Anytime Anywhere Learning Implementation Plan Template

This template for an implementation plan is included for your reference. It is not a comprehensive outline because every school will have different needs. However, it may help you get started creating the plan.


Provide an overview of your broad education vision and philosophy. Your vision should provide for long-range goals and enable short-term decisions to meet these goals. A clear vision is crucial; it will allow you to plan your implementation plan and determine how to evaluate your success.

Educational Philosophy

Summarize your educational philosophy for your AAL program. It should address in broad terms how the technology will actually be used in the classroom and what your underlying educational philosophy will be.

Providing Equal Access

Outline your goals for providing equal access to all students.


Define your quantitative and qualitative objectives. Remember that they should be measurable and will be the basis for evaluating your success.


Provide an overview of your implementation plan. Include information such as where in the implementation you want to be by the end of the first and second years and what issues will need to be addressed in order to get there. This overview is a “working document.” Start by listing broad objectives under each component, and then designate someone to be responsible for each objective. You can fill in specifics as you move through the planning phases.

Deployment Strategy

Summarize your rollout strategy. What are your plans for the first, second, and third years? Will you begin with a single pilot classroom or will you roll out the program by grade level? Will your programs be optional or mandatory? How will the technology be distributed within a classroom?

Equipment Specifications

Describe your strategy for choosing equipment. Do you want a computer typically found in business? How will you prioritize features such as durability, quality, and service? Is it important to you to buy a bundled product to minimize complications? Who will be your vendors (such as hardware and software resellers, service providers, and so on), and how will these relationships affect your purchasing decisions? Will you use a combination of desktops, laptops, and Tablet PCs? If so, how will their use be differentiated? Will the portable computers be integrated into a networked environment to ensure better collaboration and access to information through email and the Internet? Consider these questions for each of the following program components:

·  Software

·  Hardware

·  Financing

·  Insurance

·  Vendors

·  Network environment

·  Service

Funding Strategy

Define your goals for providing equal access. What percentage of the cost of the AAL program will be funded by your school, government grants, bonds, community donations, parent involvement, and so on? How will you secure those funds?

Acquisition Process

Outline how you will acquire the technology. What is your general time frame, and who will need to be involved? Assess how complicated the acquisition process will be. Will you need extra human resources to manage the process, or will it be outsourced to a vendor? As you consider these questions, keep the following stages in mind:

·  Bid process

·  Selecting a reseller

·  Securing financing

·  Placing the order

·  Fulfillment

·  Delivery logistics

Service and Support

Maintenance and service are key to making the technology “transparent” to the learning process. How will you handle maintenance and service? Who will define the logistics? Will the components be managed internally or externally? What portion of your budget will be needed for maintenance? Describe your program’s approach to service and support, being sure to address the following areas:

·  Warranty service

·  Support

·  Maintenance and service procedures

·  Service providers

·  Portable computer reseller

·  Student-staffed maintenance and support programs

Gaining Support

Explain how you will gain the support necessary for your program to succeed. Using the list below, identify the groups of people you need to communicate with and what you hope your messages will achieve. How will you accomplish these goals?

·  Parents

·  School board

·  Administrators

·  Teachers

·  Community

Teacher Training

Address how teachers will be trained in the use of the new technology, including skills they will be required to learn, how they will receive training, and the priorities and timelines of the training. Which of the following subjects will your teacher training address?

·  Hardware orientation

·  Software applications training

·  Internet and e-mail training

·  Curriculum integration development

·  Keyboarding skills

Technological Infrastructure

Once you decide what you want to do with your technology, you’ll need to decide how to implement it. What type of infrastructure will you need—will your teachers want/expect email and Internet usage in the classroom? When will it need to be in place? Do you need to implement the infrastructure first, or will you simultaneously implement the network and your AAL program?


Develop a strategy for evaluating your program. Specify what kind of information you hope to gain from an evaluation, as well as any expected or desired outcomes of the program.

[End of Template]