Literacy Assessment Data Collection Procedures

Literacy Assessment

Data Collection Procedures


General information regarding the CEOSale assessment schedule

·  The Text Levelling section of the Benchmark Assessment System 1&2 (BAS) is the identified reading assessment for all Prep – Year 6 students in Diocese of Sale primary schools in 2013

·  Schools select their own literacy assessment tools to complement the BAS assessment. This data is not collected by the CEOSale.

·  BAS student data is to be collected during the first three weeks of the 2013 school year by the classroom teacher.

·  All BAS student data is to be submitted to the Catholic Education Office by 1st March 2013. Send data to Ellen Hauser

·  Please note: The Data Management System (DVD) included with the BAS is an OPTIONAL resource for Diocese of Sale schools and NOT required as part of the literacy assessment data collection

·  The CEOSale Literacy Assessment data collection document is in Excel format

·  There is a separate page created for each grade level

·  Teachers can enter the information in the Gold section at the top of the Excel page and this information will automatically populate the first columns

·  The red triangle in the top corner of a column means there is additional information regarding the information to be entered. Hover over the triangle to view information.

Literacy Assessment Data Collection Procedures

Details of data collection items

Automatic population of the spreadsheet available for section 1) – 4) – Gold section

1)  E No

CECV official school E number

2)  School Name

Commonly referred to name e.g. St Mary’s for St Mary’s Star of the Sea

3)  Location

Suburb or town

4)  Year Level

Year/grade level

5)  Number of students in year level

Number of students in TOTAL Year Level

6)  VSN (Victorian Student Number)

Victorian Student Number

7)  First Name

8)  Surname

9)  Date of Birth


10) Age as of 1st Jan

Student ages will automatically calculated when Date of Birth is entered

11) ATSI

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Literacy Assessment Data Collection Procedures

12) EAL

English as an Additional Language (previously ESL)

13) Main Language Spoken at Home

Main language spoken at home:

English, Arabic, Cantonese, Dinka, Greek, Hindi, Indigenous, Italian

14) LNSLN Funded Student

Literacy, Numeracy and Special Learning Needs Program (LNSLN)

Identify LNSLN funding area:

SE – Social / Emotional

SLD – Severe Language Disorder

CH – Chronic Health

ID – Intellectual Disability

PD – Physical Disability

GDD – Global Developmental Delay (Prep only)

HI – Hearing Impairment

VI – Visual Impairment

15) Additional Literacy Support

Identify additional literacy support the student will received in the current 2013 school year or in previous years including:


Reading Recovery


Rainbow Reading

Aide / Learning Support Officer


16) Benchmark Independent Level


Independent/Easy: Level A-K=95-100% with satisfactory comprehension

Independent/East: Level L-N=98-100% with satisfactory comprehension

The L-N independent level criterion applies to both System 1 and System 2 texts.
Literacy Assessment Data Collection Procedures

17) Independent Accuracy Rate (Round down)

NA, 90% - 100%

Percentage accuracy is calculated based on number of errors and number of words. Round calculations down to the nearest whole number e.g. 98.6% = 98%

18) Benchmark Instructional Level


Instructional: Level A-K 90-94% with excellent or satisfactory comprehension OR 95-100% with limited comprehension

Instructional: Level L-N=95-97% with excellent or satisfactory comprehension OR 98%-100% with limited comprehension.

The L-N instructional level criterion applies to both System 1 and System 2 texts.

19) Instructional Accuracy Rate (round down)

N/A 90% - 100%

Percentage accuracy is calculated based on number of errors and number of words. Round calculations down to the nearest whole number e.g. 95.6% = 95%

20) Comprehension

Score based on a comprehension conversation with the student




Not evident/Unsatisfactory

21) Fluency (no fluency score for Level A&B)

Overall rating of 0 - 3 based on:





Rate and Integration of all fluency characteristics

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