Monthly Email January 2018
Dear LSCB Members
Happy New Year!
I am writing to you with the latest information from and received by the LSCB. There is a lot of information included – Keeping Safe in Education consultation; Communication Protocol; Early Help; online safety and peer on Peer information for schools; PREVENT eLearning for mental health staff and much more….
1.Policies/Board Information:
- The South West Child Protection Procedures Manual has been updated.
It can be accessed at
(If the link does not work please copy and paste it into the address bar of your web-browser).
Please inform colleagues that they can register to be alerted for updates.
- Joint LSAB & LSCB Communications and Media Protocol(December 2017)
- LSCB Key Messages from the Independent Chair December 2017
- The report for ‘Mary’ went to the RAG and has been published here: Domestic Homicide Reviews | Bathnes
- Useful Information (this is some of the information we receive and would have previously put in the Annual Report. The LSCB does not endorse/approve all of this information but is simply sharing it)
- B&NES Early Help webpage for all information: Early Help
- The Department for Education invites your views on changes to the statutory guidance Keeping children safe in education (KCSIE) and a new departmental non-statutory advice document covering covering Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment between Children in Schools and Colleges. This consultation opened on the 14th December and closes on 22nd Feb 2018. Please see link for the consultation document , non-statutory advice document and the proposed revisions. These can all be found at the bottom of the web page!
Annex H:Table of substantive changes from Keeping Children Safe in EducationSeptember 2016 (double click to open)
- NSPCC course to help primary schools respond to harmful sexual behaviour. A new online training course to help teachers and school staff identify and respond appropriately to instances of sexualisedbehaviour. It includes practical informationand advice on how to recognise, respond to and report cases of unhealthy sexualised behaviour so schools can play their part in preventing children from coming to harm. Find out more and buy:
For all any queries or further information, please contact
- Royal Foundation’s Cyberbullying Taskforce campaign launches – STOP, SPEAK, SUPPORT. Content for young people, schools and parents is below for you to share. For images to share on social media, please download using this link If you have any questions or would like more images, GIFS or banners please contact
The main campaign website can be viewed here, and the campaign animation can be found and embedded from here.
For schools, teaching materials to support the campaign, as part of Anti-Bullying Week, have been developed and can be foundhere on the Anti Bullying Alliance website.
Advice for parents who seek to reinforce the code’s message and discuss how to talk about cyberbullying. This advice is on the NSPCC website and can be found here .
- Peer-on-peer abuse toolkit A toolkit to help schools identify early and respond appropriately to peer-on-peer abuse, and how to develop a peer-on-peer abuse policy. Although aimed at schools the key principles and messages are applicable to all organisations working with children.
Topics covered include: developing an overarching policy and introducing it to the school community; tailoring your policy to your school's specific context; risk assessment; appropriate language and approaches; ongoing protective work. To view the briefing and toolkitfrom Farrer & Co. clickhere
- County lines: criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults
The guidance 'Criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults: county lines' was updated to add promotional material related to the government's work to end criminal exploitation 'ending gang violence and exploitation'. This promotional material has been developed to support frontline staff understand the signs to look for in potential victims, and what to do about it.Click here to access.
- Safeguarding strategy for asylum seeking and refugee children
The Department for Education and the Home Office have published revised statutory guidance for local authorities on the care of unaccompanied migrant children and child victims of trafficking. This guidance is part of a wider safeguarding strategy for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and refugee children announcedlast month. The updated guidance makes clearer references to the importance of the need for children to access legal advice and representation and states The strategy commits to funding specialist training for 1,000 support workers and foster carers.
- Coram Children's Legal Centre have published a fact sheet which provides information for professionals working with children who have joined their member(s) in England under the Dublin Regulations.Click here to view the fact sheet.
- PREVENT mental health guidance and new e-Learning package.The guidance from NHS Englandis aimed at providers of NHS mental health services and contains information applicable to mental health professionals who work within them. It is designed to support providers and staff to exercise their statutory and professional duties to safeguard vulnerable adults, children and young people at risk of radicalisation.
Examples based on real cases and flowchart diagrams have been developed for the guidance to illustrate Prevent in a mental health context. It builds on a range of existing guidance and advice on safeguarding and information sharing in the health sector, as well as guidance on the Prevent Duty and Channel programme. Click here for more information. - Online Safety
The Children's Commissioner for England and Teshave produced simplified terms and conditions for Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube, Snapchat and Facebook to help parents and carers support their children to manage their rights and privacy online.Click here for further information.
- Voice Box, ChildLine’s weekly video chat Dealing with Hatefeatures Ibz is chatting about what to do if you're receiving hate online. You Tube.
Further Information: Childline
- Avon & Somerset MAPPAAnnual Report 2016-17
- International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, 6 Februaryclick here for information
Please share this email and information widely within your organisation or team.
LSCB members need to confirm to the LSCB/LSAB Business Support Manager that the policies and key messages have been disseminated by 31st January.
Many thanks, Dami