November 2 Board Meeting

@ Stowe Arena

Present: Nifer Hoehn, Pat Rahilly, Lynn McDermott, Karen Gossling, Heather Anderson, Lynn McDermott, Joanna Graves, Lori Tilner,

  • President’s Report
  • Pat made a motion to approve the minutes, and Joanna seconded them. Minutes were approved.
  • Approval of special sessions on October 13 and 25th.
  • Board had two special sessions to approve play-up requests and additional Coaches required for the final teams. Pay made a motion to approve the Coaches and the Play-up requests to go to VASHA
  • Evaluation of Play-up requests for the future to be done more in an executive session TBD:
  • Decided: Executive session for deciding on play-up requests needs to be scheduled in future.
  • Nomination for vacant Board seat:
  • Information sharing regarding future Board member. Pat to reach out to a couple of prospective Board members. We also talked about reaching out to certain folks to replace Jeff on the Coaches Committee.
  • Nifer agreed to post future Board meetings on the website to make sure to make sure members feel they are welcome to attend our meeting.
  • Remind people Via the website that there will be opportunities to become a Board member in April 2016,
  • Try Hockey for Free Day on Saturday, November 7th at 9:15. Pat to send PDF announcement around so we can let more people know. Lori and Nifer to get some kids to come help.
  • Handbook review decision: Nifer made a motion to post the updated handout and Joanna seconded it . Updated handout will be posted on the website.
  • By Laws – We must bring the By Laws into review before the Member Annual Meeting in April. According to VASHA there are some things that we can do to improve our By-Laws.
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Budget update – Nothing to review at this time. Budget looking good but a lot of our expenses have not come in yet.
  • Lori and Pat to align around scholarship requests.
  • Registrar’s Report
  • 114 Stowe Youth Hockey registered players.
  • House Program Update:
  • House has 15 people in it. What do we need to do to make sure the Coaches on the Ice have the appropriate certifications? Pat and Mike to follow-up on this.
  • Joanna to e-mail Tony for later ice time starting in January 8th through February to keep house program going
  • Youth Hockey Committee Report
  • Pat giving update on behalf of Mike Hickey
  • Optional Program for High School Age Skaters is offered through SYH but we need to remind these interested players that they need to register for it.
  • Mark Ray will be an assistant for the Pee Wee B
  • We will need to get a Pee Wee B Coach for the Stick Tournament – Pat to talk with Pee Wee A Coaches for help with this tournament.
  • Initiation on Sunday’s is going well 4:15 – 5:15. Mike is doing it on Wednesday’s at 4:00. How do we get some kind of rotation with all the Coaches to get different Coaches at these events? Nifer and Joanna will send out an e-mail to SYH Coaches to cover Initiation.
  • State Rep Report
  • VASHA will get our play-up requests from Kelly Hickey
  • It was recommended by VASHA that Local associations have a Disciplinary committee to help Coaches with the Disciplinary Issues that come up with Players. Pat will go with the process of putting together a charter for the Disciplinary Committee and put together the process for getting the members of this committee.
  • Girls Coordinator Report
  • How do we deal with a player who paid full price for participation on a U 14 team but it may be unsafe for her to play some of the higher level games ie: AA.
  • Idea is to have these underdeveloped players, practice with their group, attend the two days of house practices and power skates as well as participate in the games appropriate to their level of play.
  • Fundraising Report
  • Karen reminded the Board that we also need a Fundraising Committee. TO: We need to reach out to a couple of people to help us: Nifer to reach out to Lee G. and Tracy D. to see if they would head that group.
  • The Fundraising Committee could help the Board to come up with more creative ideas for fundraising ideas for the 2015/2016 season.

Idea going forward: Consider where we want to do the early season dinner for the 2016/2017 season far in advance of the dinner. Also, Board should script what they want to say and announce at this dinner.

  1. Tournament Committee Report
  2. Stick Season Fundraising Tournament 11/13-11/15

Total number of 12 teams for the first ever Stick Team Tournament. The purpose of this tournament was to make sure every SYH team had a home ice tournament.

For special events we are doing a beer and wine raffle. We need every family donate beer and wine for this raffle. We had to knock the price down to $850. Nifer to ask all mangers to ask all SYH families to bring these donations and sign up for volunteers. (Next day or two)

Motion to adjourn the meeting Joanna Graves and Pat R. seconded it.

The regular meeting of the Board was adjourned.

Next Meeting: December 7th, 2015, 6:30pm, Stowe Arena Meeting Room

Minutes Approved by BOD: __11/2/2015______By:___Heather Anderson______

DatePresident / Secretary