Champlin Park Girls Soccer Booster Meeting
January 8, 2017
Call to order: 6:36 pm
Members present: Garth Lotts, Steve Nichols, John Hurd, Traci Braiedy, Hope Grimm, Dan Grimm, Steve Campbell, Calen Nimmer
Guests: Kevin Pietsch, Christine Benson
Old business: 2016 was a success – thanks to the departed member for their hard work and dedication to the Rebels Soccer program! Much appreciated!
New business:
- Treasurers Report – came out ahead which is good, have $6158 to carry over
- Review of Budget
- Board voted to up the Equipment budget from $150 to $400 this year
John initiated the vote and Steve seconded it
- We are in need of new goal frames for the stadium, boys will pay ½
Need to talk to Mattson about how much the school will cover
- Scholarship – are we doing this?
Garth will talk to Mattson about the criteria, who decides who gets it? Do all other sports teams do this? We will vote on it at our next meeting
- Uniforms – need to inventory, many think we do not need to order socks this season
- By-Laws- ARE currently on the website
John suggests that we go through them at our next meeting to make sure they are still up to our standards
- Coach’s Salaries – voted at Nov meeting to have all salaries go through the district
Garth will meet with Mattson/Debbie Hensel to finalize this
- Calen’s input for 2017 – she will put something together at the end of February
- Try outs are Aug 12-17
- Fundraising – Board discussed different fundraising ideas and the idea of asking for parents’ suggestions, as well as whether or not we need a fundraising coordinator position
- Board would like to have 2 cub bagging slots (preferably same day, two different locations)
Hope will contact Cub
- Steak Fry is tops of the list this year for fundraising
- Ball toss – would be great to have donated gift cards to give out for winning the ball toss
Board will need to reach out to business in the community to get donations
- Volunteers – Board discussed different ways to get ball handlers at the games
- If nothing else, we may need to pull from our own teams or from the stands?
Need to reach out to youth soccer boards
- Tammie Dixson – New Volunteer Service Community Coordinator @ CPHS
- How can she help us?
Need to reach out to her to clarify her role in sports volunteers
Adjourn: 7:45 PM
Next Meeting: February 26, 2017, 6:30 @ Sammy’s