Marine Sound Control

an ADE Development Company

Term and Conditions


Marine Sound Control (MSC) works on assignments with a retainer fee of 50% as an advance for materials and detailed design. This amount is non-refundable and is deducted from the total estimate.

An additional 25% will be due when the project is 50% completed. Upon completion of job the remaining amount of bill is due.

Design Fees and Expenses

MSC’s onsite design fees are determined on a per job basis; any expenses occurred related to the assignment are additional. MSC design and engineering fees are also billed at prices that are determined on a per job basis. A retainer fee is required prior to start of any design work.


The fees and expenses shown are minimum estimates only. Final fees and expenses will be shown when invoice is rendered. Client’s approval must be obtained for any increase in fees or expenses that exceed the original estimate by 10% or more.


Both the client and MSC reserve the right to terminate the agreement at the completion of any phase. The original design work is retained by MSC and payment will be made by the client for work completed, based on the contract price and expenses already incurred.

Ownership of Design

ADE Design Build retains ownership of all designs, whether preliminary or final, the client must return such designs or artwork within thirty (30) days or use.


Modifications of this agreement must be written, except those that the invoice may include, and the client shall be obligated to pay fees or expenses that are orally authorized in order to progress promptly with work.

Estimated Cost

This assignment has an estimated design cost of ______, with an estimated overall project cost of ______. To begin this project a $______retainer deposit would be required for design work and materials production.

Approved by: ______

Date: ______

ADE Development Corp.

17 Birchwood Road

Augusta, Maine 04330

Tel: 207.512.8161
Mobile: 207.242.3663