The Technical Quiz is intended as an ongoing way to help keep us current of the general information we should each have at our fingertips. The answers are at the end of this newsletter.

A.  True or False: E9791 cylinders are required to be “rounded out” prior to the hydrostatic retest.

B.  SCUBA cylinders have how many neck threads per inch?

C.  Where are the written specifications for a 3AL cylinder found?

D.  What is the commonly accepted fill rate for an Oxygen cylinder?

E.  At what percentage of oxygen does OSHA require cylinders to be oxygen cleaned?

F.  What is the new name for the office that replaced USDOT’s Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA)?

G.  How should PSI/PCI instructors order materials from PSI/PCI?


Well, it seems as if our little newsletter has reached the level of major media newspapers – we need a section in which to correct errors. Here it is.

1. In the quiz in the last newsletter the answers to questions B and D were reversed. The classifications of FRP cylinders are FRP-1, FRP-2, and CFFC. The cylinders authorized a 10% excess fill are 3A and 3AA.

2. The logic on visual inspection and hydrostatic retests being required on the first day of the indicated month is sound. However, Bill High and Sandra Herrera both pointed out that DOT has, in writing, made the judgment that a stamped hydrostatic test/retest date is valid until the last day of the stamped month. (I guess this can be reposed as “when is five years not five years? Answer: when it is interpreted by DOT as 5 years &1 month).


Editor’s note: Here is a e-mail received from Jeff Adams reporting the results he has achieved using postcards as a medium of advertising. If you are having trouble establishing and filling classes, perhaps Jeff’s experience will help you.

Just wanted to pass on to you the results of a survey I conducted at my last class. Of the eight attendees, four of them said they had seen the post card that I mailed, two reported having seen the email. In addition, the post cards generated a few dealer inquiry calls near Mobile, AL.

Background: 1,000 postcards with PSI logo upload, applicable tax & shipping $77.00 from (I did use a sale price or promotion code to get this price)

In a single mailing I sent 215 cards @ .24 postage each = $51.60 (my next mailing will be larger due to additions in my data base) e-campaign software to manage bulk email $100.00. Total expenditures = $228.60. Gross profit from the class approximately $1,500.00 and I still have 750 cards left and own the email software for future use.

Synopsis: I feel that I got a pretty good return on investment. I also get my business cards printed at Vista Print. From time to time I get advertising from them and I'll get 250 cards with the tank logo on them for under ten dollars.

Regards, Jeff Adams

Editor Note: Here is a copy of the front and reverse of Jeff’s very simple, yet very effective, post card. We are all well advised to try things such as this.


PSI/PCI has come a long way in the last 24 years. When we started we were a small group of dedicated instructors and as such we could perform the administrative process of registering students and ordering materials in myriad ways. We could also manage the organization out of a single filing cabinet. This is no longer the case. Corporate efficiency REQUIRES that we become a bit more standardized and demand that all of us use a single system for registering students and ordering materials.

First, I have to mention that there is a difference between PSI Student Registration Application Form and the PSI/PCI Class Roster Form found on the PSI/PCI Web site.

The Student Registration Application Form is to be filled out by the student and kept by the instructor. Class rosters are filled out by the instructor, either on a computer or typed, and then faxed or emailed to PSI/PCI headquarters. You can use any form you desire for the student form as this is their application to you and your record of their attendance and performance BUT THE USE OF THE CLASS ROSTER FORM FOR CLASS REGISTRATION IS MANDANTORY!

To make the point even stronger, as of 1 October 2006 registration forms other than the PSI/PCI Class Roster Form will no longer be accepted.


Another change that our growth has necessitated is the need to become more formal in how we order materials. PSI/PCI prefers not to accept orders over the telephone. When you need materials please use the web site. If you first go to the “Instructor Web” section (you do remember your password and user ID, don’t you?) and then click on the Order link you will get a page with instructor pricing. You may either order through the web site with a credit card or you may print out your order and mail it in along with a check. We prefer the web site/credit card option – it is more efficient. In either case, USE THE WEB SITE.


Are you coming to DEMA? If you can you should as PSI/PCI will again have a full plate of activities to help fill your stay. Below is the PSI/PCI activity schedule. As in the past we are still seeking help at the PSI/PCI booth (booth #1611) and thus far too few people have signed up to help. PLEASE go to the PSI/PCI web site and check the booth schedule. Find a time period that you can donate to help staff the booth and then send that time by email to Sherry Gresham (). Spending a little time at the booth is a great way to both market your programs and spend some quality time with Bill High and the other PSI/PCI headquarters personnel. It is a great opportunity to ask, in an informal environment, technical questions of the people who know. And for all you instructors in Florida, this is a great opportunity to promote yourself and your programs right in your own back yard. Don’t pass it up!

DEMA will be at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando Florida Nov 8-11. PSI/PCI activities will run from November 7-12. The official PSI/PCI hotel is the Hilton Garden Inn Orlando International Drive North, 5877 American Way, Orlando, FL 32819, phone 407.363.9332. Our schedule may be found on the PSI/PCI web site, but to save you the trouble of looking, here it is:

7 November 2006

0800-1700 VCI/VCIR Course (NAUI co-sponsored) Rosen Centre Hotel

9 November 2006

0800 - 1700 VCI Course (Spanish Language) Hilton Garden Inn

0800 – 1100 Valve Repair Technician Convention Center

1230 – 1400 Eddy Current Technician Convention Center

1630 - 1730 VCI Inspector Update Convention Center

10 November 2006

0645 - 0830 INSTRUCTOR BREAKFAST Hilton Garden Inn

0800 – 1100 Valve Repair Technician Convention Center

1230 – 1400 Eddy Current Technician Convention Center

1630 - 1730 VCI Inspector Update Convention Center

11 November 2006

1100 - 1200 VCI Inspector Update Convention Center

12 November 2006

0800-1700 VCI/VCIR Course (PADI co-sponsored) Rosen Centre Hotel

Be sure to mark your calendar for the Instructor Breakfast on the 10th. This is an event you do not want to miss. And to be sure we order the right amount of food, email Sherry Gresham () your intent to attend.


We have mentioned this before, but there seems to be reluctance on the part of some to believe what they read. Let me state it very clearly. The ONLY logos that we are permitted to use in our advertising are the two that appear on the masthead of this newsletter. All other former PSI/PCI logos are NO LONGER AUTHORIZED FOR USE.

Please!!!!! Immediately cease the use of all logos other than the two authorized and update your advertising and web sites accordingly. You can go to the Instructor Web to download the authorized logos.


Speaking of web sites, I am trying to compile a listing of all PSI/PCI instructors personal or business web sites that promote PSI/PCI. If you have one, please send me your link to . Thanks


In an earlier newsletter we announced that PSI/PCI would soon be in a position to give each active instructor a personalized UserID and Password. It took a little longer that we wanted but we now have that capability. We will NOT, however, send you this by email or letter. YOU need to take the initiative and telephone PSI/PCI (425.398.4300) and tell them what you want to use as your UserID and Password. In a few months the existing group UID and PW will no longer work. We have found it necessary to do this because some have shared our group access with non-authorized people. Now we will be in a position to monitor access to the instructor area and prevent access by non-active instructors.


Effective immediately, the price of NCR PSI/PCI Inspection Forms will increase by $2 to $7 for 20 forms. This increase is due entirely to increased printing costs.


We continue to grow and in this issue welcome two new PSI/PCI instructors who graduated from an ITC conducted by Mark Gresham in Seattle, WA in July.

CURT SMECHER (PSI/PCI #164): Curt, who hails from Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada, has been a diver for about 35 years. He owns and runs Bamfield Dive Shed, a full service PADI facility servicing the Vancouver Island west coast. In his spare time he is also a physician and specialist anesthesiologist with an active interest in dive medicine. He has 14 years experience as a paramedic and is involved in the training of paramedics for British Columbia and of SARTECHS for the Canadian military. Curt intends to work with dive shop and fire departments in Vancouver Island to increase awareness of and raise standards in handling high pressure cylinders.

BILL GORDON, (PSI/PCI #165): Bill began diving in 1983, teaching diving in 1992, went to commercial dive school (Divers Institute of Technology) in 1996, worked as a commercial diver for Titan Maritime, and taught for several years at Diver Institute of Technology before starting at NOAA in Seattle. He has been with NOAA for five years. Bill will be teaching PSI/PCI programs for NOAA.



PSI, Inc. 16932 Woodinville-Redmond Rd., Ste A-201, Woodinville, WA 98072
Phone: 425-398-4300 FAX: 425-482-0160
Email: Home Page: