r2 (Agenda for 802.11 Task Group s)
The Chair made numerous "Miscellaneous Announcements" from slide 4 and identified “Important Stuff” on Slide 5 of the Agenda.
Chair reads Slide 6 "Participants, Patent, and Duty to Inform" aloud, in its entirety. The Chair identified “Essential Patent Links” from slide 7 of the Agenda.
Chair calls for potential essential patents (reads slide 8 aloud). No one responds to the call (4:10 PM) and no claims are brought forward.
The Chair also reviewed “Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings” per slide 9.
Approval of agenda (described in 11-10/0036r2)
Objections to approving by unanimous consent? None
Agenda approved by unanimous consent
Approval of minutes
11-09/1223r0 Atlanta meeting minutes
Objections to approving by unanimous consent? None
Minutes approved by unanimous consent
11-09/1308r0 December 2 teleconference meeting minutes
Objections to approving by unanimous consent? None
Minutes approved by unanimous consent
11-10/0039r0 January 13 teleconference meeting minutes
Objections to approving by unanimous consent? None
Minutes approved by unanimous consent
4:23 PM (1623): Editor (K. Sakoda) presents 11-10-0032r1 (comment resolution spreadsheet). There are 449 technical comments and 360 editorial comments. The breakdown is 144 general comments, 353 MAC comments, 162 routing/forwarding/interworking comments and 150 security comments.
Chair encourages attendees to coordinate efforts to increase comment resolution speed. There are discussions about PAR extension (which would take place in October 2010). We would need to be in Sponsor Ballot by then.
Target for re-circulation is March 2010.
Chair returned to 11-10/0036r2
The Chair indicated that the poor weather in Los Angeles is an encouragement to spend more time indoors resolving comments.
The Chair called for candidates to come forward between “now” and the following day for the positions of Temporary Secretary and Vice-Chair. Guido Hiertz (Philips) was announced as a candidate Vice-Chair.
The Chair would like to assign comments to individuals to increase resolution speed. The Chair would like to ensure that we don’t end up in March with open comments that are difficult to resolve. Hopefully all comments will be assigned and worked on between the Los Angeles and Orlando meeting.
MCCA comments are assigned to Guido Hiertz.
SAE comments are assigned to Dan Harkins (Aruba Networks)
RFI comments are assigned to Guenael Strutt and Michael Bahr (Siemens AG)
Power management comments are assigned to Jarkko Kneckt (Nokia)
Beaconing and synchronization comments are assigned to Kazuyuki Sakoda
General-Emergency comments are assigned to Rene Purnadi (RIM)
Secretary-Editor/Frame comments are assigned to David Halasz (Aclara)
Dan Harkins presents “Resolution of SAE” 11-10-0058r0
The Chair suggests we break into small groups per the assignment discussed earlier.
The Task Group enters comment resolution mode at 5:06 PM (1706).
The Chair reconvenes the TG and recesses the meeting at 5:58 PM (1858).
Session 2, MondayJanuary 18thEVE19:30-21:30, HyattCenturyPlazaLos Angeles (Calif.), Constellation II Room
Chairman Dee Denteneer (Philips)calls the meeting to order at 7:32 PM (1932).
Chair presents 11-10/0036r2 (Agenda for 802.11 Task Group s)
Chair reads Slide 6 "Participants, Patent, and Duty to Inform" aloud, in its entirety. The Chair identified “Essential Patent Links” from slide 7 of the Agenda.
Chair calls for potential essential patents (reads slide 8 aloud). No one responds to the call (7:34 PM) and no claims are brought forward.
Dan Harkins reminds the Chair that attendees should log their attendance.
The Task Group enters comment resolution mode at 7:37 PM (1937).
The Chair reconvenes the TG and recesses the meeting at 9:30 PM (2130).
Session 3, TuesdayJanuary 19thAM108:00-10:00, HyattCenturyPlazaLos Angeles (Calif.), Directors I Room
Chairman Dee Denteneer (Philips)calls the meeting to order at 8:08AM (0808).
Chair presents 11-10/0036r3 (Agenda for 802.11 Task Group s)
Chair calls for potential essential patents (reads slide 8 aloud). No one responds to the call (8:12AM) and no claims are brought forward.
Chair reminds attendees to log their attendance.
Chair announced selection of Temporary Secretary and Task Group Vice-Chair (the latter will be announced in the mid-week Plenary)
Chair shows decomposition of comments designed to increase resolution speed.
Chair shows slide 19 with four impending presentation.
10/0110r0: Mesh peering management (Ashish Shuklah)
10/0101r0: MAC beaconing synchronization comment resolutions (Kazuyuki Sakoda)
10/0107r0: Security comment resolutions (Dan Harkins, Aruba Networks)
10/0057r0: SAE-reference (Dan Harkins)
The Task Group enters comment resolution mode at 8:27 AM (0827).
The Chair reconvenes the TG and recesses the meeting at 10:00 AM (1000).
Session 4, TuesdayJanuary 19thAM210:30-12:30, HyattCenturyPlazaLos Angeles (Calif.), Directors I Room
Chairman Dee Denteneer (Philips)calls the meeting to order at 10:50AM (1050).
Chair presents 11-10/0036r3 (Agenda for 802.11 Task Group s)
Chair calls for potential essential patents (reads slide 8 aloud). No one responds to the call (10:51AM) and no claims are brought forward.
Chair reminds attendees to log their attendance.
Chair introduces Technical Editor (Kazuyuki Sakoda, Sony) and Temporary Secretary (Guenael Strutt, Motorola).
Chair shows decomposition of comments designed to increase resolution speed.
Chair shows slide 19 with six impending presentation.
10/0110r0: Mesh peering management (Ashish Shuklah, Marvell)
10/0101r0: MAC beaconing synchronization comment resolutions (Kazuyuki Sakoda)
10/0107r0: Security comment resolutions (Dan Harkins, Aruba Networks)
10/0057r0: SAE-reference (Dan Harkins)
10/0116r0: PM (Jarkko Kneckt, Nokia)
10/0117r0: TBTT announced in mesh DTIM beacons (Michael Bahr, Siemens)
Chair amends the agenda to include presentations 0116 and 0117 in Tuesday AM2 session.
Chair presents slide 21 of 11-10/0036r3. Guenael Strutt (Motorola) is assigned the role of Temporary Secretary. The Task Group will have to go through a formal voting process for the official position of Vice-Chair. Guido Hiertz (Philips) is a candidate.
Chair asks if there are objections to Guido Hiertz being the Vice-Chair. Chair performs a straw poll: “Are you in favour of appointing Guido Hiertz to the position of Vice-Chair of Task Group ‘s’” : 8 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstention
Jarkko Kneckt (Nokia) presents11-10/0116r0.
At 11:39 AM the hotel emergency management system activates. The group stands by for more instructions.
At 11:41 AM the hotel emergency response team informs us that everything is clear. The group resumes talking about 11-10/0116r0.
Presentation ends at 11:43 AM. Next presentation is Michael Bahr10/0117r0.
Presentation ends at 12:01 PM. There are no more presentations scheduled.
The Task Group enters comment resolution mode at 12:02 AM (1202).
The Chair reconvenes the TG and recesses the meeting at 12:32PM (1231).
Session 4, WednesdayJanuary20thAM108:00-10:00, HyattCenturyPlazaLos Angeles (Calif.), Directors II Room
Chairman Dee Denteneer (Philips)calls the meeting to order at 8:11AM (0811).
Chair presents 11-10/0036r4 (Agenda for 802.11 Task Group s)
Chair calls for potential essential patents (reads slide 8 aloud). No one responds to the call (8:12AM) and no claims are brought forward.
Chair reminds attendees to log their attendance.
The Chair showed comments assignments designed to increase resolution speed.
11n comments are assigned to Liwen Chu
Two motions have been brought forth on the agenda for this session.
Chair shows slide 22 with seven impending presentation.
10/0110r0: Mesh peering management (Ashish Shuklah)
10/0101r0: MAC beaconing synchronization comment resolutions (Kazuyuki Sakoda)
10/0107r0: Security comment resolutions (Dan Harkins, Aruba Networks)
10/0057r0: SAE-reference (Dan Harkins)
10/0135r0: (Ashish Shukla)
10/0136r0: (Ashish Shukla)
10/0119r0: (Jin-Mesh Ho)
A motion is brought forth from the agenda:
Moved, to adopt document 11-10/0058r3 (“SAE comments resolution”) and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Mover: Dan Harkins Seconder: Guido Hiertz
Yes: 8 No: 0 Abstain: 0
Motion passes (> ¾)
A motion is brought forth from the agenda:
Moved, to adopt the comment resolutions in submission 11-10/0107r0 (“security comment resolutions for lb159”) with Column Resolution Code equal to “x” except for CID 2444 and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Mover: Dan Harkins Seconder: Guenael Strutt
Yes: 8 No: 0 Abstain: 0
Motion passes (> ¾)
The group now proceeds to the presentation queue
Dan Harkins (Aruba) presents 11-10/0057r0.
Kazuyuki Sakoda (Sony) presents 11-10/0100r1.
The Task Group enters comment resolution mode at 9:10 AM (0910).
The Chair reconvenes the TG and recesses the meeting at 10:00 AM (1000).
Session 5, WednesdayJanuary20thPM216:00-18:00, HyattCenturyPlazaLos Angeles (Calif.), Directors II Room
Chairman Dee Denteneer (Philips)calls the meeting to order at 4:09PM (1609).
Chair introduces Technical Editor (Kazuyuki Sakoda, Sony), Temporary Secretary (Guenael Strutt, Motorola) and the newly appointed Vice-Chair (Guido Hiertz, Philips), having been affirmed in the midweek Task Group plenary.
Chair presents 11-10/0036r7 (Agenda for 802.11 Task Group s)
Chair calls for potential essential patents (reads slide 8 aloud). No one responds to the call (4:11PM) and no claims are brought forward.
Chair reminds attendees to log their attendance.
Chair presents slides 22 and 23 with presentations made/expected. Attendees should expect the text additions submitted to be brought to a vote.
A motion is brought forth from the agenda:
Moved, to reopen CIDs 2315 and 2456, formerly considered to be solved by submission 10/58r3, and to change the Resolution Code to blank, and to Close CID 2445 with Resolution Code “Counter” and Resolution Note “Solved by 10/58r3.”.
Mover: Dan Harkins Seconder: Guido Hiertz
Yes: 7 No: 0 Abstain: 0
Motion passes (> ¾)
The Task Group enters comment resolution mode at 4:40 AM (1640).
The Chair reconvenes the TG and recesses the meeting at 6:00 PM (1800).
Session 6, ThursdayJanuary21st AM108:00-10:00, HyattCenturyPlazaLos Angeles (Calif.), Directors II Room
Chairman Dee Denteneer (Philips)calls the meeting to order at 8:12AM (0812).
Chair presents 11-10/0036r8 (Agenda for 802.11 Task Group s)
Chair calls for potential essential patents (reads slide 8 aloud). No one responds to the call (8:22AM) and no claims are brought forward.
The group reviews the presentation queue and the impending motions, deciding what sessions motions should be brought forth during.
The Task Group enters comment resolution mode at 8:36 AM (0836).
The Chair reconvenes the TG and recesses the meeting at 10:00 AM (1000).
Session 7, ThursdayJanuary21st AM210:30-12:30, HyattCenturyPlazaLos Angeles (Calif.), Directors II Room
Chairman Dee Denteneer (Philips)calls the meeting to order at 10:41AM (1041).
Chair presents 11-10/0036r8 (Agenda for 802.11 Task Group s)
Chair calls for potential essential patents (reads slide 8 aloud). No one responds to the call (10:43AM) and no claims are brought forward.
Chair reminds attendees to record their attendance
The following motions are brought forth from the agenda (10:48 AM):
Moved, to adopt the comment resolutions in submission 10/32r1 with Column X equal to “20100113G-Editor” and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Mover: Kazuyuki Sakoda Seconder: Dan Harkins
Yes: 7 No: 0 Abstain: 0
Motion passes (> ¾)
Moved, to adopt the text changes in submission 145r1 to resolve the CIDs identified in submission 10/147r0: “power management comment resolutions” and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Mover: Jarkko Kneckt Seconder: Guido Hiertz
Yes: 6 No: 0 Abstain: 0
Motion passes (> ¾)
Motion: to adopt the text changes in submission 152r0 to resolve CID 2725 and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Jarkko presented the document, but after a discussion of about 15 minutes it was decided to proceed with a straw poll instead. The motion was withdrawn before it was moved.
“Is the text proposed in submission 152r0 an adequate resolution to CID 2725 ?”
Yes: 1 No: Abstain.8
Two attendees commented that they needed more time to review the submission before they could make an informed decision, resulting in their abstention.
Dan Harkins presents 11-10/0167r0 “Resolving more SAE comments”. A revised version will be submitted shortly so that it can be voted on in the afternoon.
Chair presents 11-10/0156r0 Slide 3 with the following straw polls:
Straw poll: “Would it make sense to merge (remove 11c.6) mesh channel switch text into channel switch clauses of the base 802.11 std (inline with 11n, 11y amendments). This will also help to satisfy 11n 20/40 channel switching rules (rules for mesh channel switch announcement, acceptance, and propagation would be defined there)?”
Yes: 2 No: 0 Don’t care: 3
Straw poll: “Mesh Channel Switch Announcement element is very similar to Extended Channel Switch Announcement element defined in [1].
Would you like to re-use existing extended channel switch announcement (public action protected/unprotected frame), together with possibly some more information (flag, TTL (to limit propagation), Reason Code (2 octets), Precedence Value) for mesh, instead of a new mesh channel switch announcement frame?”
Yes: 1 No: 1 Don’t care: 1
Kazuyuki Sakoda presents 11-10/0163r0 “Some open questions”. Discussions on portal, “joining an MBSS” terminology.
Guido Hiertz presents11-10/0160r0 “Resolutions for general comments”.
Meeting is recessed at 12:20 PM (1220).
Session 8, ThursdayJanuary21st AM216:00-18:00, HyattCenturyPlazaLos Angeles (Calif.), Directors II Room
Chairman Dee Denteneer (Philips)calls the meeting to order at 4:05PM (1505).
Chair presents 11-10/0036r8 (Agenda for 802.11 Task Group s)
Chair calls for potential essential patents (reads slide 8 aloud). No one responds to the call (4:06PM) and no claims are brought forward.
Chair presents the agenda for the session. The group proceeds to the motions contained in the agenda.
Moved, to adopt the text changes in submission 110r2 “Mesh Peering management clean up” to resolve CIDs …. and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Mover: Dan Harkins Seconder: Guido Hiertz
Yes: 8 No: 0 Abstain: 2
Motion ? (> ¾)
Moved, to adopt the text changes in submission 135r0 “mlme-start-extension-for-mesh” to resolve CIDs 2520, 2521, 2522 and 2638.and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Questions are raised about this submission as it has not been presented during the meeting. The group decides to table the motion, together with the following one
(motion is tabled before moved)
Moved, to adopt the text changes in submission 136r0 “inclusion-of-beacon-timing-in-bssdescription” to resolve CIDs 2519 and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
(motion is tabled before moved)
Moved, to adopt the text changes in submission 167r1 “more SAE comment resolutions” to resolve CIDs 2566, 2284, 2285, 2569, 2570 and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Mover: Dan Harkins Seconder: Guido Hiertz
Yes: 11 No: 0 Abstain: 0
Motion passes (> ¾)
Moved, to adopt the text changes in submission 152r1 to resolve CID 2725 and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Questions are raised with respect to the wording of the submission. The author will work with others to re-word.
(motion is tabled before moved)
Moved, to adopt the comment resolutions in submission 10/107r1: “security-comment-resolution-for-lb159” with Column Resolution Code equal to “x” except the resolution to CID 2444 and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Motion is amended to read:
Moved, to adopt the comment resolutions in submission 10/107r1: “security-comment-resolution-for-lb159” with Column Resolution Code equal to “x” and Issue Identifier equal to “S-Editorial” and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Mover: Dan Harkins Seconder: Guenael Strutt
Yes: 5 No: 0 Abstain: 4
Motion passes (> ¾)
Moved, to adopt the comment resolutions in submission 10/160r0: “Resolutions for general comments” with Column X equal to “20100118”“20100119”“20100118” And with column V equal to “counter”, “reject” or “accept” direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Mover: Rene Purnadi Seconder: Guido Hiertz
Yes: 9 No: 0 Abstain: 1
Motion passes (> ¾)
The Chair hands over chairmanship to Guido Hiertz as Dee Denteneer presents 11-10/159r1.
Moved, to adopt the text changes in submission 10/159r1 to resolve the CIDs identified in submission 10/158r1: “MCCA-comment-resolution-for-lb159” with Column X equal to “MCCA-1”, ”MCCA-2”, or “MCCA-3” and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Mover: Dee Denteneer Seconder: Stuart Kerry
Yes: 10 No: 0 Abstain: 0
Motion passes (> ¾)
Guido Hiertz returns the chairmanship to Dee Denteneer.
Moved, to adopt the comment resolutions in submission 10/151r1: “RFI solution Jan 10 Tuesday” with Column X equal to “RFI-LA-EVE”, “RFI-LA-PM2”, “RFI-LA-TUE-PM”, “RFI-LA-WED”, or “RFI-LA-THU” and Column V equal to “Accept”, “Reject” or “Counter” and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Mover: Guido Hiertz Seconder: Jarkko Kneckt
Yes: 11 No: 0 Abstain: 0
Motion passes (> ¾)
Moved, to direct the Editor to produce one or more revisions of the Draft so as to incorporate all changes and comment resolutions adopted before the end of this session.
Mover: Dan Harkins Seconder: Kazuyuki Sakoda
Yes: 10 No: 0 Abstain: 1
Motion passes (> ¾)
Kazuyuki brings forth a motion
Moved, to adopt the text changes in submission 10/101r2 to resolve the CIDs identified in submission 10/99r2: “MAC beaconing and synchronization resolutions” with Column X equal to “X” and direct the Editor to incorporate the changes into the draft.
Mover: Dan Harkins Seconder: Rene Purnadi
Yes: 10 No: 0 Abstain: 0
Motion passes (> ¾)
The chair presents comment assignment using 11-10/0036r8 slides 14, 15, 16, 17
Kazuyuki Sakoda presented resolution statistics11-10/0032.
The Chair leads a discussion regarding upcoming ad hocs and teleconferences. There was no interest in an ad hoc meeting. A straw poll is conducted to determine the best time. Prefer 10am ET: 5 Prefer: 5 pm ET: 0.
Moved, to schedule TGs teleconferences on February3rd, Feburary17th, and March 3rdat 10:00 ET for a maximum duration of 90min to resolve comments and discuss agendas.
Mover: Guenael Strutt Seconder: Michael Bahr
Adopted by unanimous consent.
Group agrees to discuss previously tabled motions during the teleconferences.
Clint Chaplin asks when the group plans to go to recirculation LB: March 2010
At 17:41 the Chairman adjourned the TGs meeting sine die.
Submissionpage 1Guenael Strutt, Motorola