Guidelines for completing the application form

Please complete all sections of the form as fully as you can. Please read through the job description and person specification and ensure that your application give details of how you meet our requirements.

In the About You section, it is very important that you give full examples of how you meet each of the criteria within the person specification e.g. it is not enough to put in your application – ‘I have the ability to prioritise’ A better example might be ‘My current job means I need to work to deadlines. So I often have to amend my workload and prioritise my work to ensure deadlines are met. I use various methods to make sure my work is not late and I keep an action plan with timings.’ This is only one small example of how you would demonstrate you can do something rather than just say you can do it.

Remember we are as interested in your character and values and your approach as much as your skills. And these ‘softer’ aspects of you need be evidenced in action as well – examples of things you have done or problems you have solved and why you did them that way

Please, do not think only in terms of your job. Many person specification examples can be sought from other areas of your life i.e. at home, during your education or your life outside work.

If possible, ask someone to read through the person spec and your application for you to check that you have filled in each section as fully as possible and you have not missed anything out.

Please type and then email your application back to us whenever possible. You can use extra sheets.

Good luck and thank you for your interest in joining Grapevine.

Last name / Firstname(s): / Mr
Telephone number:
Day Evening
Email address
Date of Birth: / National Insurance No: / Current Driving licence:
Are there any reasons why you can not take a job in the UK?:
Yes (if yes provide details) No 

Employment experience

Please tell us about any other job you would carry on with if you got this one if applicable?

Please tell us about any work you have done even if you didn't get paid for it.

Dates employed
From / To / Employer / What did you do? / Reason for leaving

Education and training

Please tell us about your education and any training or courses that you have done.

From / To / School/college/course / Did you get a qualification?


Please give us the names and addresses of two people who can tell us about you and if they think you would be good at the job. If you have a job one of these people should be your manager. If you don't have a job it should be someone who knows you well like a course tutor or a volunteer manager. It should not be a member of your family. Because we have to start the Independent Support Programme quickly we will be contacting referees as soon as candidates are shortlisted. If you DON’T want us to do this please tell us.

Relationship to you: / Name:
Relationship to you:
Post Code: / Address
Post Code:
Tel No: / Tel No:
Email: / Email:

About you

Read through the project description as well as the job description and person specification in this pack. Use them to help you evidence why you would be a good person to do this job. Put down everything you think we should know about you. If you can, avoid writing this personal statement by hand and use a computer instead. It makes it easier to read what you say.

About you (page 2)

if you need extra pages that is ok. Please number them


This position requires the applicant to have a current Enhanced DBS Certificate

Please confirm that you have an Enhanced DBS certificate YES / NO

If NO, please confirm that you will agree to apply for a DBS Certificate should you be accepted as an employee. YES/NO

Please note any criminal convictions. If none please state ‘none’. Employment is dependent upon obtaining a satisfactory enhanced disclosure from the DBS.

DECLARATION (Please read carefully before signing this application)

Everything I have written in this application is true. If I have written anything that is not true my employer will have the right to dismiss me.

If Grapevine need more health information, I agree Grapevinecan ask me to undergo a medical examination. (If we did this the law says we have to tell you and get your permission first.) I agree that health or medical information will be kept in my personnel file while I work at Grapevine and for up to six years afterwards. I understand that information will be kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

I agree that if I get this job, I will apply to the DBS for an enhanced disclosure. I understand that if I don't do this or if the disclosure is unsatisfactory to Grapevine the job offer may be withdrawn or my employment terminated.


Please return to Cathy Allen

Application formFeb 20181