Minutes for the Joint Board of Jefferson Academy,

A Colorado Nonprofit Corporation

February 21, 2017 6:00 p.m.

Secondary Library

I. Preliminary A., B., C., D., E., F.

Mr. Linton called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. The guests were welcomed. Roll call was taken and the following Board members were present: Ms. Berg, Mr. Grell, Mr. Humphreys, Ms. LaBerge, Ms. Smith and Mr. Linton. Mr. Houck had an excused tardy. The following ex-officio Board member was present: Mr. Nolan. Ms. LaBerge led the guests and the Board of Directors in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Linton presented the agenda. Ms. LaBerge requested that the following items be removed from the Consent Agenda: Student Government, Hope Homeschool Updates, Elementary School Safety Advisory Committee, Secondary School Safety Advisory Committee and Secondary Principals Report (duplicated). Mr. Linton requested that JCSC be added. Mr. Grell requested that the Finance Committee be moved to the General Agenda to include 2017/2018 Salary Benefits. Ms. Berg requested that Front Range Community College Spring Invoice be added to the General Agenda. Ms. Smith requested that Policy 7.10 Student Data Privacy and Protection Policy be moved to the beginning of the General Agenda. Ms. Smith moved that Policy 16 be removed and added to the March agenda. Ms. LaBerge requested that Personnel Issue C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(f) Home School Program be removed and added to the March agenda. Mr. Grell moved that the Board approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

During Public Comment:

Shannon Mullane, a staff member and parent of students in band and drama, spoke in favor of a performing arts center. Nicole Vigil, a parent of a 7th grade student in band, stated she supported an auditorium. Kelly Abbot stated she strongly supports an auditorium, as she has a son in band, and expressed her appreciation to Ms. Gardner. Ms. Gardner, band teacher, expressed the need for an auditorium for her 120 students in band. Danielle Pathak stated she has two students in band and suggested a short-term solution be found. Carolyn Haug agreed with the previous points and noted the additional educational benefits that students receive in band. James Abbot suggested a strings program be added and would like to see band as an elective class. Margaret Berg stated that the band program could be a major recruiting tool for JA and noted that this is a part of Core Knowledge.

Ms. Courtney Berg shared an email that she received from a parent that was unable to come to the meeting. The parent stated that she enjoyed the personal experience that she received in band as a student, and would like that for her two children.

Mr. Linton read an email that he received from a parent that was unable to attend the meeting. The parent stated that they have two students in band, one in the Elementary and one in the Secondary. The parent further stated that they have an issue with the Secondary students having to practice after school at the Elementary.

Ethan Sharpe, Secondary band student, stated that he would appreciate an auditorium. Sabrina Winder, parent of both 5th and 8th grade band students, stated that she is in favor of an auditorium for the band and drama performances. Tina Harding stated that she echoed everyone’s comments.

II. Consent Agenda

Mr. Linton presented the Consent Agenda. Ms. LaBerge moved that the Board approve the Consent Agenda as previously amended. Mr. Humphreys seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

III. First Reading

A. Policy 7.10 Student Data Privacy and Protection Policy

Jen Davis, Computer Science and Technology teacher at the Secondary, reported that this policy is necessary to comply with C.R.S. 22-16-101 Student Data And Security Act. Ms. Davis pointed out that this must be in place by December 2017. Ms. Davis reported that this policy was reviewed by the attorneys at the Colorado League of Charter Schools. Revisions were made. Mr. Grell moved that the Board approve Policy 7.10 Student Data Privacy and Protection Policy on First Reading. Ms. LaBerge seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

IV. General Agenda

A. Faculty Member(s) Welcome and Conversation

Jen Davis reviewed the courses that she teaches at the Secondary. Ms. Davis reported that she modifies her courses each year as needed, provides improvement with the school network and is a member on the School Accountability Committee.

Tracy Carey and Michelle Sumarsum introduced themselves as the PE teachers at the Elementary, with Ms. Sumarsum teaching primary grades and Ms. Carey teaching the intermediate grades. Ms. Carey shared that they continue the traditions in PE with America Ninja Warrior Day (formerly Indiana Jones Day). Ms. Sumarsum reported that they also incorporate fitness, cardio and strength skills. Ms. Carey expressed her gratitude to Mr. Nolan and the Board members.

B. Elementary Campus West Field Update

Ms. LaBerge reviewed the report. Ms. LaBerge stated that bids would be presented to the Board in March. Ms. LaBerge noted that construction would begin this Spring, and construction would be minimized when the field is in use.

C. Auditorium at Secondary Discussion

Mr. Grell reported as the treasurer, this project would be a huge stretch financially. It was noted that Ms. Grantham is seeking other avenues to assist in financing. Ms. LaBerge thanked the parents for speaking up. Ms. LaBerge acknowledged Mr. Nolan for making the arts program available to the Elementary. Ms. LaBerge reported that she has been speaking with the City of Broomfield to discuss a potential collaboration that would include financial assistance. Discussion ensued with Board members in support of growing and accommodating the needs of the art and music programs. It was noted that both campuses would benefit from an auditorium. It was suggested that an ad hoc committee be formed to explore a short-term solution. Ms. LaBerge volunteered to spearhead this committee.

Continued Public Comment:

Sefra Hodge, a junior at JA, shared her experience in participating in drama and expressed her appreciation to Ms. Grace. Hannah Garcia, President of the Drama Club, shared her involvement in drama and plans to continue taking drama in college next year. David Anderson spoke in favor of an auditorium. Joshua Jaramillo stated he has watched the performances and now takes part in them, and noted the difficulties using the cafeteria. Andrea Grace, drama teacher, stated the Secondary does support the arts, but noted the limitations with scheduling.

Mr. Linton shared another email that he received from a parent. The parent expressed their support for the arts and community.

Ms. Berg requested a five minute break at 7:33 p.m. Mr. Grell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

D. K-12 Budgets/Financial Statements

These were reviewed. There were no questions.

Mr. Houck joined the meeting.

E. Approve Salary Schedule

Mr. Grell stated that the schedule will not change this year, but everyone will receive their normal step in salary. It is unclear what Jeffco may do with their salary schedule. Mr. Grell moved that the Board continue with the current salary schedule for the 2017-2018 school year. Mr. Linton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

F. 2017/2018 Salary Benefits/Financial Committee

Mr. Grell stated that employees that qualify for flex benefits currently receive up to $400 to go toward the cost of their benefits. Mr. Grell reported that the district recommends the amount be raised to cover the lowest premium cost which is $458. Mr. Grell reported that the Finance Committee recommended $460. Mr. Grell moved that the Board increase the flex benefit amount from $400 to $460 for the 2017-2018 school year Mr. Linton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Linton noticed that the tape recording the meeting was full and that the last five minutes may not have been recorded. At 7:55 p.m. the recording resumed with a cell phone.

G. Send Trustee Quarterly Financials by February 28

Mr. Grell noted that this had been completed.

H. Online Voting Procedures and Allocating Funds

Ms. Smith reviewed the document including the pros and cons. Ms. Smith noted the main objective is to meet quorum with the highest level of security. Ms. Smith reported the cost of renewing Survey Monkey is $220, which is less than last year.

Mr. Linton stated that the recorder was back on at 7:59 p.m.

Discussion ensued regarding the timeframe and abiding to the voting procedures according to the policy. It was suggested that parents could use their student’s Jefferson County School’s identification number in voting. Mr. Humphreys moved that the Board approve using Survey Monkey for the upcoming Board election. Mr. Houck seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

I. Communication Committee – Ideas for Election & Communication

Mr. Houck reported that the committee recommended candidates answer specific questions and post a video of each candidate on the website. Mr. Houck stated that one of the members on the committee has volunteered to do the video taping. It was determined that the candidates will all answer the same specific questions, but the video would be optional. It was also determined the Meet-the-Candidate Night would not be held. The Communications Committee will propose a list of questions and present these to the Board next month. Discussion ensued about using social media to increase voting.

Mr. Houck moved that this item be amended from discuss/vote to discuss. Mr. Grell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

J. SAC –Approve Parent Survey Spring

The survey was reviewed and revised. Mr. Linton moved that the Board approve the Parent Survey as amended. Mr. Humphreys seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

K. HR Committee – Approve Staff Survey

This survey was reviewed. Discussion ensued about including staff members’ relationship with the Board and if staff members understand the Board’s role. It was suggested that a Board member educate staff members at a staff meeting. Revisions were made. Mr. Humphreys moved that the Board approve the Staff Survey as amended. Mr. Grell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. It was noted that paper surveys will also be available.

L. Electronic Board Packets

Mr. Humphreys reviewed the process for using Google Docs. Discussion ensued about not having conversations in Google docs. Mr. Linton and Mr. Humphreys will generate a template to be reviewed at a workshop next month.

Mr. Humphreys moved that this item be a discussion and not a discussion/vote. Mr. Grell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

M. Agenda Format Discussion and Proposal

Ms. LaBerge reviewed the proposed new format for Board meetings. Ms. LaBerge suggested that the Board make better use of time by concentrating on strategic items. Ms. LaBerge will use this format for the agenda for next month’s meeting.

N. Board-hosted Social Hours

Ms. LaBerge distributed flyers to the members. This event will be held on March 8.

O. Elementary After -School Activities

Mr. Humphreys stated that he has been approached by parents requesting after school activities. Mr. Nolan reviewed his report in the packet with the current opportunities and considerations. It was suggested that Mr. Nolan adopt a process similar to what is currently used by the Secondary for proposed additional activities.

P Front Range Community College Spring Invoice

Ms. Berg presented the invoice for the concurrent enrollment, which was confirmed by Ms. Larson. Mr. Grell moved that the Board approve the Front Range Community College Spring invoice in the amount of $178,250.10. Ms. LaBerge seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Q. School Activities for January & February

These are noted in the reports.

R. Debriefing of Board Agenda and Action Items

Mr. Houck reviewed and revised these items.

V. Miscellaneous Board Items

A.  Approval of Minutes January 17, 2017

Mr. Linton presented the Minutes of January 17, 2017. Revisions were made. Mr. Grell moved that the Board approve the Minutes of January 17, 2017. Mr. Houck seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Linton moved that the Board go into Executive Session at 10:20 p.m. for the purpose of Personnel Issues C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(f). Mr. Nolan was invited into Executive Session. Mr. Grell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

VI. Executive Session

Mr. Linton moved that the Board exit Executive Session at 10:38 p.m. Ms. Berg seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

At 10:30 p.m. the General Session resumed.

Mr. Linton moved that the Board go into Executive Session at 10:40 p.m. for the purpose of Lease/Acquisition Issues C.R.S. 24-6-402 (4)(a). Mr. Grell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

VII. Executive Session

Mr. Linton moved that the Board exit Executive Session at 10:54 p.m. Ms. Berg seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

VIII. Adjournment

Mr. Grell moved that the Board adjourn at 10:54 p.m. Mr. Houck seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Shelly Cohen, Clerk

Jefferson Academy Board of Directors