Champlin Park Girls Soccer Booster Meeting

January 8, 2017

Call to order: 6:36 pm

Members present: Garth Lotts, Steve Nichols, John Hurd, Traci Braiedy, Hope Grimm, Dan Grimm, Steve Campbell, Calen Nimmer

Guests: Kevin Pietsch, Christine Benson


Old business: 2016 was a success – thanks to the departed member for their hard work and dedication to the Rebels Soccer program! Much appreciated!

New business:

  • Treasurers Report – came out ahead which is good, have $6158 to carry over
  • Review of Budget
  • Board voted to up the Equipment budget from $150 to $400 this year

John initiated the vote and Steve seconded it

  • We are in need of new goal frames for the stadium, boys will pay ½

Need to talk to Mattson about how much the school will cover

  • Scholarship – are we doing this?

Garth will talk to Mattson about the criteria, who decides who gets it? Do all other sports teams do this? We will vote on it at our next meeting

  • Uniforms – need to inventory, many think we do not need to order socks this season
  • By-Laws- ARE currently on the website

John suggests that we go through them at our next meeting to make sure they are still up to our standards

  • Coach’s Salaries – voted at Nov meeting to have all salaries go through the district

Garth will meet with Mattson/Debbie Hensel to finalize this

  • Calen’s input for 2017 – she will put something together at the end of February
  • Try outs are Aug 12-17
  • Fundraising – Board discussed different fundraising ideas and the idea of asking for parents’ suggestions, as well as whether or not we need a fundraising coordinator position
  • Board would like to have 2 cub bagging slots (preferably same day, two different locations)

Hope will contact Cub

  • Steak Fry is tops of the list this year for fundraising
  • Ball toss – would be great to have donated gift cards to give out for winning the ball toss

Board will need to reach out to business in the community to get donations

  • Volunteers – Board discussed different ways to get ball handlers at the games
  • If nothing else, we may need to pull from our own teams or from the stands?

Need to reach out to youth soccer boards

  • Tammie Dixson – New Volunteer Service Community Coordinator @ CPHS
  • How can she help us?

Need to reach out to her to clarify her role in sports volunteers

Adjourn: 7:45 PM

Next Meeting: February 26, 2017, 6:30 @ Sammy’s